Cuz it was. deal with
BBC has a large Arabic bureau & isn't a neutral source on Israel. This article sounds like it comes out of that bureau & not the English one. (BBC sells much news to various Arab media, hence the sister Arab bureau to the original.)
Your question isn't neutral either considering the article says NO PLACE that "West bank land given by God." That's a Christian view & you don't hear it said by Jews the same way!
Before reading through the article, consider:
4. What the article doesn't address & should have been important is that the Hamas fighters are often religious zeolots & it scary to the IDF soldiers to face those who have no fear of death. It's a different battle than in the past with Arab armies. They say once the young IDF soldiers see the Hamas & Hizbollah up close - it's scary to see this "kamakazi" type approach to warfare & to see real people can be this numb to valuing life. They need the moral support & for religious Jews - it will come from their religion.
Read through the lines & the article says:
1. Mixing religious views in with the military is considered very dangerous by Israelis & the military & so this tiny, tiny group of people's actions are being heavily questioned.
2. The sum total of actions were to blow a shofar before entering Gaza, having a Rabbi with the units instead of back at the base, & giving out a book of psalms.
3. The article uses words manpulatively & dishonestly. It calls them miltiary Rabbis - making it sound dramatic. No where does anyone else call them that. They found quotes of "surrounded by religion" but the actual actions are pretty mild. They use "occupied west bank" (Palestinian Authority has rule over it) & reference irrelevantly Obama's past idea on settlement (which has since started changing anyway), making it BBC's need to shove a political agenda into their article, making all their reporting on it suspect.
Jews were the majority in the area that became Israel itself. That was one reason for drawing the lines where UN did (since Jews in Hebron, etc. had already been masaccred & couldn't be majority there.)
Stolen is a myth. Most of the Arabs came to the region AFTER the Jews started developing it! Most Arabs left their homes because their OWN leaders asked them to (to make it easier to "push the jews into the sea.") They were kept, forced to continue to refugees at gun point by Arab brethren thereafter - to have an excuse to blame Israel. It's Lebanon, Jordan & Egypt that's been offered & doesn't want them, & leaves them to Israel. Notice how these myths are created, because there are a lot of them.
No, I don't like it but there is little I can do. I think its an impossible situation when people start citing an unquestionable authority that can't be verified. The Jews say a god gave it to them, the Muslims say a god gave it to them. Little room for reasoned negotiation and it just leaves them to duke it out saying their god will let the better claim prevail. I think we should eliminate appeals to god as legitimate claims for land and resources at this point. If you don't have a legitimate legal claim and evidence of it then its not yours. There are issues even there though as the Jews say they purchased some of the land legally and then the Palestinians say they were robbed. This is only a smaller portion of the total in question though. In general religion complicates it terribly.
No, I get worried for European Americans in case any of the Native American tribes get hold of the same idea and play the same card.
"2,000 years ago all this belonged..."
But, as the article notes, this is the view of a faction or group not the whole of the Israeli Government.
I can also find Jewish groups who consider the occupation and settlement of the West Bank completely illegal (far from the majority, but not non-existent, either.)
Kosher Ninja Chick:
"Originally the whole region of Palestine was to be set aside for a national Jewish homeland."
Not as I read my history, including that taken from UN sources.
(The British were essentially dishonest, yes, but to both sides.)
Neither was the Jewish population the majority in even 1945.
The UN figures are that one third of the population was Jewish.
I put more stock in what God says
Exodus 6:8
And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD.' "
God does command mankind to do justice, LOVE MERCY and walk humbly with Him in Hosea and it is important to have integrity, love our neighbors even if they by Western, Arab or Jewish, and deal with them juststly.
Here is the facts people ignore.Abraham who was the father of Isaac and Ishmael was given the the promise that his seed would inherit the land.
They both in some ways have ownership. This is sibling rivalry that has gone on for over 4000 years. Since they are both of the seed of Abraham along with Jacob how about they quit trying to drag the world into a war and settle it based on historical record.
The fact is that Jews have the longest, strongest historical presence IN what is now Israel. Nothing to do with the bible.
Learn your history. Israel became Israel because it already HAD a Jewish majority.
Originally the whole region of Palestine was to be set aside for a national Jewish homeland. It was the British who reneged and instead allocated the Palestinian Jews a TINY strip that was impossible to defend from neighbouring Arab nations.
What did Jordan do when it occupied the 'west bank'?
Answer: it stuck the Pal Arabs in refugee camps and then left them there to ROT.
And nobody said a damn word about it.
The world was SILENT.
At Camp David and Taba negotiations, Israel offered the west bank to the Pal Arabs - in return for an END TO TERRORISM.
The Pal Arabs rejected this, walked away, and wouldn't even make any form of counter offer.
Yes, the British DID indeed also promise it to the Arabs - but then they GAVE 80% of it TO the Arabs.
We know it as JORDAN.
Got news for you..
It was...
But, even beside that..What do you want? Palestinians keep picking fights and Israel wins more land...Tough for them..
Maybe Palestine should start concentrating on building up what they've got rather than focusing on destroying what the neighbors have built..
Not really, because it would imply that God forgot to remove the other inhabitants. God can do all the genociding he wants, but to make his chosen people to commit genocide to cover for this oversight is just plain nasty.
Don't like it...Love it.
Seriously though, wasn't all the land of Palestine given to them, with the express consent of the Arab League, back in the day?
If i broke into your house, moved my family in, and said you and your family could live in the toilet but need to get past security checks to get in the kitchen, would you like it?
No. A two state solution is the answer. Islamic and Jewish extremists who dismiss the other side completely are equally wrong.
the bible is 2000 years old. seems like a legal and binding document. A burning bush said the land belonged to the, who are we to argue?
thats weird because orthodox jews don't believe that they should be there without the messiah taking them back to the land hmmm so what are they doing there and why put it to judaism?
I regard such "justification" as completely without merit
It was given to them by the British government after the second world war.
Their parents obviously never taught them to share.
Sometimes the truth hurts.
Never really cared
I neither like nor dislike it. It's what they believe. Are the Jewish beliefs any less valid than any other religion?
Why would we get mad? Maybe it was given to them by God.
Oh for God's sake!
Read the Bible it tells you why they claim this. It is God's will.
Its so convenient. The rest of the world should think ''Now why didn't we think of that?''
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