Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why do usa presidents say isreals land grabbing in the west bank is unacceptable yet continue with aid and..?

suppling weapons and bodies for isreals holy wars? - iraq, afghanistan et cetera

Why do they say such things when the usa is isreals biggest supporter and its obvious they wont do anything but continue giving trillions in aid to isreal (so they can build more settlements) and fighting their wars for them?

I like cheese doodles.

Past presidents were all talk, no action on israel's thievery.

Obama is the first to make their crimes a priority.

Well we are not fighting their wars at all. But this kind of thing goes on all the time with every country. Israel is not unique in that. No big secret.

Because they are big liars who will say anything to get elected.

Central bankers control the government and they're all Jewish.

the Jewish Lobby. It is very powerful in Washington.

well.... got nothing, sorry

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