There is no "present day" Palestine.
That's what all the damn fighting is about!!!
Ya's like this............
Jews were living there ages kicked out......conquered, whatever..........arabs and Muslims moved in........took over.......and were minding their own business.........when all of a sudden, at the end of WW2......some bone head said..........
Hey! I got a great idea! Why don't we just CREATE a state called ISRAEL and stick all the jews THERE!!!!
Great idea, everyone shouted.!!!! and we shipped them all there.
One smallllllllllllllll teeny weeny problem though...........
the people who were ALREADY living there......had a SLIGHT problem with this grand idea.
and didn't appreciate it much, being told to give up their homes , their schools, their land...........and get the hell we could make this new brave land, ISRAEL!
Some stayed.......and found themselves enclosed within the boarders of a new country, that granted them no rights. Others fled..........thinking the situation was only temporary!
Imagine, being kicked out of your HOME and TOLD to give it up to someone else! Yeah RIGHT! Who in their right MIND, would tolerate that?
well, when there are enough GUNS pointed at move........or die where you stand.
so they moved. Some died where they stood.
The ones that moved......want their confiscated land back.
Barring that.........they'd at least appreciate equal rights.
Neither is happening in this or any other that's what all the fuss is about.
Granting equal rights, all but ensures Palestinians take over someday.........and kick their sorry a**es out........and you can't give back the land now.......because then Israel would cease to exist.
what to do, ?? what to do????
So they carved out a few pieces and tried to throw them a bone. Mighty "white" of them, offering back some scraps of their own land.
some desert here.......a corner there..........
just slap a flag on it and call it a "state" .
Not really what the Palestinians had in mind. ......but of course, they'd be wise to take what they can GET for now, and always bargain for more later.......because right now, they have nothing. Basically, a few concentration camps, run by the Israels. under Israeli control.
Sound like Living,, to you?
It's not terrorism when you are fighting for what was stolen from you in the first place.
The Israeli arguement is......wel, it was our land FIRST, 3,000 years ago.
Yeah, maybe so........
but if we go around, handing back land to the orignal owners, from 3,000 years ago..............that's gonna cause more than a few problems.
What the Israels that enough time passes and all the original Palestinians who got kicked out..........will die off and forget...........and then THEIR illegal land grab will be forgotten, with all the others in the history books.
Trouble is.......50 years ago, is not that long ago...........and that's still a long way off. And they seem to have pretty darn GOOD memories..........dag nabbit.............
so I don't expect a peaceful solution anytime soon.
One of the big controversies over there is that there is no country of Palestine (which is why it is not on a map). The Palestinian people live within the borders of a couple of different countries and they are trying to break away from those countries and form their own country.
However, the people who own the land (for example, a lot of it is Israeli soil) don't want to give it away to a bunch of upstarts.
There is no country of Palestine and there never was historically.
Palestine was an area of the Roman Empire that is now Isreal and beyond. It streached from Isreal and depending on what map you look at, all the way to Mecca. During that time, it was Jewish area.
The people called "Palestinians" are only interested in the portion of Palestine that is Isreal, and not the other 80% that is in Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, not that hard to figure out why. In the 1950's, Arafat originally went after Jordan, since the majority of Palestinians live there, Arafat lost there. He had no support fighting another Muslim. When he turned to Isreal instead, the Muslim world suppored him.
Mr Weasle you forgot a deatial that after Israel was establish a man name Arafat was sent by Egypt to cause trouble between the two because the Arabs didn't want a Jewish state.
He brought to this world sucide bombings, the hijackings, Olympic bombings, and soak the people and stole from them.
You know Jimmy Carter's buddy.
Palestine is not on a map.
Also too the Arabs want it all back and to wipe Israel out.
There is two sides to the story if you are honest.
Look on the map. Do you see Israel? According to the Palestinians, that just happens to be the borders of an imaginary country called - Palestine. And the terrorists will not be happy or peaceful until the Israelis pack up and move somewhere else.
This should suit your purposes.
And this one really tells the story!
done with arguing over a thief
aka israel.
I'll just add the link below
& leave.
In Israel,yes. You could say they are walled,secure, water- front communities
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