Friday, December 11, 2009

Should Israel just tell everyone to Go to He!!, take back the land they gave up in the west bank?

and Gaza strip and then run all the Palestinians out

Being the model of restraint and acquiescing to 99.9% of Palestinian "demands" over the years has done nothing to change the opinion of most of the world regarding Israel. I think you're on to something. If the rest of the world is bound and determined to b*tch and moan about Israel no matter what, the Israelis might as well give them something to actually complain about.

Or maybe the Israelis should stop treating the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews, give back the land they took from the Palestinians and other neighbors in the 6 day war, and allow the Palistinians their right to a homeland. Hmmm sounds a bit more logical doesn't it?

WOW! You are a great strategist! You should be commissioned as a General! What a genius!

What would be served by telling everyone to Go to America?

No. Id rather watch a Republican get slapped in the face.

Yep, good idea. War is gooooooood stuff!!!!

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