With all the damages done in time?
Look in the real world.
Decode this lyrics " You'll see "
"Wonderful world"
"Where you gone"
"Lemon tree"
"Tie up a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"
Not casualty of the dead Mummy with hear-say from the Book of the Dead?
Not hear-say of the dead Mummy with his-ghostly-stories of hear-say only?
Did hear-say of the dead Mummy ever learn about geography back in the past?
Did hear-say of the dead Mummy ever go to school back in the past?
What if the dead Mummy with hear-say of his-ghostly-stories for not going to school in learning geography was dead and wrong?
Then who created all the mess out there in time?
Not the dead Mummy with his hear-say from the Book of the Dead ?
What if the Truth with "The Great Commandments" of God is telling the Truth?
Can "The Great Commandments" of God be wrong with geography in time?
Luke 21.30-36
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
Luke 8.5-8,10-17
Luke 4.4
Luke 9.27
Exodus 20.5
Genesis 11.1,3-9
Revelation 16.14
Luke 3.7-9
Matt 7.15-27
Matt 27.29,37
Luke 24.44-45,47-48
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
John 7.19
Revelation 22.13-17
Matt 22.17-21,32
Luke 10.24
Luke 19.9-10
Exodus 1.5
Exodus 24.12
Exodus 19.5
Exodus 18.20
Exodus 20.1-18
Leviticus 4.13,22
Luke 11.33-36,46-52
Luke 5.36-39
1 Timothy 6.7
Exodus 20.1-3
Leviticus 26.13
Exodus 15.1-3
Exodus 20.12
Exodus 23.24,32
What do you think?
Its interesting that you think it is land that "belongs" to the Palestinians, considering they weren't considered a separate people from Syrians until 1965, with the creation of the Palestine Liberation Movement. Even the 1947 Partition plan didn't call for the creation of a "Palestinian State," rather, it called for the creation of a vague, "Arab State," because at the time, the term "Palestinian" didn't exist (to describe Palestinian Arabs exclusively, as it does today).
Also, it has been concluded by various sources that no genocide has taken place. Since 1948 (the year of Israel's creation) the Palestinian population has quadrupled (from 860,000 to about 4.7 million). This is, by definition, the exact opposite of genocide.
Israel already face a possible war crimes and crimes against humanity hearing if the Richard Goldstone's report is accepted by the UN next month. Britain should break off diplomatic relations and any Israeli minister who visits the UK should be arrested. Its time the world stopped protecting Israel. America has already asked Netanyahu to freeze further building in the West Bank a request that fell on deaf ears. This is a government who thinks that they can commit crimes at will and soon it will be proved that they even tried to use other countries citizens passports and identities to commit murder
I'd take a stand against Israel further encroaching in to Palestinian land.Roundly criticise them for using collective punishment on a people who have nowhere to escape to and I would insist they stopped throwing Palestinians out of their homes and giving them to Jewish people.That's the sort of thing the Nazi's did FHS!I would then want them to withdraw to the legal boundaries and stop the apartheid restrictions placed on Palestinians and demand they be allowed their basic human rights.I would in turn expect Hamas to lay down their arms and channel their money and energy in to bettering life for the Palestinian people.If Hamas did this I would expect Israel to recognise them as the democratically elected party of Gaza.After a cooling period I would encourage dialogue and take it from there.
Kerryann: I do actually know someone who has been there,do you?They went in to Palestine and were utterly appalled at the deprivation in stark contrast to Israeli life.Israel is promoting itself as a tourist destination FHS,an idyllic place to go.Palestine is a place were people merely exist.You should go,it might open your eyes.
I do not know why there are so many pro Zionist bastards around here. especially that person who was talking about what Palestinians are doing. first of all, before Palestinians did attack Israel with rocket launchers it was the Jews who took over their land not to mention more than half of their land and took it without the Palestinians wanting them to. It were the Jews that once they took over Palestine they banished 700 thousand Palestinians from their homes. So what? the Palestinians should do nothing? All the Palestinians want is Israel to give back their land. So now here comes the peace treaty. Israel said they want a peace treaty with the Palestinians, guess who broke it? Not Palestine, Israel did. By what? Killing a massive amount of Palestinians and injuring a lot as well. So please people, learn history before you start hating on Palestinians. As prime Minister I would give the land back to the Palestinians and tell the Jews to get the hell out of here and live somewhere else.
Prime Minister of WHAT? Gaza?
Round up that gang of Hamas rat thugs which has been been making a fat living by "protecting" the people of Gaza.
Here is what Hamas thinks of the people of Gaza:
"A woman can go out to fight the enemy without her husband's permission, and so does the slave: without his master's permission." [Article 12]
Only Hamas would worry about what it's (Gaza) "slaves" can do in this day and age.
The people of Gaza are only "tools" for Hamas to use to ensure their fat life style.
Its horrible how some people are saying
leave it too the Israelis and Palestinians
to sort it out. Its easy to say that
Israelis have so much money, huge military
and Palestinians have so little, not even
a state.
If I were PM, I would put great pressure
on Israel
1. to stop building of settlements on occupied land.(WHICH IS ILLEGAL)
2. place East Jerusalem in negotiations
3. to go ahead immediately with the road map for peace
negotiations and to prepare for a Palestinian state
4. accept Hamas as a political party (on condition that they
accept Israels right to exist.
Its up to them but I think the right thing to do is to
create a Palestinian state according to 1967 borders
with East Jerusalem as the capital. Thats all the
Palestinians want and its really not a lot
Get your facts right try signing up to Honest Reporting, you are being Brainwashed.
Israel Pulled out of Gaza and returned it to them what happened next HAMAS moved in.
It is Power They Want they are consumed with hatred and get their Muslin brothers & sister killed
in the process. Get rid of Hamas who mostly are mercenaries sent in to keep the hatred ticking along and of course to more innocent people that die just helps their recruiting from grieving families,
All this Killing in the name of religion what wasted lives on all sides.
the land never belonged to the palestinians
the whole world sees that the palestinians and their neighbours torment Israel and complain when they retaliate
i am wondering if any of you have actually visited palestine or isreal or even know or met anybody who lives there or just watched something on u tube
misty hamas will never lay down their arms in a million years , if you know anything about the situation you would know this
Don't count on the UK PM to do anything as it would sure enough go wrong. This guy probably can't wipe his a-- properly without his puppetmaster Mandy there to observe.
Seriously you need to stop worrying. You have either made this all up in your own tiny mind, have your own agenda or never been there. I have been there and I've seen what goes on. If you don't want the palestinians to be so poor then just ask Hamas and Hezbollah to distribute the money and aid to them that they steal to buy arms and make themselves rich and powerful. I don't see Israel sending their women and kids to blow up palestinians as the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist do to them. They do that as the men of those terrorist organizations are too cowardly to do it themselves. Or maybe not. Maybe they are just busy trying to work out which pig they are going to slaughter next for their roast pork lunch.
Don't take it to heart as its just my opinion from having been there and tried to help and the Hamas on the Gaza make that impossible unless you are giving them bribes and agreeing they should be killing the women and children of the Israelis.
the Palestinians launch rockets and suicide bombs at the Israelis
the palestinians target young women to stop them continuing on their own religion and families
Israel are forced to spend a fortune on their army and security measures in order to protect herself
the land was paid for jordan got some too
did you forget this ?
I would say that Israel gets the cave of the patriarchs and that they get all of Jerusalem. I also would say that they get more land around Jerusalem and more land near the dead sea (from the south) and from the North a little more land for more access to the Jordan River.
Stop reading novels and read some history, you're greatly misinformed, you've believed propaganda and not history. The PM should stay out of the way and let Israel sort it out on their own or with the PLO/ Jordan.
nothing.. they will out breed the Israelis and take over the whole country in 500 years.
I honestly do not know, but there are many people with more knowledge than I who do not know either. I think these people will just have to keep on trying to find a solution.
I am more concerned about what is going on in my own country. i would be sorting that first before even looking at Gaza
The PM won't do anything because of the rich Zionist lobby in britain.
Israel is in breach of numerous UN resolutions and repeated human rights violations, and they have WMD, so why don't we invade Israel and change their internal politics like we did in Iraq? Why do we put up with Israel?
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