It would have to integrate with Israel economically, certainly not culturally or religiously, but economically. I could see Israeli firms outsourcing work to Palestinian firms that could do it cheaper. There would have to be currency agreements, a fair judiciary, and other enhancements that countries looking to develop implement. It would make sense on a lot of levels.
I understand that you don't want a politically biased answer, so please take this answer with a grain of kosher salt, hehehe!
If the biased state of Israel has things her way, there will never be peace in the middle east; so even if the West Bank does overcome its immaturity and develop into a sovereign country, it would have to also overcome the mindset of the its neighbor to the West!!!
The generic mindset of Israelis is that of an arrogant people! In lay men's term, that would be snobby or stuck up, and all superior!
Sorry, you didn't want a politically biased reply.
To be succint, let me say that if Israel stays out of Palestine, AKA The West Bank and The Gaza Strip, and stop its embargoes and its blocking of goods from reaching these territories, they can become independent and survive on their own and possibly, in time, mature and prosper. Will Israel do this? I myself am reluctant to think that Israel truly wants peace and tranquility in the region.
By the way, The land was occupied by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, so anyone who says, "its not their land," is truly uneducated, regardless of what faith they are. This land has been inhabited by all peoples over the years. In fact, it was upon Israel's inception that Palestinians were exiled from their homeland. So I guess it is okay to do genocide onto others if someone did genocide onto you!!!!
I hope that you all take this on a grain of Kosher salt!!!!
It would have been a few years ago, but it is getting smaller every day. Israel is chopping it into pieces to build more jewish settlements, so travel from one part of the west bank to another is increasingly difficult.
If Israel withdrew even to the 1967 borders and left the west bank alone, it could survive and become relatively prosperous. .
Take some time to read these articles. It's worth it.
Hamas abided its terms despite the fact that Israel never met them.
It is hard to have a viable nation when you have a birth rate as high as the Palestinians do. The average birth rate is slightly over 5 kids per adult female. Hard to improve the standard of living with a birth rate like that.
I guess so,
it can have ties with neighbors like jordan and syria and also with israel,
the bad thing is that some parts of west bank are under occupation after 67 war,
takes lot of time and effort to make peace
If you follow this map
it would be possible to build a viable state.
practically, yes. politically, no.
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