Thursday, August 20, 2009

If my land owner has bankruptcy, and my apartment building goes into foreclosure. Can the bank take my things?


YOU ARE SAFE.....however I was in a similar situation....the land owner lost the property...our leases were no longer valid and I had to take the old landlord to court to get my deposit back. The landlord knew he was losing the property and collelcted the sept rent, and then the new owners wanted the september rent as they had not gotten it. all of us had to pay the rents for september and then take the previous landlord to court to get our monies back..he filed bankruptcy so each one of us tenats was out 2,400. for the rent and the deposit x 10 tenants......and we could do nothing about it. the new owners brought us leases to sign where the rent was higher and they wanted a deposit from all of us...I did not sign the new lease and an atty about where to send your rents since the property is in forclosure. the bank may want the money sent to them and placed in an escrow account. contact an atty so that you are not skrewed like all of us were

The bank cannot take your personal property, but they can order your eviction.

Your things are yours.

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