Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are modern Americans serfs tied to the land by banks?


Being tied to land is not as big problem, it is being tied down by credit that makes us serfs. This was intentional too not an accident. When everything we buy is less than it is worth, and then we end up paying twice what it cost due to credit rates, something bad is bound to happen.

No, they can sell the land and pay the banks what they owe, then move. They are not tied to the land, they chose what land they want. Serfs were told what land they used by where they were born.

Modern serfs own the land they are tied to. If they want to leave...they sell the land.

Those who do not learn from the past, are DOOMED to repeat it. History repeats, just the names change. You are wiser than 99% of your fellow man for asking that question.

What freedoms do we really have?

Yes we can vote and worship God

but do we really own anything?

You may own your house free and clear but still are paying taxes

and insurance premiums forever

you own your car..paid cash ..but you still have to buy the license

from the state and buy car insurance

One way or another you are either insurance poor or tax poor

everything you make is minus tax and everything you buy is plus tax

This is why we cannot get ahead~P

We are not free in the fact that we are forced to play by their rules. The banks do rule our lives because they control the money . And they could care less how it affects the Human condition unless it directly affects them.

yes since the banks collateral was non-existent funds given through a practice called fractional reserve banking. Either way nobody owns the land, that belongs to Mother Nature.

Yes, its called debt slavery. Democracy is simply a free range farm, this gives the illusion of freedom.

We do not own the land under our homes, to own the land you would need an allodial title. If you did own your land you would not be paying taxes on it.

We do own our cars, to own the car outright you would need the actual title for it, its called the Manufacturers Certificate of Origin. If you actually owned your car you would not be paying License, registration for it.

What land does present day Palestine consist of? I cant see it in the map.?

is it west bank + gaza ?

There is no "present day" Palestine.

That's what all the damn fighting is about!!!

Ya see......it's like this............

Jews were living there ages ago.........got kicked out......conquered, whatever..........arabs and Muslims moved in........took over.......and were minding their own business.........when all of a sudden, at the end of WW2......some bone head said..........

Hey! I got a great idea! Why don't we just CREATE a state called ISRAEL and stick all the jews THERE!!!!

Great idea, everyone shouted.!!!! and we shipped them all there.

One smallllllllllllllll teeny weeny problem though...........

the people who were ALREADY living there......had a SLIGHT problem with this grand idea.

and didn't appreciate it much, being told to give up their homes , their schools, their land...........and get the hell OUT.......so we could make this new brave land, ISRAEL!

Some stayed.......and found themselves enclosed within the boarders of a new country, that granted them no rights. Others fled..........thinking the situation was only temporary!

Imagine, being kicked out of your HOME and TOLD to give it up to someone else! Yeah RIGHT! Who in their right MIND, would tolerate that?

well, when there are enough GUNS pointed at you...........you move........or die where you stand.

so they moved. Some died where they stood.

The ones that moved......want their confiscated land back.

Barring that.........they'd at least appreciate equal rights.

Neither is happening in this or any other lifetime.......so that's what all the fuss is about.

Granting equal rights, all but ensures Palestinians take over someday.........and kick their sorry a**es out........and you can't give back the land now.......because then Israel would cease to exist.

what to do, ?? what to do????

So they carved out a few pieces and tried to throw them a bone. Mighty "white" of them, offering back some scraps of their own land.

some desert here.......a corner there..........

just slap a flag on it and call it a "state" .

Not really what the Palestinians had in mind. ......but of course, they'd be wise to take what they can GET for now, and always bargain for more later.......because right now, they have nothing. Basically, a few concentration camps, run by the Israels. under Israeli control.

Sound like Living,, to you?

It's not terrorism when you are fighting for what was stolen from you in the first place.

The Israeli arguement is......wel, it was our land FIRST, 3,000 years ago.

Yeah, maybe so........

but if we go around, handing back land to the orignal owners, from 3,000 years ago..............that's gonna cause more than a few problems.

What the Israels HOPE........is that enough time passes and all the original Palestinians who got kicked out..........will die off and forget...........and then THEIR illegal land grab will be forgotten, with all the others in the history books.

Trouble is.......50 years ago, is not that long ago...........and that's still a long way off. And they seem to have pretty darn GOOD memories..........dag nabbit.............

so I don't expect a peaceful solution anytime soon.

One of the big controversies over there is that there is no country of Palestine (which is why it is not on a map). The Palestinian people live within the borders of a couple of different countries and they are trying to break away from those countries and form their own country.

However, the people who own the land (for example, a lot of it is Israeli soil) don't want to give it away to a bunch of upstarts.

There is no country of Palestine and there never was historically.

Palestine was an area of the Roman Empire that is now Isreal and beyond. It streached from Isreal and depending on what map you look at, all the way to Mecca. During that time, it was Jewish area.

The people called "Palestinians" are only interested in the portion of Palestine that is Isreal, and not the other 80% that is in Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, not that hard to figure out why. In the 1950's, Arafat originally went after Jordan, since the majority of Palestinians live there, Arafat lost there. He had no support fighting another Muslim. When he turned to Isreal instead, the Muslim world suppored him.

Mr Weasle you forgot a deatial that after Israel was establish a man name Arafat was sent by Egypt to cause trouble between the two because the Arabs didn't want a Jewish state.

He brought to this world sucide bombings, the hijackings, Olympic bombings, and soak the people and stole from them.

You know Jimmy Carter's buddy.

Palestine is not on a map.

Also too the Arabs want it all back and to wipe Israel out.

There is two sides to the story if you are honest.

Look on the map. Do you see Israel? According to the Palestinians, that just happens to be the borders of an imaginary country called - Palestine. And the terrorists will not be happy or peaceful until the Israelis pack up and move somewhere else.

This should suit your purposes.


And this one really tells the story!


done with arguing over a thief

aka israel.

I'll just add the link below

& leave.

In Israel,yes. You could say they are walled,secure, water- front communities

Monday, November 29, 2010

Land contract and bankruptcy?

We are currently in a recorded land contract and the lady we have the land contract with is going bankrupt. Can the bank take our house from us? What is going to happen?

The bank will not take your house as long as you make timely payments. See if you can register your name at the Bankruptcy Court as someone to be contacted. It is possible that you will be making the payments to someone else during or after the bankruptcy.

you need to contact a lawyer for this. or maybe a lawyer will answer this question for you. good luck

She can't exclude the house, it is investment property.

Yes, it will foreclose. You should buy it first.

Is it true that the land really close to most banks is a good place to look for buried treasure?

Yes! Did you see the movie "The Bank Job"???

well, things are commonly lost in the water and currents can carry them to the shore, and waves will push sand and small sediments with the object, eventually berrying it; ppl love to go to the beach and drop things of leave things behind and the items will be lost in the sand. So yes, the shore is a good place to find treasure, but the term treasure has a vague meaning (a chest of gold to shells to jewels or what have you).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Since America is no longer the land of the free & home of the brave; but a Plutocracy, where else can we live?

The Corporations are calling the shots and the Politicians are shaking the piggy banks to give them all the money.

Totalitarian police state agencies are tightening the screws on society, and the majority thinks that is a good thing.

Where can we go to enjoy freedom and live in harmony?

Australia is supposed to be a pretty good country. Our government has made some crazy decisions and a lot of people are aware of this. Most Americans are lazy and don't question the governments flaws. We are supposed to be the home of the brave, a country built for the people by the people. It is not what it was anymore. I hope this question gets serious answers. Don't blame it all on one person. It takes a team of people to corrupt something. Do try to get involved more though. That's what I'm trying before I move.



Live in harmony with the penguins.

Fun stuff.

A non industrialized nation...

Well the amish live here and have it pretty good, im sure they're oblivious to most of this trash we put up with 24/7 so lets go back to good ole farmin in the countrysides

Go Dutch and move to the Netherlands.


Or stay and fight the good fight as We The People.




only freedom you'll find in the world is on a deserted island.


good question, if you build a underground base were that might be some were to go.

from what i understand Canada might not be a bad place to move to

The Netherlands

russia, iran, syria, china, Venezuela, vietnam, cuba

Take all of the nonsense you just posted about this great county and shove it up your eighth hole. No I am not going to count them off for you but believe me you have 8 if you are healthy.....

The better question is, where can anyone live as good as we do here?

If you want to change things get involved in the electoral process!

That is your right and your duty if you are unhappy!

I know of three or four places to go.

I'm not tellin' though.

If they fill up with disgruntled Americans they won't be any different than America...

Idaho has no beach.

Life sucks here near Miami.

It must be really sh!tty in Idaho.

You have no beach...

Like Sergeant Ollie says... I will fight the good fight right here.

l choose to fight here now

I'll stay right here and continue to live free. Or fight to gain that freedom back should it become necessary.


US Army


Antartica is not claimed by any country or anyone for ownership. Neither is the moon.

If you're a Republican you can head to Iraq. Bush and the Republicans sure invested enough money there. And they want to spend more even with Iraq having a $50 billion surplus.

Your extremest views have no validity in modern politics. Fear-mongering is for the mentally weak. You could live under a bridge in Alaska.

Scandinavia has the lowest unemployment rate seen in decades ia the moment. They also have free health care for everyone, free education (incl. universities), free child day care, etc. They're closer to gender equality than most other countries. Crime rates are low too. I'd say it's a pretty harmonious society.

I'd go live there if I could.

dont run away, if u dont like what ur country is doing fight for change. if everyone just left and didn't fight back i dont even want to imagine what the US would be like.

How can we prevent land erosion?

In class today my teacher was saying how planting a native plant along a river bank can help to prevent land erosion, but how??

Thanks for your help and explanations=)

The root system in the plants can help provide anchors, anchoring both the top soil, the clay level which can be quite heavy, and the other type of weathering. In those situations where there has been deforestation or logging, it becomes quite vulnerable with the fact that root system has established a rooting system or an anchoring system, and with them yanked out it also creates land disturbances such as erosion etc.

Another factor is that wind can cause erosion as well as rain and run off, and if there are plants, it can help shelter some of this from occurring as well.

I hope that this helps you understand this.

preserving topsoil by planting plants and other methods

Roots hold the soil and make it more resistant to erosion.

we cant prevent land erosion.

We can only minimise the effects of erosion. However temporarily stopping erosion in one place, often increases erosion elsewhere. Nevertheless planting plants with large root systems (such as marram grass) helps to hold the soil together and therefore strengthens the banks of the river.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rich people investing all money in land and metals?

ok ive been wondering this for a while. Do you think it would be wise (if you were rich, making millions a year) to instead of putting all your money in the bank, to instead put that money towards physical investments, such as land, and precious metals, like gold, silver, and copper, and whenever you need some money, sell some of it, have like $600,000 in the bank, and like $10m in metals and land, that way you wont suffer from inflation and all that, while still gaining money from the increasing value of the metals and land

yes that is good but you should sell at the first sign of a decline in price in the precious metals then you get the most money

Bad idea. We're facing a recession -- that means the price of everything is going down, not up.

Is judaism an excuse to steal Palestinian land and claim it as their own?

Jewish settlers claim that they have a right to occupy and steal The West Bank because God gave it to them.

No, I'm not a muslim, I'm an atheistic observer.


I think its important to view how the jews got Palestinian land in the first place. Many jewish people in Israel don't agree with the taking of palestinian land believe it or not. If anyone should be blamed it should be the British who told the Jews to go to this land and it could be all theirs when really it wasnt Britians to begin with... But i dont think i will go into full detail if all that is really being looked for is agreeance.

So? White Europeans used the same excuse to conquor the Americas.

So whatcher point?

does this look like the politics Q&A?

You do realize that the radical settlers do not have much support in Israel either, right? They're the equivalent of the militia movement here.

Also, there is really no such thing as Palistinean land, there was never any such country as Palestine, and they have consistantly rejected any agreement that would formally grant them a country, so they have nothing to call their own, and really nobody to blame but themselves. Had they wanted peace and prosperity, rather than dead Israelis, this whole situation wolud have been resolved by now.

I would agree that placing them there (it was the US and the UK that did it) was a HUGE mistake.

But they're there now, and they have the right to defend themselves.

Israel has never broken a cease fire, nor attacked without provocation. Israel is the victim, no matter what lies Hamas tells.

hey idiot, the land belongs to the jews not the muslims.

no that is what is called zionism

I say give it to the ones, who make it the most productive, besides the palestinians wont stop there, they are greedy and want it all.

Because you bring up the Jews, perhaps you should read their Torah, or the Old Testament of the Bible.

Israel's King David is recorded to have purchased the land now known as the Temple Mount.

It was Israel's land to begin with. The Palestinians are squatters on the land because they were kicked out of their own Arab nations, and none of those nations want them back.

you need a serious history lesson . They did not steal anything.

answer: No, they get that from G-d's promise and the fact that there was no Palestine - that was a name Romans gave the region. Palestine didn't exist until the British followed the Roman example and named the area what they wanted. The land was purchased or won when Israel was formed and 6 nations attacked and got their tails kicked.

When Jerusalem was in Muslim hands they refused to honor an agreement to let Jews pray at the Western Wall. In Jewish control, Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship in Jerusalem and Muslim sites are protected.

They didn't steal anything. Muslims didn't want most of the land until Israel revitalized the land, planting over 240 million trees, drained swamps and made the land blossom, NOW they want it back and cry persecution.

Jewish people have lived in the land of their ancestors from way before when. It is not stealing when it doesn't belong to someone else.

I believe that who tampers with the things of God are looking for the curses of the Bible to be on their front door. That means His requests,His word,and most important His people .'I know, who saied who are His people.' [By faith we all are, naturally,AND THIS MUST BE SAIED, THE JEWS are!] God himself called the Jews His people.And that's all I need to know, for me No more questions for God. That's naturally who is being questioned.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Can you fit 3 million Arabs in 2, 500 miles of the West Bank & Gaza?

In the West Bank and Gaza, no water or sewer system. No production, constantly looking at beautiful Israel and hating, looking at Israel lands and saying, look, we want that. No "two-state" solution here. I think the Arabs should just move.

The majority of those who call themselves "Palestinians" aren't any more entitled to the name than most Jews living in Israel because when this whole mess started the majority of their parents and grand parents had just recently migrated there to get jobs from the Jews that they couldn't get in their own countries.

When Jordan was carved out of the Palestinian Territory it was understood that all the Arabs living in Samaria would embrace Jordan as their new Palestinian State because that's where their families had come from. It was also understood that Gaza was to be annexed by Egypt as the majority of those residing there had recently migrated there from Egypt. Of course the annexation of both areas to their appropriate states was short lived because the two groups demanded another state just for them and wanted the whole of Israel to be theirs. In actuality they weren't entitled to another square inch of the territory and fewer of them would have lost their homes than the 850,000 Jews that were cleansed out of the Arab countries at the time. No one ever hears about them having to leave their homes, property and businesses behind though. It's always about the poor pitiful Pallies and how they are so displaced. I find that rich coming from people whose ancestors just two generations ago were nothing but nomads or gypsies.

When the Six Day War broke out though most of those people had no qualms about fleeing across the borders into their home countries so they could be safe while giving Egypt, Jordan, and Syria the use of Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza as staging grounds in their attempt to pound the daylights out of Israel. Contrary to Arab propaganda very few were driven out and quite a few chose to stay and make Israel their home. Those who fled hoped that if their Muslim brothers were successful they'd be able to waltz back in and take over Israel, making it another Islamic country.

When Israel won the war in 6 short days and and captured those two pieces of land these Arabs tried to return and act like nothing had happened, but Israel said no deal. Ever since then, Israel has been made out to be the oppressor and they're supposed to be the innocent victims. But after all these years, they're still doing their level best to destroy Israel when they should in fact have been told long ago to go back where they came from to begin with; Jordan and Egypt. They have their so-called Palestinian State; it's called Jordan and they need to pack up their slums and go there.

I think you need to start using your brain.

"I think the arabs should just move"

Move from the land that is rightfully theres. The Arabs fought alongside the British and the Allies during WWI and were royally F'd over thereafter. The only reason the Israelis have a state is because of the British and the help of the United States.

How would you like it if the Native Americans came back and were given 3/4 of the United States land with most Americans living in poverty. Would you just move or would you become a freedom fighter aka terrorist.

Youre using Jordan as an example of Arab prosperity. Jordan is 4th on the list of countries that recieve money from the US government. If it wasnt for our tax payer money Jordan would still be in the dark ages. Take a good guess as to who is number 1 on that list by a W I D E margin.

No other Muslim country will allow them to immigrate except Jordan! They had water, but ruined the water table Israel turned over to them.

PLO & Arafat aren't from the area, it was Algeria I think. Most of the Arabs moved in AFTER the Jews. Israel would be happy to help them build as wonderful a life if they were interested. During Olso there were all sorts of projects started.

Where were you when the Pals tried to kill their legal ruler and take Jordan. That's where they were suppose to be.

The King built the refugee camps of the west bank to keep them out. Forcing Israel to deal with them.

Israel gives them Gaza and from day one they have been destroying it.

Hamas has plenty of support in the west bank . Let them all move there and then the Gaza problem will be settled.

Gaza would make a heck of a good national farm.

Patrick D

You must (in your mind) first separate west bank from Gaza, not the same people, didn't start off from the same countries, Gaza was egyptian, west bank was Jordanian, after 1967 started of with the same population + -. the west bank today light years ahead of the Gaza, why, you figure it out.

The Israelies turned the dessert into an oasis with hard work.... the arabs had the same opportunity but instead they turned all their energy in destroying Israel..... And what is sad is that with peace the Israelies would work shoulder to shoulder with the Arabs to make their lands just as good.

They are doing it with Jordan...

As the people of Israel are here to stay, so are the Palestinians. There is nothing to be done on either side of the issue. We must accept each other as viable political entities and live together as brothers, helping each other and raising our humanitarian values, not our warlike ones.

Oh, you're a fundamentel Christian. No point is there...


Teresa is a liar and a racist. Hates Palestenians and black people.

Since the Israelies are bombing the hell out of Gaza I wouls argue that there is more like 2000 miles. Furteremore, whwere should the Arabs move to?An

Its there land, they were there before the zionest jews and they will stay and grow stronger and stronger.

and where do you think they should move? when they come to america seeking a better life they just get even more discrimination?

Why not? They fit 350,000,000 in all of America. More keep coming, bet you feel like a sardine. Cheers!

Can you fit 12 clowns in a Volkswagen?

Has anyone heard of engineering or land surveyor jobs in the Antarctic?

A year ago I say ad ad in America's job Bank. Any input?

no but I think there are some openings in Zimbabwe

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do banks give loans for land in Texas?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Absolutely. Banks give loans for land everyday. The process is the same as if you were buying a house. The land will need to be appraised, your credit will be checked, and a mortgage will be arranged. Your creditworthiness, the size of your downpayment, and the difference between the loan amount and the appraised value of the land will determine the interest rate you will be charged.

If you are buying land for the purpose of farming or ranching, the bank will also probably want a business plan showing how you intend to generate cash income using the land. Ranching and farming are no different than any other business in this respect. Banks want to know that the borrower has a sound business plan so that there is every likelihood that the loan will be repaid in a timely manner.

Best advice is to talk to your banker about your plans. He or she will tell you what you need to do to get the application started.

Good luck with your land acquisition.

Of course they do. If you qualify for the loan and the land qualifies for the amount. However most lenders usually only lend about 60% on land only.

As far as I know good old Texas has not yet been evacuated.

Buena Suerte

Do I need to pay my rent if my land lord foreclosed on the home?

I signed my lease in June and it was for a year, i'm now being told I have to be out in a months time because the bank did a short sale, I was never made aware of the foreclosure can I just skip out on this months rent? Live in California by the way

If the bank foreclosed on the property then your lease is no longer good in most states.

On the other hand you said short sale- and that is completely different. If the property was sold in a short sale then your lease may very well be still valid-whatever the lease said.

If you want to stay you will need to get a lawyers help. If someone is attempting to get you to move out they will likely work with you on rent- call them up.

This could possibly be in the lease. Check to see if it says anything about foreclosures.

I wouldn't think you would need to pay any more rent. Once you move out, that's it. You should be getting 60 days to move, not 30.

Legally you must pay rent for anytime that you live in the home. Failure to do so could land you in court with either the old owner or new owner.

Actually, you should have 3 months to vacate. There was a law passed last May that protects people who are in homes that foreclose. Might be different with a short sale.

I would have expected them to do a cash for keys thing. Technically, you are supposed to pay rent for the time you live there, but, I doubt you are going to ever see your deposit back and you will need $ to move to a new place.

you have to pay for the time you are living there

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who is the most reliable and good reputation Land Banking Company in UK?I need the website or contact. Thanks.

Barclays Bank


Try Land International. They are the only land banking company governed by the Office of Fair Trading. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070301034727AA4cyCp&kid=QZZ8WWG.WDDUhID2w4zbq6w9Op6SkGllM4Bakqk4pcCBE7SCtDxQ&s=comm&date=2007-04-17+04%3A44%3A18&.crumb=

If my deed to my land says i own a piece of land, and the neighbors deed says they own it, then who owns it?

My deed was dated for 2005.

Neighbors 2003-but had acquired it from bank.

Neighbors says it was surveyed but the surveyor was wrong. Driving Me CRAZY putting strings up in my yard walking around with a tape measure. wtf!

You may start by going to your local county recorder's office to check and see which deed is valid.

Normally the one that is recorded first is the valid one.

You might be talking about two different properties. Check he APN number, and the lot number.

You might have to settle this matter through a court action or meditation if it is agreeable to those claiming ownership.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


I take if from your question that the deeds conflict. In nearly all states the deed recorded first has priority. The date of signing is not important, it is the date on which it was recorded. But that may not be the end of the story.

If the deed descriptions overlap then that should have been noticed when you bought your property. If you closed the transaction in the usual way, then you bought title insurance, and the title insurance company should have noticed the overlapping descriptions in the deeds. The title insurance company may have to straighten this out for you.

Also, depending on your state's law, if the two parcels were surveyed and the corners marked; then those marked corners may take priority over what is described in the deeds, even if the surveyor was wrong. It depends on the circumstances. At any rate, I would not take my neighbors word for it when he says the prior survey is wrong. If he has a recent survey, ask him for a copy of the new plat map drawn by his surveyor. If he doesn't have one, then he is probably blowing smoke. Untrained people cannot look at a lot and an old survey plat map for themselves and accurately determine whether or not the survey is wrong.

Also, if there has been a fence between the parcels for a long time that can affect the legal boundary. Even if both you and your neighbor bought recently.

Bottom line, you need to see an experienced real estate lawyer to sort this out for you. The laws of each state are a little different.

All surveyors plot out their measurements on maps. If the properties have both been surveyed, you and your neighbor should have two maps to compare. If the same parcel appears on both maps, you and your neighbor should get together with a third surveyor who uses GPS readings to get the land resurveyed and agree to abide by that survey. For a nominal fee, an attorney can draw up the agreement which would then be added to both deeds so that there will br no further grounds for contention. In the past, some surveys were based on landmarks which may have moved or disappeared. Or you can go to court or arbitration and let a third party decide.

My inlaws had this problem. When they bought their home, there was no home next door, just a lot. Eventually, someone decided to build a house on this lot. They started building and it became clear they were getting closer and closer to the driveway of my inlaws. They had wrong info. about the size of their yard and had to build their home with the front facing sideways. I kid you not. To this day, they are still annoyed, but they compensated in the front so really they have 2 fronts and it is not that bad. My inlaws own the property and it was clearly written in their deed.

What you have to do is go down to your city or town hall and tell them what is happening. They have to have the coordinates of your property written down. If your neighbors do not have the same info. or if they disagree, then it will probably need to be surveyed again.

If I were you, I would get this taken care of now, because this could become a problem if you ever want to sell your property.

If you decide to get it re-surveyed, I would see about getting someone who is neutral to do this, so there is no question on anyone's end.

Go to your town hall and find out who to talk to. Depending on how it is handled in your town, the tax assessor or zoning officials should be able to help you, or whoever is in charge. Sometimes, they are not there everyday or they work certain hours and maybe an evening. Call first and see.

Good luck!

It could depend on what deed was first registered. In Kansas it is Race to the Courthouse. Who ever gets there first, wins. PERIOD.

The first thing you need to do is contact a lawyer to determine what exactly the statutes in your state say regarding this situation. He can also draw up a cease and desist order to warn them to stop for now.

If indeed the surveyor got it wrong, they can be liable for damages. Maybe your neighbors are wrong. Get another surveyor out to check the previous measurements. The cease and desist order can buy you time to resolve the situation.

Good Luck

If it's a great concern, have it surveyed again. I'm sure it's been surveyed more than once, but it's the only way to get a clear property line if you go to sell your house, or your neighbor sells his.

It's always something, isn't it? Good luck.

If you really want this settled, you may need to come to an agreement with your neighbor. Perhaps mediation would help the two of you come to an agreement. An exchange of cash at times can also help.

You need to hire a land surveyer to come out and tell you what you own and what you don't

go to the bank and see whos onw it for shore

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Math question; bank loans. Do I have enough information to get an approximation?

A person paid $600 per acre for 600 acres and he pays $1750 per month. Based on typical loan practices for today on farm land (unimproved land), what information can I figure out and how can I do it?

Are interest rates for this type of loan typically 15 years? 30 years? Are they typically below 12%?

Form what you said (600 times $600) is the cost of the land and paying back at $1750/month then at is

600 times600/1750

that is 15 mouths to pay it back at 12% that is360000 times12/100 that is$4320+ $36000=$40320

nort this not set in stone and in can be more or less. But that;s the maths

What are the advantages about land banking?

Land banking is a great idea on an island, where there is finite space. Outside Britain or Japan, though, it's not that good an idea since you can easily lose a lot of value.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How do I correct a mistake in a property deed?

My property abuts an abandoned rail line spur that was never rail banked. Land records show the now defunct railroad had an easement but never owned the land. Previous land deeds back to the mid-1800s show my lot extended to the middle of a rail line until a 1926 property transfer when the border moved from the center of rail bed to the edge. The next two deeds (including mine) perpetuate the error. Is my only recourse to go back to the title insurance company and ask them to re-file a corrected deed?

title company, yes.

excellent memory!

also, while you are at it, maybe you can pick up some odd real estate

cheaply; maybe you can buy some of that land beneath the tracks???!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why and how did the farmers lose their land?

what roles did the following peopole and things play in this tragedy: The Dusters [big land and cattle companies] banks, mechanization of farming?)

I understood a lot of farmers had debts to banks on machinery they bought but when the drought / dust bowl happened, they could not produce enough crops to repay the loans and the banks took them over but here is Wiki's bit on it


mostly because the government took it..

nena ayala You are on TV now...

★ http://www.osoq.com/funstuff/extra/extra04.asp?strName=nena_ayala

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Will a bank loan money to buy a doublewide that is over 10 years old. ?

We have finally found a place that we love. It is on a little over an acre of land. The double wide has brick under pending, 3 bedrooms, & 2 baths. Just what we need. We have bad credit so no one will loan us money, but we have a cosigner. What is the best way to go about buying this house?

A co-signer does not always overcome bad credit. Get past that issue before you make an offer. The home must be tied down according to FHA standards...your loan officer will be able to tell you what they are.

FHA is your best source on this. Get with a broker in your area and see if they can get you approved. The only other lender that may do it is Vanderbilt Mortgage and North point

I am a mortgage banker in TN & KY

Even with a cosignor you will find it VERY difficult, if not impossible, to get financing for a 10 year old trailer unless it is worth tons more than you are paying.

Will the current owner do a finance by owner/rent to own/land lease? Have you had an appraisal and even VERY MUCH more importantly an inspection of the trailer?

Good luck and in the end a bank might not even accept your name being on the loan at all if the credit is really bad.

depends on the bank, most will only loan 50-70% so if you are wanting a low down payment and that's why you are considering a double wide it will defeat the purpose. You can get 100% financing on homes though, well in our town you can, not sure about every where else.

Possibly, but you are looking at about a 25-35% loan....Not worth it.

FHA will lend up to 97% on a double wide, but it can't have been moved previously, from lot to land. You will need a co signor for this. Otherwise, you are looking to put at least 25% down. Trailers are getting more & more difficult to get financed, sometimes impossible.

Try to get owner financing. Have the owner take back a note, and structure it so that payments are affordable from your end.

The best (and ONLY way) is to pay for it in cash. Even if you have decent credit, you won't find any lenders willing to cough out anywhere near 100 percent of the market value of this property. Lenders got severely burned in the last few years providing financing on double wides, and they are very skeptical of going there again.

U think Arizona ought to establish a water 'bank' of some kind?

Since Tucson 2 weeks ago passed an ordinance requiring land developers to collect 50% of the rainwater to be used sometime afterwards. Also by collecting any excess water to used or would have ended up being wasted, we just might have something to help us out during the lean years of really low rainfall.

They kind of already have that in the form of reservoirs. The big challenge is keeping rainwater and runoff from... running off and evaporating. That's where developers come in.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Do you think Israel wants the West Bank as its own?

Is it me or is Israel trying to play a waiting game and squeeze out the Palestinians one by one so they can take their land?

No..WE ARE HELPING HAMMAS...doesn't that make you feel better?

It makes me SICK! After this it goes to show Israel that we are not backing them but your muslim terrorist President is helping THEM!


Do you know about the West Bank's biggest income producer is? Believe it or not, it is pregnant Palestinain women comming to the US, having their babies, then going back home. This qualifies them to receive child support from the US government entitlement programs.


Subject: Fw: HB 1388 PASSED

Wake Up America !!! Wake Up!! Rome let the barbarians enter freely! and the rest is history! Please pass this on......

This is absolutely appalling!

There is a link at the bottom that shows the executive order.


Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know.....

Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed behind our backs. You may want to read about it.. It wasn ' t mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.

Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA .. This is the news that didn't make the headlines...

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .

The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States , was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006. ;

Israel is a small country squeezed by governments with considerable animosity towards them. Israelis live with constant and daily threat of death and yet they gave up enough of their territory to Palestinians who are never satisfied. Israel is a total victim. I was always of the opinion that nothing should given away to the Palestinians, the terror state.

Umm... How bout I tear down your most easterly fence and start going for the western. Would that be okay?

I don't understand why you can't get it. Israel has been fighting off bullies ever since the beginning of time and you label Israelis the bad guys.

....There is no sense to that at all.

--Rob USMC

I know why libs favor Palestinians. It's simple. If you give to a lib. They will just beg for more--- Or try to take it. What did Israel do? They gave their land to the Palenstinian's... And what happened? They want more... more... more....

That's all it ever is with libs... MORE MORE MORE.. It's never a-phucking-nough! MORE MORE MORE... MORE MORE MORE...MORE MORE MORE...

Good Lord!

After the attacks the Israel suffered, hey earned it.. the Palestinians are too stupid to figure out that they are being used as quasi weapons by the a same old power hitters of the Arab world. The Arabs wouldn't give the Palestinians anything whatever the Israelis will do. If the Palestinians started to deal with the Israelis honestly, they could live in peace and the radical Muslim scumbags would have to be satisfied with filling the mass graves in their own countries.

GEE, all the biased answers against the Palestinians-perhaps those would like some murderous thugs kill their famileis and steal their land-idea here give YOUR property to the Israelies in exchange for leavingthe Arabs alive with their property-what you say-"NO way", but you expect the palestinians to do the same(yeah, Hitler thought exactly that about the Jews):



The truth is that Jews (not Israel) bought about 7% of the land before 1948. Most of the rest was owned by Palestinians as documented by the British Mandate.The remaining land was STOLEN from the Palestinians AS DOCUMENTED BY THE BRITISH:


According to Alexander Scholch, GERMAN JEW AND PROFESSIONAL HISTORIAN, the population of Palestine in 1850 had about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims(Arabs), 11% were Christians and 4% Jews.Scholch, 1985, p. 503.

Palestinian Demographics Link up to 1948


the Arabian Peninsula/Ancient Canaan/God's promised land, of which Israel is a part of, and, of which the Arabs own almost all of it except for non Arab Iran and, until 1948, Israel.

Stats of Palestine FROM A JEWISH SOURCE


The Jews stole Arab land through brutality and murder-starting with the formation of murderous Jewish terrorist groups, labeled as such by the British-Likud(oops IRGUN before being elected), the Stern Gang, Lehi, Levi, Haganah, and many others, Illegally formed Israel from Arab Palestine in 1948(UN ratified a day AFTER the fact,1967 Six Day War-attacks(loves to call it a PREEMPTIVE strike(Hitler did this in Europe)-Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon-steals some more land,,West Bank and Gaza strips(currently stealing and murdering) and even NON Iran(foaming at the mouth for that one)-anyone see a pattern here-call ARAB freedom fighters TERRORISTS for protecting THEIR land,lives, even organs(NO, not the Swedish article(was right on the nose)- the ARREST,TRIED, CONVICTED(including JEWISH witnesses), and JAILED Rabbi Levy Rosenbaum and his Rabbinical organ theft ring:


Kill Arabs and steal their landIsrael DEFINITELY plans on annexing the West Bank and Gaza strips.

Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born 23 years BEFORE Isaac(Jews).Technically Abraham was not Jewish-his ancestry is from Babylon inside the Arabian, not, Jewish, Peninsula/ Canaan/ God's promised land. He was Semitic, possibly Hebrew(Jewish and Hebrew are not the same-although laypersons consider them the same), he was not Jewish-may well have been Arab.

The J1 (the Arab) haplomarker has been in the region for 40,000 years-Jews are now thought to be descendants of Arabs. Both Jews and Arabs share J1 and J2(considered the Jewish haplomarker), Arabs having more of J1, the older haplomarker), Jews having more of the J2(younger haplomarker).

In all honesty, Canaan wa a mix of Semitic peoples, of which Arabs were and are the largest group, and, are considered the FIRST ones there.Of all the Semitic peoples there, Arabs and Jews are the few remaining ones.

The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants:



The Hebrew word for Arab is "Arvi".

The Arabs/Palestinians fought with the Romans to get back Jerusalem that was stolen from them by the Jebusites, whom the Jews stole from the Jebusites.

Before the Jews invaded Jerusalem, the Arabs(West Semitic peoples) had settled Jerusalem- archaeologists, including Kathleen Kenyon, believe Jerusalem as a city was founded by West Semitic people with organized settlements from around 2600 BCE. : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jebusites were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David in 1004 BCE.

Arab auxiliary troops joined the Roman legions besieging Jerusalem in the year 70.

The Roman historian Tacitus writes in his book, The Histories (Kenneth Wellesley, translator, Penguin Books):

The Histories, Book V:1

... Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father, to complete the conquest of Judaea and already enjoyed the reputation of a general... received added support...

Awaiting him in Judaea were three Roman legions... the Fifth, Tenth, and Fifteenth...

Then there were strong levies of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbors...

... et solito inter accolas odio infensa Iudaeis Arabum manus...

The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants:



The Hebrew word for Arab is "Arvi".

centuries before the Jews.

Bottom line, they were not called Arabs at that time. Later, the Palestinians were called Ishmaelites/Canaanites, but were still present before the Jews. Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born before Isaac(Jews), scientifically, the J1 marker known as the Arab haplomarker, was in the region for 40,000 years,

Biblically(Ishmael(Arab) born 23 YEARS BEFORE Isaac(Jew)) and scientifically(J1 haplomarker(Arabs) indicates Arabs were in the Arabian Peninsula(Israel is a part of) 40,000 years ago-literally millenia before the Jews), the Arabs were there first and are THE MAJORITY, both in true Palestine(Israel, West Bank, and Gaza strips)-that is why the region is called the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH, PENNINSULA.

The Arabs of Canaan are the Arabs of Palestine. They were there AT LEAST EQUALLY as long as the Jews/Israelis, but they had a constant presence and a defined land. The Jews were nomadic and had NO land until what was taken from the Palestinians in 1948. Both Jews and Arabs have the same father, Abraham, whom although Semitic, possibly Hebrew, was not considered Jewish. Abraham, his parents, and his ancestry is from Babylon, which is, in fact, INSIDE the Arabian Peninsula, the origin of the Arab peoples.So he may very well have been Arab.

I wonder how many do not know, the Arabs owned almost all of Canaan, including Arab Palestine. They were not called Arabs at the time, but Ishmalites/Canaanites/Arvi(Hebrew term for Arab).Yes and so very TRUE. God's promised land was only one of residency, NOT, ownership as was the British Mandate(political, NOT, land borders-read closely-Arab Palestine to remain ONE country). The Arabs were always FIRST and MAJORITY owners of the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH Peninsula(Israel a part of)/Canaan/God's promised land. Except for non Arab Iran, and,until 1948, Israel., ARAB owned it. Israel would have to kill ALL the Arabs and non Arab Iranians(Israel working on that one) and steal all their land to get it.NO WHERE in the Bible/Torah, nor, the British Mandate does it state Israel is to kill the Arabs and steal their land-NO WHERE

One simple answer here-the West Bank and Gaza strips BELONG to the Palestinians-Israel stole their land by STARTING(loves to call the 1967 Six Day War a PREEMPTIVE strike) a war by attacking Egypt and stealing the land by killing the Arab owners(call them whatever you like-they were NOT Jewsish-that is fact-whether you want to call them Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians, or Palestinians,they are ARAB)


What Israel wants is to be safe. They are surrounded by enemies who want them exterminated and they will do and take whatever they must to remain safe. They don't see it as "fair" or "not fair", they see it as survival.

If you look in that ancient book called the Bible you will find out that the Israelites possessed the West Bank and much much more . They should take it all back and secure their borders once and for all THEN there will be Peace .

no... Israel gave the Sinai, Gaza, and Gohlan back to the Muslims... All for Peace... What did Israel get in return? More bombings and threats...

Nuff said, Israel is the victim...

Its mind boggling to me how you people make Israel out to be the bad ones, when its the Palestinians out there bombing and threatening Israel daily....ridiculous!

Israel was attacked and fought to protect themselves and had its citizens die for that land--spoils of war--Israel deserves the West Bank

And to just think, that if Israel had not won the 1967 Six Day War, the West Bank would still be in Jordanian hands and we would not be having this debate.

You better believe it is ethnic cleansing they are doing on the Palestinians there.

What is the term used for holding onto shares? (Until such a time when the share price increases)?

It's sort of similar to land banking but I just need the correct term!


go long.

Holding period.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is there any way that I can get our money back which was transfer to another scammed Ac in the same bank?

hi all today i've found out that my wife transferred 1100 GBP to a scammed Ac in the same bank and the add. of this agency is 15,Kincaid Road,Peckham,se15 5un London ||UNITED KINGDOM .Now since it's the same bank in UK Lloyds TSB can any one think or know a way for us to get our money back?

It'll be a great help we even have their phone No though mobile they had offered a job to my wife & sent Appointment + contract letter as my wife is in UK on a student visa & asked her to contact this agency which has the above add.they than told her to pay 1100GBP as the application fee which'll be reimbursed after few days once we done that now in just two days they got back to us and are asking 3000 GBP to process the rest and only than we can see the documents and when asked for the physical address and the land line phone this guy who sounds as a Nigerian/African told my wife that it's confidential so he can't give his add since the transaction has been made on Saturday any hope getting itback

But it is now Thursday, so that money will now be in Nigeria and well out of your reach.

Go and talk to your bank and tell them. They might be able to do something, even if it is only stopping someone else getting scammed.

i hate to tell you, but getting your money back is highly unlikely. talk to the bank or agency that transferred the money, they may be able to help. i work for a major financial institution in the u.s. though, and once the money goes, we cant get it back.

Go to the police and tell them that your wife is on a student visa and is looking for work. That should stop her throwing any more of your money away.

I am making a bid for a foreclosed home and a little land. 7.5 acres . As a first time buyer I wonder how to?

bid on this property? I know its worth the asking price that the realtor has listed, but Its a foreclosure, and with the housing market the way it is , I dont want to hurt myself. How can I find out what the bank needs to recover? so I can get a deal.

Engage the services of a qualified buyer agent to represent you. The buyer agent will provide you with evidence of recent comparable sales to guide you concerning the value of the property in question. You can then decide what sort of offer is appropriate.

Do not be misled into thinking that the property can be had for less than the asking price. Not all foreclosures go that way. In the past six months, I have brokered two separate foreclosures which both sold for considerably MORE than the lender asking price. The amount which is owed to the bank is quite irrelevant. Given the losses being suffered by lenders, they get as much as they can from these properties, and are generally guided by the listing agent as to what the property will bring on the market.

How do you know it's worth the asking price? Have you had an appraiser or your OWN Realtor research it or are you going by what the listing agent has told you?

Is the Realtor giving you a discount for not having your OWN representation? Or are they just going to pocket the entire 6% commission themselves?

If you have to ask these questions...you need a Realtor to represent YOU.

They DO NOT give discounts for not using one....so get one!

Hello gy_pyn & all. Buyer broker & inspector best advice?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In india, what is the procedure to own a plot on bank loan, any suggestions PLEASE?

I am very new to land and house buying, I just felt the need for it to know a lil bit of the procedure to go through via housing loans etc. please do the needful. I am looking for the same in Patancheru or Chandanagar Hyderabad.

You need to contact with the property dealers for this, where you looking for buy property or you need to take a Google online search help to find out the property dealers, consultants etc, and if you want to buy property in Delhi NCR, so i would like to introduce www.jaaydaad.com a huge real estate networking website, you can contact with him for any information about property, home, flats.. home loan etc.

I am wanting to buy this land i am o they want 10.00 for the land all i have is my mobile home that sits on th?

i want to buy this land i am on they want 10.000 for it the deed to the land is in their bank they need this money to pay off their loan. so how can me and my husband go about this

Have a real estate attorney or a title company conduct the title search and handle the closing paper work. Should only cost a couple of hundred.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Land as down payment - do WE need to have it appraised?

We would like to use our acre of land as down payment on a construction-to-permanent loan so that we can begin building our house. Do we need to have it appraised, or will the bank do it.

the bank will do it, but it doesnt hurt if you hire an appraiser to do one to check on the bank's appraisal

in 35 yrs, I have never known any lender to accept OTHER

real estate equity as a down payment on a loan.

What is Land banking ?

Land banking is usually associated with residential builders. They will buy lots and "bank" them. Then, when they have a buyer for a new home, they are able to offer a selection of lots. Builders will offer incentives for their home buyers to select on of their lots.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Along the coast of southwest Africa, a thick fog bank can often be seen over the water a short distance from?

shore. Explain why fog persists offshore along this coastline and cloudless skies dominate over land.

The "Namib Desert". ( which extends 1,200 miles along the south west coast of Africa.)

The prevailing local southwesterly winds, cooled down by the Benguela current along the west coast of South Africa, produce an inland movement of cold air, which is overlain by the warmer, lighter air. This inversion prevents the convectional rise of the cool, humid air and thus no clouds are formed The cool air does, however, regularly form a stable layer of fog, which is blown inland as far as 50 km. This coastal fog is the life-blood in the Namib Desert and is an important factor contributing to the remarkably high diversity of animal life in this extremely arid environment.

I hope this helps you.

Regards from Canada.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

As a large portion of the 600k illegals start to move other states what will happen to their land lords?

Will there be another round of bank failures as the investors stop paying their mortgages? Who will pay to tear the surplus homes down? This is a huge number of homes in such a small state.

Their water bills will decrease. An efficiency apartment with 14 occupants uses a lot of water.

Homeless uneployed Americans will take thier jobs and move into thier apartments.

They will be filled by the new influx of tax paying, non-welfare using American citizens that flock to Arizona.

Well I guess when you rent to a Crack Lord, a Drug Smuggler and an Illegal immigrant you take your chances.

You see, those are all Crime syndicates.

Arizona is a net destination of internal migration, as well. Retirees, in particular, have been tending to move their.

Slumlords renting to illegals might well get their comeuppance and have to sell. Their units would likely be converted or rebuilt to retirement communities, independent living centers, etc...

That is, if the AZ law isn't tied up in court and struck down, as it almost certainly will be.

they will have to spend millions to clean the places up and then they will be able to turn around and rent them for ten times the rate...sorry but no bank failures...just the opposite, also crime will drop and the prisons will have open beds

What is required to buy a parcel of land for $5,000?

So, I know of about 12 acres for sale in my town for $5,000 an acre. I'm really interested in buying one. I can put about $1,000 down, but I don't have a lot of credit because I'm twenty and haven't had a job but for the last 6 months. What is the likelihood that the bank would lend me $4,000 dollars to buy it?


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Do You Have The Gumption to Answer These Questions Without any Fear or Favor?

Question: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?

Question: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?

Question: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?

Question: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?

Boy you are subtle in your KKK sanctioned rhetoric it took me almost .05 seconds to see the blind irrational hatred of Israel

You want to hear Israel (despite the fact that it's not true for the first one, two and three could be true for at least three countries, and you're making assumptions about four), but I'll go ahead and humor you and say Israel.





Telling one side of a story is a common device when you don't really want the truth.

You yourself have show by your questions that you have no stomach for the truth.




Fishing from the bank with a strong current? -Dams and Rivers?

How do you keep your line in a set spot in the water?

I like to fish at the local dam but the current just drags my line and it usually ends up close to the bank downstream.

Same thing with fishing in the river.

I have tried all kinds of heavy weights. What am I doing wrong?

If I could get it to stay in one place I know I would land a lot more fish!

Advice welcome! Thanks!

well depends on how strong the current is....and how long ur letting it sit in the water....eventually it will work its way to the bank......

i have used a rock in the past on some rivers...worked great.......basically took about a 2 pound rock tied it to my line about 2 foot under the hook stringer......then released the catch on my reel and tossed the rock into the river...........basically pitched it like a baseball out into the river slightly upstream....worked pretty good.....ended up with 23 eating size fish that day........was about a 9 hour period altogether....was camping

have seen ppl using 3-5 1 pound lead weights in same river depending on water flow......

Have you tried pyramid weights? they usually dig in nicely if the bottom is anything but rock/gravel.

When ever I fish current below the dam there is going to be current and your line will travel down stream, but if you use at least 20 lb test and a 1 oz egg weight, it will travel till it gets stuck on the rock and stop and then your pole will bend just a little, but at least your out there and got a good stick and then leave it till they bite. The odds of getting hung up increase the more and more you check your bait.

I find that fishing in current has its' advantages, but especially when they are going to stop generating and the water calms down.

Pyramid sinkers work great for holding but can get snagged easily. There's a similar kind called a storm sinker. The base is the same as a pyramid but at the top it forms kind of a barbell shape. They work great if you can find them.

Always set up so that your weight is able to slide on your mainline when fishing like this. That way you'll feel the fish bite before it feels your weight.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Why is Israel giving away the the West Bank which is full of Gravesites of their Holy Grandfathers?

These Holy Grandfathers will be very happy to go before God and ask him to help Israel be a Strong country. If Israel would respect their gravesites and annex the land they are on into GreenLine Israel so any Jew who wants to show respect or pray to their Holy Grandfathers will be able to do so safely.

When Jordan took Hebron (in the West Bank) in 1948, they dug up the graves of the Jews the Arabs massacred in 1929 and turned the plot into a garden.

Just one more way the Arabs tried to cut the Jewish ties to the land.

the fathers of real jewry are the prophets of old. if they could come out of the grave i guarantee they'd have a few things to say to you


[1] For, behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water,

[2] The mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient,

[3] The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counseller, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator.

[4] And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.

[5] And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

[6] When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, Thou hast clothing, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand:

[7] In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.

[8] For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory.

[9] The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

Because the Israeli Government doesn't realize how special the Grave-sites of their Holy Grandfathers are.

If they did they would immediately annex the land they are on into Green Line Israel

In other countries they disgrace other nations fathers grave sites. Israel is the only country in the world that disgraces their own Grandfathers grave sites!

Why do you think? Because aside from ancient graves, the place is full of living people that Israel don't want as equal-rights citizens.

They are not strong, they hide behind their armor and billions of $ worth of weapons and resources supplied by the US. they are the oppressive regime of Israel and should be proud to call themselves that.

If not Israel, what sovereign nation has legal claim to the West Bank?

Jordan relinquished all claims to the West Bank on July 31, 1988. Who then if not Israel has legal claim to the land?

The Jews had it. Jordan took it. Israel took it back from them and Jordan said I wash my hands.

It is Israel and not a Muslim state and never will be.

It would be nice to see the Palestinians get it sort of in the same way Israel got theres

Israel is evidently not a sovreign nation if there has been much dispute over the Palestinian territories that they want and the illegal and bad acts towards the Palestinians. Israel can move to a deserted island and claim to be a sovreign nation there. I think what is now called israel will either be conquered back or it will return to how it was supposed to be according to the partition plan and I know for sure that the wall will go down.

Seriously? The Palestinians do.

Let's see, It only takes half a brain to figure this one out. The Palestinians of course! Did you think the world started in 1948. Just think years before that year and try to tell me this doesn't make sense?

If Israel wants to claim the west bank and Gaza as their own, as no other sovereign nation has a legal claim to it, then they will have to annex them and give their inhabitants Israeli citizenship. This means an extra 3.9 million Arabs added to Israel's current population, in other words Israel will have Arab majority.

Is that what you want?

the place was far better off with the brits administrating it. unfortunately zionist instigated ww2 left britain broke and bleeding [while american and jewish entrepreneurs profited]. the irgun bombing of king david hotel 1946 and murder of many brit personnel hastened their departure. shame. zio nazis ruined everything and are stained with innocent blood. the hex star is a curse on them. so they bang their heads against jupiter's temple wall.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I bought a house on land contract the property tax bill comes in both mine and the land contract holders name?

Is the IRS going to make me split my first time home buyers credit with them. I sent them a copy of my tax bill as part of my proof of owner ship along with a signed contract, bank statement and copy of my Drivers License with my new address on it. My friends are telling me that the IRS will consider them as part owner and they will be entitled to part of my credit. Is this true?

The IRS has been very vague on this issue. They seem to be saying that you can divide the FTHB credit any way that makes sense. In your case you bought the house from the other person on the tax bill. Therefore they are like the mortgage holder. I would have applied for 100% of the credit had I done the return. I have done a good number of these split ownership returns and never had one come back yet. The only time there is a problem is if folks take more than 100% of the credit on one home.



All legal owners of any property are entitled to any and all money and bills due or money received connected with the property and


not any business on stated property unless other wise in contract stating so



Either you own the house or you don't.

The RIS is going to review the contract and determine if *you* meet the tests of ownership. If you do, it's your credit. If not, you get $0 for the credit.

Q. Can a taxpayer claim the first-time homebuyer credit if the purchase is pursuant to a seller financing arrangement (for example, a contract for deed, installment land sale contract, or long-term land contract), and the seller retains legal title to secure the taxpayer's payment obligations?

A. If the taxpayer obtains the "benefits and burdens" of ownership of a residence in a seller financing arrangement, then the taxpayer can claim the credit even though the seller retains legal title. Factors that indicate that a taxpayer has the benefits and burdens of ownership include: 1. the right of possession, 2. the right to obtain legal title upon full payment of the purchase price, 3. the right to construct improvements, 4. the obligation to pay property taxes, 5. the risk of loss, 6. the responsibility to insure the property and 7. the duty to maintain the property. (7/2/09)

What will you do as a Prime Minister about the crisis in West Bank and Gaza?

Palestine land been taken, Palestine people been humiliated, torched, suppressed, Genocide, the whole world seeing's what the zionist are doing.


With all the damages done in time?

Look in the real world.

Decode this lyrics " You'll see "

"Wonderful world"

"Where you gone"

"Lemon tree"

"Tie up a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"

Not casualty of the dead Mummy with hear-say from the Book of the Dead?

Not hear-say of the dead Mummy with his-ghostly-stories of hear-say only?

Did hear-say of the dead Mummy ever learn about geography back in the past?

Did hear-say of the dead Mummy ever go to school back in the past?

What if the dead Mummy with hear-say of his-ghostly-stories for not going to school in learning geography was dead and wrong?

Then who created all the mess out there in time?

Not the dead Mummy with his hear-say from the Book of the Dead ?

What if the Truth with "The Great Commandments" of God is telling the Truth?

Can "The Great Commandments" of God be wrong with geography in time?

Luke 21.30-36

Luke 9.25,55-56,60

Luke 8.5-8,10-17

Luke 4.4

Luke 9.27

Exodus 20.5

Genesis 11.1,3-9

Revelation 16.14

Luke 3.7-9

Matt 7.15-27

Matt 27.29,37

Luke 24.44-45,47-48

Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

John 7.19

Revelation 22.13-17

Matt 22.17-21,32

Luke 10.24

Luke 19.9-10

Exodus 1.5

Exodus 24.12

Exodus 19.5

Exodus 18.20

Exodus 20.1-18

Leviticus 4.13,22

Luke 11.33-36,46-52

Luke 5.36-39

1 Timothy 6.7

Exodus 20.1-3

Leviticus 26.13

Exodus 15.1-3

Exodus 20.12

Exodus 23.24,32

What do you think?

Its interesting that you think it is land that "belongs" to the Palestinians, considering they weren't considered a separate people from Syrians until 1965, with the creation of the Palestine Liberation Movement. Even the 1947 Partition plan didn't call for the creation of a "Palestinian State," rather, it called for the creation of a vague, "Arab State," because at the time, the term "Palestinian" didn't exist (to describe Palestinian Arabs exclusively, as it does today).

Also, it has been concluded by various sources that no genocide has taken place. Since 1948 (the year of Israel's creation) the Palestinian population has quadrupled (from 860,000 to about 4.7 million). This is, by definition, the exact opposite of genocide.

Israel already face a possible war crimes and crimes against humanity hearing if the Richard Goldstone's report is accepted by the UN next month. Britain should break off diplomatic relations and any Israeli minister who visits the UK should be arrested. Its time the world stopped protecting Israel. America has already asked Netanyahu to freeze further building in the West Bank a request that fell on deaf ears. This is a government who thinks that they can commit crimes at will and soon it will be proved that they even tried to use other countries citizens passports and identities to commit murder

I'd take a stand against Israel further encroaching in to Palestinian land.Roundly criticise them for using collective punishment on a people who have nowhere to escape to and I would insist they stopped throwing Palestinians out of their homes and giving them to Jewish people.That's the sort of thing the Nazi's did FHS!I would then want them to withdraw to the legal boundaries and stop the apartheid restrictions placed on Palestinians and demand they be allowed their basic human rights.I would in turn expect Hamas to lay down their arms and channel their money and energy in to bettering life for the Palestinian people.If Hamas did this I would expect Israel to recognise them as the democratically elected party of Gaza.After a cooling period I would encourage dialogue and take it from there.

Kerryann: I do actually know someone who has been there,do you?They went in to Palestine and were utterly appalled at the deprivation in stark contrast to Israeli life.Israel is promoting itself as a tourist destination FHS,an idyllic place to go.Palestine is a place were people merely exist.You should go,it might open your eyes.

I do not know why there are so many pro Zionist bastards around here. especially that person who was talking about what Palestinians are doing. first of all, before Palestinians did attack Israel with rocket launchers it was the Jews who took over their land not to mention more than half of their land and took it without the Palestinians wanting them to. It were the Jews that once they took over Palestine they banished 700 thousand Palestinians from their homes. So what? the Palestinians should do nothing? All the Palestinians want is Israel to give back their land. So now here comes the peace treaty. Israel said they want a peace treaty with the Palestinians, guess who broke it? Not Palestine, Israel did. By what? Killing a massive amount of Palestinians and injuring a lot as well. So please people, learn history before you start hating on Palestinians. As prime Minister I would give the land back to the Palestinians and tell the Jews to get the hell out of here and live somewhere else.

Prime Minister of WHAT? Gaza?

Round up that gang of Hamas rat thugs which has been been making a fat living by "protecting" the people of Gaza.

Here is what Hamas thinks of the people of Gaza:

"A woman can go out to fight the enemy without her husband's permission, and so does the slave: without his master's permission." [Article 12]

Only Hamas would worry about what it's (Gaza) "slaves" can do in this day and age.

The people of Gaza are only "tools" for Hamas to use to ensure their fat life style.


Its horrible how some people are saying

leave it too the Israelis and Palestinians

to sort it out. Its easy to say that

Israelis have so much money, huge military

and Palestinians have so little, not even

a state.

If I were PM, I would put great pressure

on Israel

1. to stop building of settlements on occupied land.(WHICH IS ILLEGAL)

2. place East Jerusalem in negotiations

3. to go ahead immediately with the road map for peace

negotiations and to prepare for a Palestinian state

4. accept Hamas as a political party (on condition that they

accept Israels right to exist.

Its up to them but I think the right thing to do is to

create a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders

with East Jerusalem as the capital. Thats all the

Palestinians want and its really not a lot

Get your facts right try signing up to Honest Reporting, you are being Brainwashed.

Israel Pulled out of Gaza and returned it to them what happened next HAMAS moved in.

It is Power They Want they are consumed with hatred and get their Muslin brothers & sister killed

in the process. Get rid of Hamas who mostly are mercenaries sent in to keep the hatred ticking along and of course to more innocent people that die just helps their recruiting from grieving families,

All this Killing in the name of religion what wasted lives on all sides.

the land never belonged to the palestinians

the whole world sees that the palestinians and their neighbours torment Israel and complain when they retaliate


i am wondering if any of you have actually visited palestine or isreal or even know or met anybody who lives there or just watched something on u tube

misty hamas will never lay down their arms in a million years , if you know anything about the situation you would know this

Don't count on the UK PM to do anything as it would sure enough go wrong. This guy probably can't wipe his a-- properly without his puppetmaster Mandy there to observe.

Seriously you need to stop worrying. You have either made this all up in your own tiny mind, have your own agenda or never been there. I have been there and I've seen what goes on. If you don't want the palestinians to be so poor then just ask Hamas and Hezbollah to distribute the money and aid to them that they steal to buy arms and make themselves rich and powerful. I don't see Israel sending their women and kids to blow up palestinians as the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist do to them. They do that as the men of those terrorist organizations are too cowardly to do it themselves. Or maybe not. Maybe they are just busy trying to work out which pig they are going to slaughter next for their roast pork lunch.

Don't take it to heart as its just my opinion from having been there and tried to help and the Hamas on the Gaza make that impossible unless you are giving them bribes and agreeing they should be killing the women and children of the Israelis.

the Palestinians launch rockets and suicide bombs at the Israelis

the palestinians target young women to stop them continuing on their own religion and families

Israel are forced to spend a fortune on their army and security measures in order to protect herself

the land was paid for jordan got some too

did you forget this ?

I would say that Israel gets the cave of the patriarchs and that they get all of Jerusalem. I also would say that they get more land around Jerusalem and more land near the dead sea (from the south) and from the North a little more land for more access to the Jordan River.

Stop reading novels and read some history, you're greatly misinformed, you've believed propaganda and not history. The PM should stay out of the way and let Israel sort it out on their own or with the PLO/ Jordan.

nothing.. they will out breed the Israelis and take over the whole country in 500 years.

I honestly do not know, but there are many people with more knowledge than I who do not know either. I think these people will just have to keep on trying to find a solution.

I am more concerned about what is going on in my own country. i would be sorting that first before even looking at Gaza

The PM won't do anything because of the rich Zionist lobby in britain.

Israel is in breach of numerous UN resolutions and repeated human rights violations, and they have WMD, so why don't we invade Israel and change their internal politics like we did in Iraq? Why do we put up with Israel?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If the Jews continue to defy the United States and steal more Palestinian land should the US attack Israel?

I think the US should attack the Jews and make them leave all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Please correct yourself.

Israelis, not "Jews".

I am half-Jewish myself, and I am anti-Zionist and support the Palestinians.

Stop generalising.

The only american president who took a tougher stand with israel was JFK, it was the letter that he sent to the, then , israeli president Bengurion asking him in clear terms to open Demona nuclear facility for inspection , otherwise that would threaten the bilateral relationship between the two countries, so it was since that time israel was working on it's nuclear arsenal, so actually it was the 1st country in the middle east to go nuclear , but that's totally blacked out in the us ; also Israel has huge impact on us middle east policy (I'd rather say they dictate that policy), that any us president is very much dettered by the israeli lobbying network from taking any stand against israel no matter what, The Israel - us relations is a big issue that has an enormous affect on the us especially in the middle east

It is the Palestinians that have broken or never even started to adhere to their promises made in every peace accord in the middle east,the very first thing they agreed to do was stop firing rockets into Israel,and this was over twenty years ago.They simply don't want Israel to exist.Do some research and get your facts straight,you will see for yourself that it is Israel trying to comply,but the palestineans refuse to.

Bad idea. That is just what they want you to do. They people of Israel have been waiting for that sort of fool move on our part. Ever since the end of World War II, they have been building underground networks that stretch the entire length of the globe. If we were to attack, they would unleash their tunnel worms (because how else would they have all those tunnels other than the awesomness that is tunnel worms?) and they would burst through the Earth's mantel and devour all of America in defense.

Do you wanted to be eated all up by Tunnel Worms? No? Didn't think so.

Yeah as if the US can attack anyone else in the world now. They have enough things going on. Where and how can they afford to do that now? They are working on Iran. Thats the next invasion they are going to do.

I don't know why you people think the God Almighty USA can interfere in every other countries affairs.

Mind you business and if you did that, the USA would be in alot better shape than it is today. You have so many problems, yet you look for more.

Got facts? Or just uneducated guesses after listening to CNN, the only station with a show dedicated to certain religions and political viewpoints?

Are you crazy? We are the only people that protect Israel. If we attack them, get ready for Armageddon.

You must be a muslim. No need to answer this one.

no but it should cut off all aid.

Yes I agree 100%


Read about international law. Israel is not doing anything wrong.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why was the wall in the West Bank built in a curved form?

Why not building it in a way to prevent the terrorist attacks and at the same time to minimize the land loss for the Palestinians? Why does it have to annex so much land?

to make life intolerable for palestinians. just like zionit posters say. they want them to go away. but even hitler couldn't make all the jews leave.

ethnic cleansing

At present, no country has sovereignty over the West Bank, although Israel has the moral right to such sovereignty.

So the building of a barrier (not a "wall") has saved thousands of Israeli lives from Arab terrorists, and is entirely legal. Its path is designed to minimize the discomfort to Jews and Arabs alike.

I did not notice that the asker has wondered about the legality of Muslim terrorists firing rockets and mortars at Israeli women and children.


No land has been annexed yet. In 1948 there were supposed to be two new states formed in what had been Palestine, This is in addition to Jordan, which was made up of nearly 80 percent of Palestine and was split off by Britain.

The part of Palestine that was designated to become a Jewish state became the Jewish state of Israel. The portion of Palestine that was to become an Arab state never became an individual state. Rather, Jordan and Egypt conquered parts. However, Jordan and Egypt did not have sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

Until this day, no country has sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The barrier thus follows the natural population townships.

For this reason, Israel is not occupying any sovereign territory, and there is no country to give it back to, because no country (since Turkey) had ever been sovereign there.

The time has come to halt all the false claims of Israeli occupation.

The time has come to grant the Palestinian Arabs Jordanian citizenship, and move the Gazans from the crowded Gaza strip to the nearly empty Sinai. Let them have whatever citizenship they choose: Egyptian, Palestinian or Jordanian.

Only then, can there be peace between the Arabs and the Jews.


To answer you, the fence was built, along much of the frontier separating Israel from the West Bank, It was built to minimize as much land loss as possible, but other more important factors where taken into account theree are either no barriers of any kind, or easily avoidable ones.The land used in building the security fence is seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures are already in place to allow every owner to file an objection to the seizure of their land. Moreover, property owners are offered compensation for the use of their land and for any damage to their trees. Contractors are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far, more than 60,000 olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure. In response to dozens of suicide bombings, and daily terrorist attacks against its civilians, Israel decided to construct a security fence near the “Green Line” to prevent Palestinian terrorists from infiltrating into Israel.Israel did not want to build a fence, and resisted doing so for more than 35 years. If anyone is to blame for the construction, it is Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other Palestinian terrorists. Now a large majority of Israelis support the construction of the security fence; in fact, both Jews and Arabs living along the Green Line favor the barrier to prevent penetration by thieves and vandals as well as terrorists. The fence has also caused a revolution in the daily life of some Israeli Arab towns because it has brought quiet, which has allowed a significant upsurge in economic activity.The security fence does create some inconvenience to Palestinians, but it also saves lives. The deaths of Israelis caused by terror are permanent and irreversible whereas the hardships faced by the Palestinians are temporary and reversible.It is not unreasonable or unusual to build a fence for security purposes. Many other nations have fences to protect their borders (the United States is building one now to keep out illegal Mexican immigrants), and Israel already has fences along the frontiers with Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, so building a barrier to separate Israel from the Palestinian Authority is not revolutionary.

It is curved only when viewed from above. When viewed from in front or behind, it is quite straight.

But I sense a bit of unpleasantness towards the Israelis, based perhaps on a lack of knowledge of the extent of terrorist incursions from the West Bank into Israel proper before the barrier was constructed.

And even now, before the barrier has been completed, the terrorists make a long detour before they can intrude though the areas where there is no barrier.

Hundreds of Israeli lives have been saved by this barrier.


I wonder what the asker would say about the advisability of Muslim terror attacks on Israel. Perhaps he could include that in a future question.

We find that certain Arab groups, with a clear self-interest, oppose the security barrier, which was erected to prevent terrorist incursions into Israel. But they have never expressed any opinion on whether that barrier is straight or curved.

Ramadan Shalah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader, has publicly admitted that Israel's security fence is an important obstacle to the terrorist organizations, and that if it weren't there, the situation would be entirely different. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has carried out the greatest number of suicide bombing attacks during the past few years.

So wouldn't the best advice to Israel be that they should complete this security barrier?

Snakes concave irregularly.

I must smile at the audacity of a Buzzer, who blames the security barrier on Israel's alleged desire "to make life intolerable for palestinians [sic]."

Actually, it is because of the Palestinian terrorists that Israel has had to invest so much in building this barrier. The land used in building the security barrier has been seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures are already in place to allow every owner to file an objection to the seizure of their land. Moreover, property owners are offered compensation for the use of their land and for any damage to their trees. Contractors are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far, more than 60,000 olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure.

Moreover, when Buzzer refers to the barrier as a "wall," he is either showing his ignorance or intentionally lying. About six percent of the barrier is actually a wall, and the rest is fencing.

Every effort is being made to exclude Palestinian villages from the area within the barrier and NO TERRITORIES ARE BEING ANNEXED, contrary to the asker’s false claim. The land used in building the security barrier is seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Israel is providing agricultural passageways to allow farmers to continue to cultivate their lands, and crossing points to allow the movement of people and the transfer of goods.

The United States is building a barrier along part of its border with Mexico -- merely to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country, not terrorists who seek to murder American citizens. Ironically, the UN, which passed a resolution condemning Israel’s barrier, is building its own barrier to improve security around its New York headquarters.

Israel is correct and has the right to protect itself from terrorism and murder of its citizens.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How long does a bank keep a certified check on file?

my dad got a certified check about 13 years ago to help my sister buy some land........NOW her husband is trying to say dad didn't help them..we have look everywhere but cant find a copy of it i was just wondering how long the bank would have a copy of the check.. i will call the bank were he got the check monday and find out for sure but i was just wondering...THANKS

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