Friday, September 24, 2010

Is US aid money to Israel used to build jewish settlements in disputed lands in the West Bank?

If so, why doesn't the US stop this money flow?

It's funny how we claim to be anti-terrorist, even though we support Israel, isn't it?

obama gave a speech to AIPAC during the campaign which he promised to up the $15 billion we give them to $30 billion, needless to say a portion of this money goes to new settlements

i hope so!

Israel has every right to build and live on their land.

The U.S backs Israel. We will stop the money flow to them when muslims stop bombing their cities on a daily basis.

Israel is our ally. We fund our allies and help them out if they need it. If they need to build stuff on their land then that's fine. If they need bigger bombs then that's fine too.

No. US aid money goes to the Israeli government for defense purposes. So A- the settlements are actually frozen right now by the Israeli government so they aren't supporting any building. any building is done by private citizens/organizations and B- again, the aid money is given for defense, it does not go to the housing department. in fact, most of the money is actually used to buy weapons and fighter planes from the US

No, but I'm sure US aid money to Hamas goes towards terrorism, ironic ain't it?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How do I go about owner financing my land?

I want to Owner Finance my 1 acre of land. What would be the best way to do this? Someone told me to maybe go though a bank and they hold the deed and if they default the payments it would be transferred back to me. Someone with good information would be a great help. I don't know anything much about this.


Since you are not a professional, I would do a land contract rather than a deed transfer. That means that you do not transfer ownership of the property until the loan is paid off. It will help in the event of a default by the borrower. I would get as large a payment as possible--25% is a good down payment. You will definitely need a lawyer to advise you so don't try to save a few hundred dollars by not using one. Good luck!

You make an agreement with the buyer. He agrees to put a certain amount as down payment. Both of you agree on the terms.....percentage rate of the loan and for how long. Do a note and Deed of Trust. Any escrow office will set up all the paperwork and record the transaction with the county recorder. I would suggest that you pay the extra fee to be notified if the property taxes become delinquent.

In todays market, at least 25% down, 5%-6% interest rate amortized over 10 years and all due and payable if the buyer sells the property. That is a standard type owner carry agreement.

If your like throwing away money have a lawyer do the paper work for you.....He'll charge you $500 to $1000 and then have his secretary print up the same document an escrow officer would use and charge you less than $100. No buyer with any sense would ever buy any real estate on a land contract because of the potential fraud that often accompanies them. It is the non-professional that are the ones that get burned with a land contract.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We are in negative equity but want to sell our home,and buy land and build?

We have estimated what this would cost and by selling our home, and buying the land and building the house , the same amount of mortgage would suffice. So what I am wondering is would the bank allow us to carry over what we owe them and buy the land and build the house?

No, there is no carry over and if you can't come up with the cash difference between what you were given in cash and what you sell for your credit is not going to be good enough to qualify for another loan.

Usually not. You can do a short sale, but then it is usually 2 years before you will qualify for another mortgage.

Why don't you ask the bank's mortgage person instead of a group of Yahoos?

A short sale is an opportunity to get really filleted by the bank. You sell the property for what you can get out of it and the bank has the choice of accepting it as payment in full -- they will do this if you have no other assets, hold you to the mortgage -- if you have assets, or foreclose which leaves you really holding the bag because you can jettison the dream of getting credit again in the near future.

In a short sale the bank has the last word as to whether you can even accept the offer. I just bought a property in Florida on short sale. I offered the bank $269,000 on an outstanding loan of $479,000 + interest and penalties + outstanding taxes of $21,000 and condo fees of $16,000. In these hard times they accepted it and let the owner off the hook because the odds of getting a penny out of her were about the same as having outdoor ice hockey on the beach.

UK ? Unlikely .. normally you would first have to sell your existing house and pay off the first Mortgage, including any shortfall.

Then you would apply for a new Mortgage on the land plus (planning permission granted) plans .. this will be a totally new Mortgage, most likley from a different supplier ...

However, as others have suggested, your first step is to start discussing your plans with your existing Mortgage supplier

NB a 'short sale' is the US term for selling at less than the outstanding loan on the item .. be aware that (UNLIKE UK) in USA many Mortgage borrowers have the option of handing the keys to the Bank and walking away owing nothing. Of course their Credit Rating is trashed - hence the comment re: waiting 2 years for another Mortgage)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How much money can i loan from the bank?

How much money can i loan from the bank i own 3 restaurants and one of them worth over 1.2m dollars and i have $2.5m dollars in homes and land?

The amount that you can BORROW from the bank will depend on your income and what other liabilites you have. Go and talk to a lender, taking all your information with you. That is the only way you will know for sure what you can borrow.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

If a developer defaults is the bank required to complete construction to make an appraisal valid?

Raw land appraisal was based "subject to" the completion of roads and amenities that were never built. The bank loaned money based on this, inflated amount. The development company went bankrupt.

No, the bank is not required to finish it. They foreclose then sell it. They are not in the property development business, they can't just and do so, their business license does not cover this.

This happens a lot, one reason they required a 25% cash down before they would lend money.

In the situation of your question, even if they could complete it, it sounds like it would be an idiot idea, just throwing more money down the drain.

No, if you were in the process of having a home built, it could be a real dilemma to get it all settled. The bank is not going to put anymore money in the project. You maybe should consider hiring an attorney right way to represent you, this isn't going to be a fun process for you. I am sorry.

it depends on just how close it is to completion. Many will hire another contractor to finish the project if close enough to sell and re-coupe some thing

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How can I negotiate to buy repo's directly from the bank?

I'm interested in any property the bank owns but doesn't want to. Cars, boats, motorcycles, houses land, etc. I want to buy at a discount, improve the property, whatever it is, and sell it to gain some profit.Thanks for your answers.

You can't. If it was that easy to "flip" property, everyone would be doing it. Bank don't deal direct with "retail buyers" and don't want to. Real estate is relisted for sale through realtors. Autos, boats, etc., are generally sold to auction houses.