Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following as items for bank security?

a) freehold land

b) leasehold

c)plant and equipment



f)share certificates


h) life insurance

i) bank deposits

and how you minimize these disadvantages?

Firstly, PEOPLE cannot be offered as security. I hope you put this in as a joke.

The type of security that you put up will depend on what type of business you run. If you have a manufacturing business, offering up your PP&E probably wouldn't be the best idea. Similarly, if you run a consumer/retail business, your inventory would not be a good idea as security. These are things that you will need in order to run your business.

I've never heard of life insurance being used as security, and I'm not sure how this would work. Life insurance is used in the event that you die, so unless you cark it and have already put the bank as your beneficiary, I don't see how they can recover the monies.

Hope that helps narrow it down for you.

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