"Palestinians and Britain denounced the plan, but reaction from the US was especially sharp."
Israel are nothing but land grabbing bullies.
They fooled you lot when they gave the Palestinians Gaza, they cemented up the borders to create the worlds largest concentration camp (and then blame the Palestinians for launching rockets) and at the same time took the equivalent land in the West Bank.
If America is really so keen to let the Jews have a homeland, they should give them some of their own land.
Open the borders in Gaza, let the economy grow, and move all Israelis in the WB into Israel and then maybe the Palestinians will be happy. However Israel wouldn't be so it will never happen, and Israel will continue to build 900 settlements over and over until there are no Palestinians left.
And if you believe they should "fight over it" stop taking sides and give both sides the same amount of weapons and stop giving Israel the latest weaponry and leave the Palestinians to build rockets from scrap metal and washing up liquid.
Funnily enough they hadn't been fighting for thousands of years as some people believe. There was no fighting at all for thousands of years until Zionist Europeans like the Irgun pillaged defenseless Palestinian villages. Before that Jews lived in Palestine with Christians and Muslims peacefully.
What is the solution? Remove the Zionists.
Look in the real world.
Decode this lyrics " You'll see "
"Wonderful world"
"Hurting each other"
"Give me peace on earth"
Who go to school?
Who did not go to school?
Did both go to school?
Then what did Father tell us about it in time?
Luke 21.30-36
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
1 Timothy 6.7
Luke 8.5-8,10-17
Luke 4.4
Genesis 11.1,3-9
Revelation 16.14
Luke 9.27
Exodus 20.5
Luke 3.7-9
Exodus 1.5
Matt 7.15-27
Matt 27.29,37
Luke 24.44-45,47-48
Luke 11.33-36,46-52
Leviticus 4.13,22
Luke 5.36-39
Matt 22.17-21,32
Exodus 20.12
Exodus 6.3-5
Exodus 20.1-18
Revelation 5.2-5
Exodus 23,24,32
What do you think?
Israel seems to want a war. The problem is America gave them all their stupid airplanes and weapons. Again, America getting their nose in things that are not its business. Now we have a real problem and another war about to erupt in the middle east. I wonder where we are going to find the troops to fix this one.
Israel needs to wisen up or it will be taken out. No wonder Iran hates them. They just dont stop and I am pro Israel, I just think they need to humanize the palestinians and both parties need to really get a reality check and live side by side in peace. BUT RELIGION, now that is the leading cause of wars will propel them into another outbreak of war.
Thanks god.
P,S. I used the lower case on god as to get my point across without offending anyone of any faith for I believe in GOD.
I wish I could give you a sensible answer, but I am afraid I do not know enough of the history of the conflict to know what would be best. IF however, Israel is thinking about making a pact with the Palestinians (like Nyetanyahu said he was, I don't understand why they would continue to build.
The US should replace the torch on the Statue of Liberty with a middle finger and point it toward Israel & the Palestinians = end of conflict
Israel gave them Gaza already- GEEZE! That Hama's is evil.
Honestly, I could care less.
Israel took that land during the six day war. They fought for it and they deserve it.
Israel will not be happy until it has taken over ALL of the land.
How can anyone say Israel is playing fair?
Those people have been at each others throats for thousands of years. I doubt that they can ever live in peace.
Let them fight over it.
i dont thnik its right to bomb a country and kill thousands of kids for just a small bit of land
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