Friday, December 31, 2010

Question about deed to some land?

About 10 years ago my father-in-law gave his 2 sons some land so they could evendually put a house on. In the deed to the land he had stipulations such as no livestock, barns, etc. About 7 years ago we went to the bank, used the land as collateral to get a loan for a house and now we just have the one deed that makes the home and land one property. My question is what happens to the deed of the land he gave my husband? Is it now void since we borrowed against it and now we have a home on the property? Can we now have livestock and a barn or does he still have control of this?

You guys put the deed up for collaterial so therefore it is also the property of the banks or mortage company in which you guys are doing business the orginal deed is still in effect until the house is paid in full so that would be up to you and the bank or whatever if you put animals on it or not I know I would.

interesting question

more than likely his will is overruled, wills suprisingly dont hold much power with the law, they are overturned quite easily

but i would double check it before getting any livestock etc

if the deed is your name , you can do what you want, if its his name and hes alive, you cant, pretty simple, the only thing stopping livestock maybe your zoning in the area but thats it.

everyone has the right to keep food/animals ...

No. The restrictions that your father-in-law set forth in the deed remain in force and effect until they expire or until the restrictions are released by a proper party or until they are of no benefit to other land and are deemed legally unenforcable by a court having proper jurisdiction over the matter.

Obtaining a loan and securing your promise to pay the lender with a mortgage does not invalidate or otherwise modify these restrictions. If you wish to erect a barn and keep livestock and the restriction shave not expired because of a time limitation set forth in the deed, then you need to get a release of the restrictions from your father-in-law and perhaps from your brother-in-law if his land benefits from those restrictions.

Take the bull by the horns. Write down what you and your husband want to do and why, get some drawings of barns and an idea of what animals you would keep on the premises, and make your pitch to the in-laws. They can only say no, they might say yes, and they will be impressed that you were honest and straight forward, which means they might say yes down the road because of the favorable impression you made on them.

Good luck.

What state are you in? The deeds for rural property, usually do not have a description of any buildings ( houses) they have surveyors property description. Whatever is built on it changes through time.

Deeds no not "change" other than the name on the title ( deed).

So I cannot make sense of your question. There is ONLY one deed to any property at any given time. There are abstracts of property that have a history of title ( deed) and in old abstracts even the furniture is described ( those are fun to read) abstracts have detailed descriptions and easements , along with a property description, and any covenants. If your reative placed covenants that stated no barns or livestock, then they are still there. The thing is, who is going to enforce the covenants?

In condo or planned developments or city neighborhoods, the covenants (restrictions) are enforced by private cooperatives or the city. Here , you have you father in law as the enforcer, since he no longer has any power over the title , he could take you to court to enforce the covenants, but for what purpose? Does he live nearby? did he seel adjacent property to others na dassured them you would not have barns and livestock? if so, they could sue you to enforce the covenants. Everything in the abstract , unless changed by a court of law, is stll valid and must be followed. Only you know if there is likely to be consequences if you violate the covenant and build a barn and keep animals.

Livestock can pollute the aquifer and ruin your neighbors well water etc.

Barns could block air and the view of your neighbors. Livestock are noisy. If people around you bought land , depending on your covenants (restrictions) to protect them, if you violate , they can certainly sue you.

The bank has no say in whether you build or have animals UNLESS you try to borrow money to build a barn, their atty will want to read the abstract for restrictions, and if the atty sees the covenants ( restrictions) they will not lend, as you maybe ordered to tear down the barn and BANG, the money is wasted ( and due and payable)

For instance, if the titles ( deeds) state "no trailer houses", and the property sells to someone, the sale does not change anything restrictions ( covenants) in the deed ( conditions found in the abstract) The new buyer cannot put a tralier house on the property.

I assume the father-in-law is still alive. In this case, your ownership of the land is still dependent on the stipulations included in the original "gift". The situation is similar to a Restricted Deed. Should you go against the original stipulations, you could find yourself in court.

It would depend on the precise wording of the deeds. It did not have "stipulations" but it might have had conditions and it might have had consequences if those conditions arise, but I don't know exactly what it said. If you want to know, go to the recorders office, and get a copy of that deed and take it to a lawyer with your specific questions.

What is being spun off in the world economy?

it seems like

1. labor is being priced in to help the rich get richer, raising the profit margin

2. a lie is put in place that there is a crisis when there is none, this crisis was man made from the greedy and rich people that just want more control over government, land, banks, etc

3. many people will die from evil wars to come

4. government intervention is being put in place to make us obey that whatever our government is doing, they are doing it right when in fact they are doing it without realizing the consequences down the road

All those are signs of the agony of Capitalism.Everything evolves,a star, the Universe, a small bacteria.Capitalism has given all it could give, now he is crying "Bury me! Bury me!"

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What would it happen if wrestling is real?

WrestlingMania 23

Money in Bank, Jeff jump then land on Edge on ladder.

Batista give a spear to Elijah Burke in air at smackdown!(When he was jump to Batista.)

ETC as danger match.

Or What happen, something happen in body?

P.S. I know it fake but what would it happen if it real.

It would be sweet but it would die out before too lng because the people doing it would get severioly injured and they would run out of people willing to risk their life

Triple H would have never been champion the first time. Big Show would be champion all the time

Then it would be better and more personal amd more viewers


it would suck and everyone would be bored of it exspecially the superstars...

.....speaking for the wwe of course....

Big Daddy V would be ECW champ

Mark Henry would be World Champ

Snitsky or JBL would be the WWE champ

people would get hurt a lot more. and maybe killed

another example Jeff swanton bombing Orton on RAW this monday

Lashley Lesnar mark henry and big real muscle people would have the belts and

Edge would be injured jeff would have cut his leg of it was a real ladder

Elijah would have internal bledding and his kidneys spine and lower bak would be ***** ed

if the mib was realedges back wouldve been broke because the ladder wouldnt have been weakend

elijah would have broken ribs

i actaully wouldnt like i if it was real ppl would get hurt so much wwe would go out of business

People would die or get paralyzed

matches would be fn long and always end in submission and dq's would happen way less often

Plus if it was real and they were REALLY mad at each other then noone would let anyone else talk and there would be alot of interrupting :P

...It would put many actors out of work.

wwe superstar will all have broken bodies and storylines will not be the quite da same.

Wrestling is real, scripted but real.

The risks are huge and it is a very hard way to make a living.

Some of the stunts do not actually hurt. Like the People's Elbow...come's nothing but a lame elbow drop.

However, what happened to Mick Foley at hell in a cell, or taking twelve shots to the head with a chair against the Rock, that was real. How real? The guy got lost going back to his home, which was a 15 minute drive away. Have you seen the way he walks, he looks more like an old man instead of a professional athlete.

How Real is it? Two words for you...Owen Hart

if wrestling were real i dont think it would be like it is. i think it would be more like ufc or wec or whatever mma show you can think of.

a lot of people would be dead.

What is your opinion (if any) about the Islamic Bank of Britain?

Muslims have their own "fully-regulated and Sharia-compliant bank." Do you think this is indicative of the power and influence they now have in this nominally-Christian land? Should we be afraid? Serious comments.

Brilliant question :)

I think it's very worrying. I remember some time back when tiny news stories began appearing about Muslims in the UK being allowed special mortgages that comply with sharia law. I felt very uneasy then - and I'm more uneasy now.

I would react the same way if any other faith had their own banking system, let me add.

Britain is a Christian country. It is one of the most open and 'tolerant' countries in the world and it is being abused. If Muslims want so badly to live by sharia law - and that is of course their right - then there are plenty of countries where sharia law predominates.

Britain is not one of them. At least, not yet......

There are also areas in Britain that have been described as 'Muslim only' - and where sharia law is being used to settle disputes. In addition, the Muslim Council of Great Britain told Tony Blair, back in the aftermath of the London suicide bombings, that they wanted to see MORE sharia law introduced to the UK!

Britain is appeasing Islam. It won't work. Appeasement never does.

If you haven't read it, I think you might enjoy the book LONDONISTAN, by British journalist Melanie Philips. It is an excellent overview of the way in which Britain allowed London to become a recruiting ground for several radical Islamic groups, such as Hizbut Tahrir.


- well said. I agree with you 100%

Sounds like the UK and Canada are more alike than I realised....

no. you don't have to be afraid.

Islamic banking refers to a system of banking or banking activity that is consistent with Islamic law (Sharia) principles and guided by Islamic economics. In particular, Islamic law prohibits usury, the collection and payment of interest, also commonly called riba in Islamic discourse. In addition, Islamic law prohibits investing in businesses that are considered unlawful, or haraam (such as businesses that sell alcohol or pork, or businesses that produce media such as gossip columns or pornography, which are contrary to Islamic values). In the late 20th century, a number of Islamic banks were created, to cater to this particular banking market.

If any 'regular' bank can provide them these options, thn there would be no need for an islamic bank. THere is nothing to worry about.

I'm from Canada, so I don't have a good handle on the problem, and I use the word "problem" because I'm extremely suspicious of ANY religious-based institution growing too large. But I strongly believe Britons should firmly define what is "racist" and what is simply following the law of the land, and not be apologetic for the latter.

I think people in the U.K. are similar to Canadians in their compulsion toward adherence to politeness and hospitality, (well ... maybe the governments are anyway, because they always have ulterior agendas that clash with the people's wishes) but in Canada, we are allowing certain "groups" to have their own way simply because, if the groups feel discriminated against, all they do is cry, "RACISM!' and the Canadians gasp and cave in like a house of cards.

That should be watched, carefully. We have to stand strong for the sake of our laws, that have worked for us from day one. We cannot allow foreign "interests" to enter the country and start changing the way things have always worked well, just for the sake of their religion. Religion is subjective. Laws are for ALL the people.


Interesting question...

The point of a sharia bank is for the fact that Muslims do not use interest... I wouldn't be fearful of it at all. It is just a bank, Muslims can use, because they are not going to be involved in accumulating or paying interest. The money involved in the bank is also Islamically clean, for example not involved in what our religion considers wrong... the business accounts will not be associated with things like alcohol (bars, liquor stores, dance clubs) or other such activities.

If the average western bank provided this service there wouldn't be a need for it.

Here in the US, all I have available to be is what we call a free checking account. I earn no interest from it. I have to pay for my checks ect. I can not though have just a savings account since all savings accounts here deal with interest. I also can never have a mortgage from a western bank or a loan to by a car. All because they include interest. With an Islamic bank, I would have more options open to me.

Being afraid of an Islamic bank is like being afraid of any religiously associated business. Should someone be afraid of a kosher butcher or a halal one? Should be afraid of Christian bookstore? No, no and no. These are just services that are provided to the people of each religion in a way their religion finds appropriate.

Yes, I think we should be very concern.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Husband and I are looking to buy some land and build a small 2 bedroom house on the land. We do not qualify?

for the Ag loans and was wondering if anyone knows of a bank that will give you a loan if you have "Fair" credit. thanks

Ag loans are not what you need right now. Save that for later, after you have proven the ability to show a profit from the land and want to buy more. Right now, you need a construction loan that will count the land purchase as the "first draw" against the loan. Here is how it works:

You take your house plans and have at least one licensed contractor submit a bid to build based on those plans. A time-line should also be given by the contractors. Find a lender, such as Countrywide Mortgage, (no, I don't work for them), who does construction loans. Make a personal contact with of of the loan officers, letting him/her know you have your plans and bids done. Get qualified with them so you know how much of a loan they will give you. (you probably should do that first), and, based on the cost of construction and land, go find the land that works with the loan amount you are approved for. If the house costs $150,000 to build and you have a loan approved for $400,000, then you can buy $250,000 worth of land.

Every "draw" is counted for in an interest only payment for the next month. You buy the land with this loan and it is counted as your "first draw". You will make interest only payments on the land beginning in about 2 months after the purchase. By then, you should have other draws such as foundation pour, frame-up, etc. being billed to the lender by the contractor. The lender pays the contractor and you pay interest only to the lender on what ever you have spent with your contractor. They give you ample time to build. When the project is complete and signed off on by local building inspectors, any final bills are paid and the loan, building, land, and all, flips over in to a 30-year fixed or adjustable or what ever permanent financing you have put in to place with the lender. I mention Countrywide because they are one of the few mainstream lenders who have the ability to do the construction loan and still offer many permanent loan programs at the end. You can save money by working with the contractor or whatever arrangements you have with him/her. The lender doesn't care as long as it is built in a timely manner and all local regulations regarding permits are followed and the property qualifies for a certificate of occupancy when it is done.

Hope that helps.

Last year that worked, but not anymore. With the housing market going down, lenders are more careful. Also, major problems have developed with substandard loans, so they are not available. In addition, you want a construction loan, which has always been hard to get even with very good credit. Sorry, but find another plan.

Line of credit against land property, or using land as a collateral?

I have about some raw land, free of debt, worth several $100,000's. My score is 750 or so.

I'd like to get a line of credit against my land property, very much like home line of credit. Is there such a thing? I think some hard money lenders will do it, but I'd rather not pay 9-15% interest rate... Is there a conventional bank that has a product that will help me?

You have already found the answer!

National Lenders will not lend on raw land and only some Hard Money Lenders will!

BUT, there may be a local Bank or Savings and Loan who will look at your total financial picture and make the loan. Start with the local Bank/S & L where you have your accounts.

Best wishes.

Probably not anything more than what you've already been offered.

Banks prefer to issue lines of credit at their most favorable rates against a person's home for the very same reason that most people would prefer to not use their home as collateral. The bank knows/feels that a person is less likely to have their home foreclosed on, whereas they don't have quite the same emotional ties to an empty piece of land.

Try your bank's personal banking department. They can often come up with more creative lending ideas than your typical retail branch employee.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I want to buy a vacant 1.5 acre lot of land?

I am pre-approved wiht the bank and have the money to make the deal, however; I am ignorant about what questions that I need to ask the realtor? What questions should I have answered before I decide to buy this land? The location is perfect for me and chances are that nobody can build around me because of some school property. Thanks in advance.

as above...if oil, you also have to buy the mineral rights. Is there hazardous materials in the soil?

Is there back taxes owed on the property.

A few hundred dollars, to a attorney to find out why not to buy the property is the answer.

Ask if there's oil on the land. If there is, buy the land.

Ask him what the land used to be used for and make sure there is a sewage system there. Oh yeah, and ask about all the taxes and all that good stuff. For you to build a house there, your property taxes will soar quite a bit depending on your area...I am assuming it will being that near a school. Sorry I can't hep you out more, my brain is fried tonight. I was looking to buy a 36 acre lot not too long ago and can't seem to remember all the questions I asked!

what are the taxes per year?

1. Is city water/sewer/electric service available nearby? The cost of a connection can be high. Ask how much. 2. What is tax rate. 3. If you plan to build a home, does it slope? How much site preparation will be necessary? 4. Are there any utility easements? 5. Do you have to pay home owner association fees? Are there deed restrictions? 7. Are you required to build within a certain period of time? 8. Are there height or size requirements that you must adhere to? 9. Is there a full-time fire dept. nearby or is it a volunteer fire department (this could affect your insurance rates. 10. Does the school plan to expand anytime soon. (are there any eminent domain issues with which you may be faced in the future)

ask if there are water/gas/electrical/sewer hookups. taxes owes, liens leveys. also if it zone for what kinds of houseing or business ect

Sounds like it's an ideal spot for you to build a home. First have a Realtor work for you who represents you. Have them prepare a market analysis to confirm you are paying the right price.... then

MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION, have the Realtor include a due diligence clause in the contract which allows you to evaluate the property and determine it can be used as you intend to...

Choose a reputable builder and have the builder evaluate the property with you for what you intend to build. They are very familar with zoning, utilities, set backs, etc. within the due diligence period. If anything comes up that you are unsure of, cancel the contract before the period is up and get your money back....


Joe Ballarino

What are some thoughts for a peace plan between Israel and Palestine?

Who gets Jerusalem?

The refugees' Right Of Return/Israeli-settlements in the west bank

Borders/land/the fence


There can be no peace between Israel and Palestine until the Palestinians learn to love their children more than they hate the Israelis or one side kills everyone on the other. Borders are defined by the aggressive use of force. There is no change in them that would change anything in the middle east. You can never have peace as long as your neighbor only wants to kill you. A peace plan under these conditions is nothing more than a wisp of smoke to be blown away by the breeze.

Dissolve the borders, and make the Palestinians and Israelis citizens of the same country. Limit citizenship to the people who actually live there -- none of this granting citizenship to any Jew anywhere in the world who wants it. Institute proportional representation. We don't need exclusively Jewish states any more than we need Muslim states or Christian states. Right of return for every refugee, maybe even reparations. Tear down the fence. End apartheid. Allow Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and allow Palestinian settlements in Israel. Open the gates to the refugee camps/ghettos and let the Palestinians free.

Give Jerusalem to the UN, and make it their new headquarters.

It´s clear that Jews and Arabs can not live in the same state;they will simply cut eash other´s throats.Too much hatred there is between these two peoples.

Neither Israelis,not Palestinian Arabs are interested in the two-state solution.If they were,the "alestinian state" would have already been created.

So,if the Internatinal Community really wants to solve this conflict,then it´s very simple.Arab statistic says that more than 40% of arabs living in Palestine would be happy to emigrate,but they have no money.Instead of paying the astronomical sums to aid "gazans","palestinians" and other mythical ethnic groups,let the International Community spend much less money in subsidies to every arab family which wants to leave Eretz Israel - and let the Western countries open their borders for those palestinian arabs who want to leave.There are only some 2 million arab in Palestine,it´s only 400 thousand femilies,for the Western countries it´s nothing.Let´s suppose that we pay 20000 $ to every arab family which wants to emigrate from Palestine.It means 8 billion dollars.It seems much to you?Only USA,fo example, spent on direct and indirect aid 39 billion dollars in 2004.And the lion´s share of this help went to Muslim world.Now,add the aid going from the European Community,UNRWA,various non-governmental organizations and funds...Maybe after that the sum will not seem to you so big.

The solution is very simple,if only the International Community is REALLY interested in solving the conflict.

But if the Western countries do not want to open its borders for palestinian arabs-they have not the moral right to demand of Israel to do this.

Israel will have to put out the Palestinians from Gaza

As for possible solutions, the Palestinians are willing to accept a 2-state solution, where they establish their state over 100% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (all lands militarily occupied by Israel in 1967 including East Jerusalem), and that state to be 100% sovereign over its borders and resources. They also want the right of return and compensation for the refugees who were forced out of their homes in 1948 war. That is a huge concession considering that the West bank and Gaza make less than half of what was allocated to them in the 1947 UN Partition Plan. This is also the offer from King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia.

The Israeli offer on a 2-state solution differs hugely from the Palestinians' expectation. Israelis offer:

1) Only parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

2) No East Jerusalem

3) No borders with the outside world

4) Majority of illegal settlements in West Bank to be annexed to Israel

5) No return for refugees

6) Water resources in the West Bank to be shared with Israel (currently Israel took over 83% of the water resources in the West Bank to the settlers who make 12% of the population of the West Bank)

Even if the two sides agree on a 2-state solution, it will be a matter of time before Israel violates this treaty and cause conflict to start again, as Israel still has to deal with its progressively increasing Arab population, which is expected to become a majority in 2048.

I think the best and fairest solution that can achieve a lasting peace is a one-state solution (including Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip), where people of all religions have equal rights with no special privileges to any faith. The Zionists will also disagree with this option as it means that there will be no more Jewish majority in Palestine/Israel.

The Arabs have enough land between them all. They should leave Israel alone, including Gaza, the West Bank, and Golan Heights! It is all the "promised land" of Abraham and his legitimate heir through Sarah, his wife. Isaac is the father of the Jewish people, and Ishmael is father to the Arabs. They are both Abraham's descendants and are blessed because of that, but God said the promise would be carried down Isaac's lineage.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How did the British banks get landed with so many dodgy American mortgages?

They buy and sell mortgages like they buy and sell bonds, shares etc with savers money on the international markets. And some banks bought too many dodgy american ones.

And dukefent your an idiot, with about as much knowledge of the British housing market or just ecnomics in general as Norman Lamont.

Because directors in the U.K. give each other ridiculous employment contracts. The worse they behave the more money they can make. Getting sacked, is just another good earner to them.

In other countries they risk jail for what they get rewarded for in this country. It stinks.

They BOUGHT them for Investment purposes back when Our Economy was GOOD... NOW they're stuck with a portfolio full of "lemons"- that are going Sour! Poor blokes; they should've KNOWN not to buy into something that had Bush's "signature" too! :(

The ONLY way ANYONE gets 'landed' with a mortgage is if they loan the money or BUY the mortgage. they obviously thought they were worth whatever they paid for them.

Evidently people were actually buying houses in the US, as opposed to Brits who just live on the dole in government housing.

They were investments like anything else.

They bought them, silly.

I live in rental property that is in foreclosure, my landlord says bank of america will do a principal reduce?

i am a HUD certified counselor and cannot agree with what he is telling me, he gave me his atty but he is a bankruptcy atty so i am not sure how much he knows about foreclosure/renters rights. My land lord says if we don't pay him he will evict us

Are you behind in your rent?

I have provided some links below that may help you in your search for information.

You can also consult a lawyer, most offer a free consultation.

If you have paid your rent on time to your landlord, you cannot be evicted. Once the property has been foreclosed upon, ie the landlord no longer owns it, you cannot be evicted due to the new law passed this summer, unless the new owner is going to occupy the house. You need to talk to a renter's advocate, not your landlord's lawyer.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Am I allowed to make my property secede from the United States?

If I had my own land that the bank didn't own, could I legally make it a whole new country?

Nope. States can secede, but individual property owners cannot as their own entity. The government, under what is known as "eminent domain," can take your land to protect its interest and welfare, if it's for the greater good of the most people.

Darkness falls across the land

The midnite hour is close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood

To terrorize yawls neighbourhood

And whosoever shall be found

Without the soul for getting down

Must stand and face the hounds of hell

And rot inside a corpses shell

The foulest stench is in the air

The funk of forty thousand years

hope this helps

I love this question!

Very interesting!

Don't think it would work that way--but nice idea!!

I love the thought!!

No. All land and water within the U.S., and its territories are subject to U.S. laws. You would not even get as much respect as Civil War solders if you resisted. You would be treated as a criminal.

I don't know, but how could you afford to defend your country against enemies? Do you have the money for a small or big army? What if the United States declared war on you? You wouldn't have a prayer. Don't make your property into a country even if you can. You can't afford it.

you could...but i would invade it and get a free house..awesome for me!

Legality has nothing to do with seceding from the US. You just need to be able to successfully defend your new country. Don't expect water and electricity from a US company.

Does anyone know of loan/finance companies that will finance a mobile home on land? (I live in SC). Thanks?

Most banks will NOT finance mobile homes anymore. It's hard to find places, but I know there has to be somebody out there who finances, because there sure are a lot of mobile homes!! :-)


A Yahoo search for "mobile home financing" (include the quotation marks) yields 311,000 results. A little exploring should provide you all kinds of sources of financing.

Good luck with your search.

Green Tree finances mobile homes. I know that for sure. Chek them out.

If the mobile home is on blocks many will, so if it is on foundation make sure you tell the bank or mortgage company. I would suggest calling every bank and mortgage company in your area first and if none of them can help you by referring you to another company then try some of the online banks.

My loan is through bank one who is now owned by chase manhattan bank..My payments are reasonable and it is a flate rate no baloon payments involved. Check into it.

well, before you do anything I'd read these 2 sites through:

and here


Saturday, December 25, 2010

I have an 10 acre agricultural property near the kotputli (Rajasthan) i want a loan for develop this land .?

10 acre agriculture property in kayampurbas tehsil kotputli distt.jaipur my requirement a loan of 30 lacs for development of this land suggest me the right bank or society

you'll have to draw up visual plans and a business plan

There are various banks like hdfc bank,icici bank and various other government banks which provide you loan but unfortunately currently all the banks has increased interest rate.

How many planes can you land on Tyra Banks Forehead?

hot damn this is one funny asss question. I say 3 boeing 757's and 2 767's holla


1, the one that makes it flat.

like 5 or 6 odk its pretty big i can bet its bigger than the airpor of miami lol

You mean on her fivehead?

I hate that woman. 5'10 140 my ***.. she weighs a buck 70 on a good day.

I heard john travolta has filed suit to land his 707 on there


too many to count...

that made me laugh

I don't know about plane but you could dock an aircraft carrier on that thing.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Is Accounting job in demand in Adelaide South Australia?

we are migrating to Adelaide South Australia this year. My wife is a certified accountant working presently here in the Philippines as head of accounting department in LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES. A government bank. I would like to know if there is a lot of job opportunity for her when we arrive at Adelaide South Australia?

if you are suitably qualified to the high standards that Australian accountants are, then you will have no trouble at all

This property is in a auction bank file a deed of trust house is in auction still pay rent?

please help me land lord want to collect rent first auction was on 6/8/2009 I pay my rent that month and he want me to pay this month all so

As long as the landlord is the legal owner of the home, you must continue paying rent. Once a new owner has completed the sale, you may either have to vacate or, if the owner continues the lease, you would then pay rent to that person.

Yes you pay rent. You are living there and must pay what you owe.

Otherwise you are evicted and that destroys your credit and any chance of renting anywhere.

You only have to pay him rent from the day he bought it.

So you owe him for a prorated amount of 23 days for the month of June. Just take your rent mulitply by 23 and divide by 30.

Then you owe him for the month of July.

You technically owe the previous owner and/or trustee for rent on 6/7 and prior. If you paid for may and not June yet, you legally owe one of them 7 days worth of rent. With that said, they probably aren not going to chase you down for 7 days worth of rent. I'd say in 999 cases out of 1000 the previous owner doesn't even bother sending a notice.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Which of these areas of land are currently in dispute?

Sinai Peninsula

Golan Heights

West Bank


Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

jerusalem is being fought over by jews and palestinians.

Can land be used as collateral?

The land belonged to my father and was recently deeded to myself AND my brother and sister. Can I use that as collateral for a bank loan?

Since you capitalized the "AND" in your question, I assume you mean that you have a one third share of an undivided piece of property.

If your loan is a mortgage to buy out your siblings shares, then yeah, the land can be collateral.

Otherwise, your brother and sister, AND THE BANK, would all have to be nuts to allow you do such a thing. Just think of the mess for all of them if you default. They would then be mired in partnership not of their intending.

I would think that you will have to be a real sweet talker to make this deal. But hey, you can try.

Yes as long as you can prove you own it.


You certainly can. Use it wisely!

yes it can

If you own the land with your brother and sister you'll need their approval to use it as collateral. You don't own it's full value, only a third.

Only your portion. The land will have to be surveyed if the bank requires it which may cost thousands of dollars. I work for a land surveying company and using land for collateral is kinda hard sometimes...It depends on what kind of loan you are trying to get!

It depends on how much equity you have in it. Ask a loan officer about HELOC loans or closed end second loans. They subtract the appraised value of the property from what is owed on the property and that is the amount of your credit line. You can get this information easily off the internet. You can use the money for anything you want even a car.

as long as you have the paperwork i dont see why not

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Investment banking out of University of California Santa Barbara?

I am planning on going to UCSB this fall and I was admitted with a Pre-Economics/Mathematics major. I want to end up working as an investment banker. Is it likely that a student from UCSB can land an investment banking job after college? Is it bad to go to UCSB if I want to do investment banking?

Go for a professional qualification like a CFA to boost your degree from UCSB. It's a great school but it's also a tough financial environment.

Two of my friends are in investment banking and employers are always looking for that little extra while hiring candidates.

Pick up internship opportunities whenever you can. Experience counts for a lot in this industry.

In this environment it is really hard to land an investment banking job. The industry is sort of in a low. I got a friend who just graduated from U Penn Wharton. and she is having trouble finding a job. honestly, i dont think UCSB is good enough to get a job at the big investment banks: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns(now Jp Morgan), Meryil Lynch(Now Bank of America). But it might be able to land you a job in a less known investment bank. except there are't that many left.... First Boston(gone)... Lehman Brothers(gone)... Drexel Burnham(gone).... you could try pipper jaffery or a bank that has an investmnet branch(excluding BA and JPM) such as Deutsche Bank or Nomura, or UBS.... Who knows. But i will investment banks tend to recruit from ivy leagues... the days of any college are over... Anyways ya i still think you got a shot 4 years from now after you graduate from UCSB

Great School. You're lucky to have been accepted. Good major. It'll get you wherever you want to go.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What does the federal estate tax "exclusion amount" mean?

Does it mean that there is no tax whatsoever if a person dies with a net worth (bank accounts, house, land, etc) less than the exclusion amount (which would be $1 million in 2011, for example)?


For 2011 (not 2010) the federal wealth/estate tax is on the FMV of the assets plus any taxable gifts during the person's life. If the total is less than $1M, not tax.

If the assets make money (think interest and dividends) or are tax-deferred (think IRA), then the income tax must still be paid.

Monday, December 20, 2010

In india, which bank offers home loans with lowest interest & understanding the practical difficulties?

since the GLV of the land is lower than the market value

Please visit for more info on the same...

try ICICI Bank


Any one ever gotten a "Lot Loan" for vacant land?

I'm looking to buy a piece of land (Less than $15,000) to someday build my retirement home on. My real estate broker told me I couldn't get a mortgage, but my bank (Wachovia) offers what is called a "Lot Loan". Has anyone ever applied for one of these? Is the application process relatively painless compared to a home mortgage? I have one a mortgage, but not much equity yet)

You still have to qualify mostly the same way, with income and assets etc... But if you're dealing directly with them, perhaps it's somewhat smoother.

Lot loans are riskier than normal mortgages, since vacant lots aren't as easy to sell if they take it over after a default. So rates are higher, credit must be solid, etc...

First of all, how long do you think before you will start building on that peace of land?

I haven't and have never even heard of one. Land is typically bought with cash. You can't get a construction loan unless you hold a clear, and paid, title.

Make sure it is zoned for housing, 15k is nothing, I would worry that something is wrong with the lot.

people seeking land-only financing as the first step toward building that dream home use Lot Loans


Reasonable down payment plans

A variety of long term payment amortization options with a 5-year balloon

Competitive pricing

May be rolled into permanent financing when construction is complete

When you are ready to build, Lot Loans are designed to simplify financing during the home building process.

"Land is typically bought with cash"... that must be nice. I am not from the city, so we don't have "lot" loans, but we do have land loans. I own about 500 acres, bought at different times. I took loans out for it, just like I would a house or car and made payments until I got it paid off. Thankfully it's paid for. Shouldn't be a problem.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Any tips on how to land a job in Singapore?

I want to move to S'pore with my family and I have a background in media and I'm also educated in business/banking.

You must be Degree Holder from recognise university * USA.UK.EURO.JAPAN * or Professional is some order to apply S-Pass or EP. only you hold S-PASS/EP you family will allow for Dependent pass. if you are out of this , no chance at this moment./ Even at this very bad time, if you jobs that Local citizen cant handle or some special Technically that Singapore need it, you still able to grand for EP. However Competition is great for the pass few year. if you confident you self, is easy for you to apply to Employment agencies in you country that handle Singapore recruitment..also you can Apply EPEC . . if you get EPEC , you will allow to stay here max 1 year to search for jobs. normally EPCE holder will get EP if they get jobs.( chance is high , but not 100 % ). Please consider about you child Education , beside you have to paid $ 6000.00 eduction fund to MOE if they go to any of Government school , for those International school , only fees is more than 1,200/month. Singapore eduction systems is good , if from day 1 to University. if just " jump " in and out after 2/3 year, you may wists you child time. unless you willing to become PR to stay here forever.( subject to PR approved).

queue up.. many singaporeans are out of jobs..


not the right thing to do as of the moment..

they are under recession and for sure the government would prioritize its citizens first...

write a good resume, post it on online job sites, send to headhunters, contact all your friends to ask them for help.

Like everywhere else in the world. jobs are had to find


If Israel didn't occupy West Bank,Gaza,East Jerusalem and the others in 1967 .....?

.... and the land remains as the UN Partition Plan in 1947 and everything is in piece without the Arab-Israeli conflict, do you think people will like Israel?

No, I don't think so. The Arab states attacked Israel just several hours after its declaration of independence.

I don't think people dislike Israel, I know there are Arabs spreading distorted news.

One billion people can make much noise.

Some here say only 300,000,000

probably not ,they would find some reason to criticize.

why do you think israel occupied that land in 67? because before then everyone loved israel?

the occupation was the response to terrorism, the result of arab hatred of jews, not the cause of it.

and when the occupation of gaza ended a few years ago, the arabs there did nothing but wage war on israel.

i suppose at that time abdul nasser was that great leader not only for egypt but for all arabs in total

they "big powers and israel"were planning all the time how to get red of him instead of making peace with him

at one time secret talks with israeli went on

but israel cut it down

just little after abdul naser was in power israel france and britain attacked egypt

that was the war which affected brits and french and it kicked them away,america did not join,it just watched in order to take their place within the few coming years

as a strategic point of the west

in this particular area if a lasting just peace could be established in middle east that leads to the end of the western presence in the area

and that was one of the reasons for the american war on lebanon via israeli army

to mr x


answering only one point of yours

israeli never left gaza

instead of being inside they only moved to be out side

they never can export thier yields without having israeli permition

or inport food or medicine or even gas or petrol

they do not have doors and if there are doors they do not have the keys to the doors

boats are not allowed to sail for fishing

no comunication with west bank

no airoplanes to come or go

any one gets out must be tested with israeli cam

israel can vito any one to inter gaza

do you think that happened to france during its occupation by german

Most will like it but some will not. By the way, if there was no Israeli occupation, there wouldn't be Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the middle east so basically Israel the Israeli occupation is the cause of terror in the middle east both in a direct way (IDF) and indirect way.

No because they would still be on Palestinian land. What about the Palestinians who owned land in the area that was given to the Israelis in by the UN in 1947? Where are there rights? A Jewish state on Muslim land - Im sorry but no.

of course ,woul like them more than this would be some unity between tow nations,,,,things would be better for both and all of us

Not anymore; too much blood has been shed,mostly with massive air assaults. In the 50's the attitude was positive but that blew out the window in 1967 and deepened into hatred in 1982. They should have left well enough alone. 1967 will someday be remembered as the Beginning of the End for this nasty little government,in Strobe Talbatt's words.

I agree with Bosco. After the conclusion of hostilities in 1951 they were being left alone by neighboring sates and they would have been well-advised to keep their hands off other's countries' territory. 1967 was the year everything changed.

if the partition plan had been made with the consent of the resident population of the time, israel's extension would have been different, or even there would have been a one state solution, but things would have probably turned out better than with an imposition.

It would have made no difference, in any case 1967 was

destined to happen, as the time of the gentiles was over.

No. After all the reason 1967 happened is the Arabs were trying to destroy Israel. It has nothing to do with land it has to to do with a hardness of the heart.

This conflict has been going on since Isaac and Ishmael and will not end till Messiah comes to establish His kingdom.

No, they will still hate Israel. If Israel had not taken control of he Westbank Gaza and Jeruasalem, they would have been destroyed in the Yom Kippur war of '73.

The hatred really has nothing to do with the land.

Originally that is what Israel was when it declared independent, the next day the surrounding Arab countries invaded. They didnt want the Jews to have any land. Now they are soar losers and cry because they didnt get there way after attacking Israel 3 times and losing

After 1951 things settled down and remained fairly quiet. if the zionists had left it at that they might eventually have won the world's respect. The land-grabbing triggered off all the trouble - after the '67 war of acquisition the whole world found itself abruptly confronted with Palestinian resistance,and it became the world's problem. The west bank as a part of Jordon was essentially all they had left of their homeland. As to whether it would make any difference now to return it,my feeling is probably not,but it would be worth a try.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

One of my relative has dig a antique $100,000 1934 gold can we redeem?and to whom?

we verify that the gold certificate is real via LAND BANK philippines...according to the bank they can't afford the worth of the said certificate but they confirmed that the gold certificate is real...i am willing to cooperate to anyone who are interested...thank you!

Someday I'm going to get tired of answering this question. This comes up an Yahoo Answers about once a month, invariably from someone in the Philippines.

The only $100,000 bill ever printed by the US is the Series 1934 Gold Certificate, which was only intended for transactions between banks, and is illegal for private citizens to own. It has a portrait of Woodrow Wilson on it, and is signed by Morgenthau as secretary of the treasury.

Here is a link to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing web site showing a photo of the US $100,000:

A very limited number of these were printed, and all of them are accounted for. There is no possibility that one would turn up in the Philippines, let alone several. Since they are illegal to own, I would not be interested in one at any price.

Whether safe keeping receipts are issued by Indian Banks against agricultural land?if yes at what rate?

Most of the banks have safe deposit vaults in which you can keep your land papers.

Inappropriate answer for the question!

Friday, December 17, 2010

How much is the Roman Catholic church worth?

Meaning, how much wealth does the Roman Catholic church have today (in land, gold, banks, etc.)? The only numbers I could find were from the 1960s. The numbers were around 15 bill but it much be many times that now. Please cite. Thanks!

In monetary value; an obscene amount of money.

In moral worth; nil

I don't even know if I'd trust those numbers from the '60s.

Here's the issue - wealth isn't just a matter of gold, land, etc, but it has to be taken against liabilities - salaries, expenditures for relief efforts and operations, etc. An organization may take in $80 million in donations or a company in revenues, but what if liabilities are $80.5 million? Wealth becomes negative then.

Also, there is property that is difficult to put a price on. What's the value of St. Peter's Basilica? What about the many works of art? I used to work as a credit analyst and man the stuff small businesses would put on their financial statements. Stocks and houses are one thing, but what about a rare automobile, or a work of art by a lesser-known artist in his 90's (ie, it MIGHT go up in value when he dies, presumably soon).

I don't know, but I believe it's usually overestimated. For instance, the Japanese company that helped finance the restoration of the Sistine chapel owns the copyright to all photographs. You have to consider the age of the buildings that are so beautiful constructed out of stone of marble. They rent, not own a plane. I think there are several misconceptions about how much the Catholic Church has in terms of liquid assets.

It is difficult to tell for the entire Church. Each diocese is run as a separate financial entity.

In 1981, Pope John Paul II ordered annual financial disclosures to debunk the idea that the Vatican is rich.

Here is an article on the 2008 annual financial report from the Vatican:,4670,VaticanFinances,00.html

And 2007:

With love in Christ.

Well according to Quaid's site, they made 8.5 billion U.S. in the year 2000, but that does not tell us how much they have saved in all accounts, how much they own in land, or the value of ancient relics, art, and antiques.

I think to estimate 75 billion would not be unrealistic.

any time you fall on hard times, the nearest catholic church will put you in touch with one of their charities, while the govts. will twiddle their thumbs weighing up the cost.

25% of charities in africa are catholic run

probably billions, but then they did not follow Christ's commandment. "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, so that were your treasures are you heart may be also."

This gives you the information as of 2000. It's a boring read though.

It's not about momey. It's about power.

Presumably quite a lot. How else could they provide more basic human services to the poor of the world than all other churches combined?

Catholics are more than one sixth of the planet. 1.2 Billion.

Obviously, their church owns a lot of stuff.

It is priceless.It is the way of eternal salvation

Priceless :)

it is not worth a plug nickle to me

Does anyone know how can I land a job with the city????

I currently work as a loan officer for a bank, but I love working with people and I'm ready to try something new...

Most cities have a formal application process that involves taking an examination.

Many cities have websites listing the jobs currently available, their requirements and the application process.

You usually have to know someone who also works with the city so they can recommend you. Otherwise, to get a job with the city would be pure luck.

Cozy up to a City Controller.....

it's hard to land a city job. I tried for health inspector a couple of times. And I know a couple of people who have that same job. the best i can tell you is keep trying. the pay isn't great but the benefits own.

Just keep trying for the position you want.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where or what company or Bank offers the highest % for investing your money. star tin?

I'm looking to invest instead of buying land and houses.

While it might not include all, it includes most, has lists of highest yields on different products (CDs, money market, checking) of banks nationally and per state, updated daily.

check out

They have super high interest rates on savings and checking.

Hi Creative,

I have what I think is a great trading system for you.

Unfortunately this system comes with so many problems that you probably won't be interested in it....

First, you don't ever have any losing days with this system and we never use stops so there are no losing trades.

Second, you don't use any charts and I know how much most folks love much as I used to love them.

Third, it only takes 30 minutes a week to trade. I know that you guys devote your lives to trading so this system "just won't do it."

Fourth, it only makes about 20% a month in profit so it will double your money every 3 or 4 months.

Fifth, it's not a directional trading system so it makes money in all markets whether the price goes up or down.

I was going to tell you about it but because it has all these problems, I won't bother you with it. I'm sure you wouldn't pay any attention to it even if you knew about it.

Paul Upp

6%+ on simple savings account. You can transfer from you checking account to HSBC or from HSBC to your checking.

Can I pay my land lind bill by sbi internet banking?

if yes How?

No you cannot

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Construction loan- help. I want to buy a modular home. I own the land, but I don't make much $?

Going to cost about 120,000 to get in the door. The land is valued @ 60,000. I only make 30,000/yr. Is there a bank that will offer me a construction loan? What r my options? My bf is self-employed so co-signing is not an option.

Don't count on it. Modulars are notoriously difficult to finance, simply because they tend to not hold their original value, as does a conventionall constructed home. You can inquire, but don't get your hopes up.

A power house, P, is on one bank of a straight river 200 m wide, and a factory, F, is on the opposite bank?

400 m down stream from P. The cable has to be taken across the river under water at a cost of $6/m. On land the cost is $3/m. What path should be chosen so that the cost is minimized?

Let's look at the extreme cases first:

Straight across the river is 200 m @ $6/m = $1200

plus 400 m on land @ $3/m = $1200, total $2400.

If we go diagonal, then by Pythagoras,

it's 200 sqrt(5) m @ $6/m = 1200 sqrt(5) ~= $2683

Let the point straight across from P be P'.

Let's choose a landfall point Q, somewhere P' and F.

Let distance from P' to Q be q.

So total distance is

sqrt (200² + q²) (diagonal under the river) + 400 - q (on land)

cost is 6 * sqrt(40000+q²) + 3 * (400 - q)

we want to minimize that.

first we can divide by 3 -- same value for q will be max

2 * sqrt(40000+q²) + 400 - q

Derivative is

2q / sqrt(40000+q²) - 1

We set that to 0

2q / sqrt(40000+q²) = 1

2q = sqrt(40000+q²)


4 q² = 40000 + q²

3 q² = 40000

q = 200/sqrt(3)

Length under water is then 400/sqrt(3) = approx 231

and length on land is 400 - 200/sqrt(3) = approx 284

Cost is 6 * 400/sqrt(3) + 3 (400 - 200/sqrt(3)) = 2239.23048









q..231 (diagonal), q = 116






Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How can Israel get more land?

Israel tried to conquer more land in West Bank but failed miserably. Soon 260,000 Jews will move back into Israel from West Bank, and there will be a great influx. So what are Jews to do? the Jewish state is too tiny to support us for much longer, should we build another state? buy Sinai land?

As I recall.. ALL of the "occupied territories" were annexed by Israel after a unified Arab States attack AGAINST Israel. Those nations included Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt, among others. The Golan Heights were taken from Syria, the Gaza Strip was taken from Egypt, and the West Bank was taken from Jordan. That's because at the end of hostilities, the attacking forces had been driven back into their own lands, and Israeli troops OCCUPIED those territories.

In other words, the lands were taken because the attackers were repelled.

Israel's only failure in the whole process was in not incorporating the seized lands into Israel itself, instead of allowing them to continue to be called "occupied territories" for all these years.

Edit - by identifying yourself as "a jew, not an Israeli" - you have also identified yourself as Jewish by heritage, but not by religion. Lukewarm, I call it.

No, there is no need for Israel to buy more land or to conquer it. If Israel can not support her population (it´s a news, though; until now Israel has managed very well, but ok), there is another solution for this problem; Israel must simply throw out

a million of arab loafers, starting with you - and the problem will be solved.

The entire thing has always belonged to the Jews. Although I'm all of a two-state solution, I can't imagine why you'd insinuate that you're an Israeli, yet call the move into the West Bank a failed "conquer" or that we'd have to "buy" Sinai.

Stay put.

Stop taking land. Before you lose what you already have.

Buy it if you wish.

Parting the Red Sea or something.

They will just kill some more. And manipulate foreign countries to help. Peace.

I wish you would see...

BTW, see the any map before 1948 and try to find West Bank... You will find Judea...

New Jersey!

we're going after your house, next

Israel will always find one excuse after another to initiate an attack on its Arab neighbors to steal their land. Jewish leaders, take the floor on this one:

1. "There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies ­not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy." Israeli president Moshe Katsav. The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001

2. "The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Israeli Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

3. "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

4. "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.

5. David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

6. Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 : "We must do everything to insure they ( the Palestinians) never do return." Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. "The old will die and the young will forget."

7. "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

8. "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. (Certainly the FBI's cover-up of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap scandal suggests that Mr. Sharon may not have been joking.

9. "We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours." Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

10. "We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return" David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar's Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

11. "We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

12. "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

13. "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.

14. "We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

15. Rabin's description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet. "We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters" Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion's special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. From "The Arabs in Israel" by Sabri Jiryas.

16. "There are some who believe that the non-Jewish population, even in a high percentage, within our borders will be more effectively under our surveillance; and there are some who believe the contrary, i.e., that it is easier to carry out surveillance over the activities of a neighbor than over those of a tenant. [I] tend to support the latter view and have an additional argument:...the need to sustain the character of the state which will henceforth be Jewish...with a non-Jewish minority limited to 15 percent. I had already reached this fundamental position as early as 1940 [and] it is entered in my diary." Joseph Weitz, head of the Jewish Agency's Colonization Department. From Israel: an Apartheid State by Uri Davis, p.5.

17. "Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

18. "It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands." Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.

19. "Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine, Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry.

Last year i purchased a partial interest in 3 lots of land in the state of oregon from my brother in law and?

who was co-owner with my husband. the paperwork i drew up to prove it was an "owner's sale and agreement and earnest money receipt", purchased at a local stationary store, where he acknowledged receipt of $5,000.00 paid by me, the balance of $30,000.00 due him upon the sale of the property. it is completed properly, however it was done in haste leaving no time to have it notarized. it is signed and dated by both of us outlining the details, and i gave him a cashier's check, drawn on a local bank. is this agreement legal and binding if should he decide to change his mind?

Yes, because of substantial performance (though partial performance would do). The legal problem arises from the fact that it won't be an open and shut case if he denies any of the above. You would have to prove your performance. At issue is the fact that the document signed is not properly executed. And, if you live in a jurisdiction like Florida - it specifically doesn't satisfy the "Statute of Frauds" which means you could end up losing your interest because the contract is "void ab intio" - invalid from the very moment it was signed - i.e., no contract exists. So, to quickly remedy this issue, notorize a paper that says what you are all agreeing to is the sale contract "attached hereto" - you could say something like, we forgot to notarize and we are notarizing today with the intent to make valid the contract we didn't notarize then as if we had done so then (but you don't have to). Do it now while everyone is all chummy chummy as you won't get to do it when the fit hits the shan. Ok?

Yes, but getting it notarized even now would be even more insurance.

Not every contract needs to be notorized to make it legal. When you purchase a car, do you have the contract say that you will make your payments on time notorized? You both signed it in good faith and it should be binding. If you have any doubt contact a real estate lawyer and get their opinon. Do not go to a genarl attorney.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I need an education loan( 11 lks). how much FD should i have with the bank to become eligible?

I have no landed property. and when should i start paying the interest for it. i am an indian citizen.

To avail education loans upto Rs4-00 lakhs, security is not required. Beyond that, collateral security is required. Loan will be sanctioned upto 90% of the securities provided(FD).

Please visit your bankers, where you have the account and seek details regarding the repayment and interest.

An FD is not a must for availing education loan.However,collateral securities r necessary.If u do not have fixed assets but equivalent fixed deposit,u can avail the loan.The interest n principals r to be returned after the student finds a job.

Do Israel and her leaders really want peace with Palestinians?

If so, why they keep building settlements on Palestinian land in west bank,

That would simply piss off those ppl resulting in more conflict

Israel has humiliated Abbas and other moderates with such acts,

I'm not saying Hammas is an angel, but why Israel contradicts herself?

Let's get this straight because I'm not certain you understand the situation over there...

Hamas and the Palestinians want to kill all Israelis. I honestly don't think they care a fig about the land anymore. If they did, they would have stopped the bloodbath after Israel threw her hands up and said, "here, take it, just shut up and take it!" Do you realize Hamas called a ceasefire (one day after Israel called a ceasefire) and these angry people STILL shot rockets at Israel?

Israel is defending herself from the people that keep attacking. Can you say that you would just sit there and not react while someone beat the crap out of you? You might turn the other cheek for a while, but you would get to the point where you would begin fighting back.

This is how it has been for years over there. This isn't anything new.

Israel seems to want peace with Palestine, but it's hard to want peace when the strongest faction in the region with which you are seeking peace is shooting rockets at you. Israel would like peace in the West Bank, but popular consensus in the country seems to be that this is impossible while Hamas is in power.

Of course it does. It just wants to be left alone to do its thing just as you and I do. But if you and I are seen as possessing wealth that our neighbours feel unfairly deprived of, we are going to be subject to attack.

Absent the God-sent gift of oil, Israel's neighbours are doomed to eternal poverty by their Islamic culture. Their resentment of Israel will increase with each burgeoning generation of frustrated male youth whose wild oats can, by Islamic decree, only be sown by marriage, which they probably can't afford, or by assaulting the infidel.

I see only two options for Israel. One is, ironically, to adopt the policies of Nazi Germany and expand by militarism. The other is to have a second Diaspora and to live much more happily under current circumstances than the first Diaspora did.

israel wants peace. they litterally handed gaza to them and took the settlers out of there homes but the Palestinians destroyed the homes because they did not want to live in homes build by Jews (idiots). they dug there own grave and only dig it deeper with every rocket they fire.

Can you negotiate with an organization that funnels this kind of hatred?

Regardless of what Hamas says in public (and the liberals who take them at their word), the private prayers and political speeches of Hamas have embraced the concept of genocide, religious war and conquest of non-Muslim countries. Fortunately they don't have the arms to commit such deeds.

No isreal is using all of its power to make the life for Palestinians miserable so they finally give up and leave

in which case Israel will start building condos and malls THAT'S FACT

and no I'm not on a side I'm just stating the obvious

Palestinians were dancing on the streets on 9/11...and when Israel was backing out of Gaza their terrorist leaders of Hamas started shooting rockets into Israel...Can't say I really care about the Palestinians at this point...Go Israel!


I'll try to solve your Question.

Visit 4 Solution:

I think it will help you.


You don't get it. The land belongs to Israel. In fact, all the land that you now know as Iran and Iraq belongs to Israel.

They stopped building settlements in Gaza and withdrew every Israeli citizen, Jewish or otherwise. What was the reward?


Building homes (peaceful act) is different than shooting rockets (non-peaceful act). [Although, they stopped settling the West Bank a while ago].

They want peace.

will jews be allowed to live under palestinian country? cause arabs are allowed in israel right now.. or is this peace thing only goes one way?

they want to control all of former palestine including Gaza and West Bank

unlike hamas et al, israel does not call for the elimination of the opposing race.

Not really.. what they want is the very land that Palestine is trying to call their own.

i dont know anymore the whole thing is a fight over land and no one is gonna budge

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where can I get a loan against a piece of property that I own?

I subdivided by property and now own two lots. I live on one of them and would like to borrow against the value of the unencumbered land. Regular banks don't want to deal with me. Any ideas? Please make your answer relevant.

Try at a local credit union in your neighborhood.

Generally Credit Unions are easier to deal with than Banks (sometimes offer better rates too).

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Are the Yankees going to break the bank in 2008?

I know, i know i can smell the desperation in Yankee-land... no rings in a LONG time. is the payroll going to approach $350mill?? C.C. Mark T, Manny??

Is George Jr. going to sign them all anyway and maybe be out in the first round of the playoffs still??

Yes we will sign at least 2 great pitchers,and a few other good players!

There will be lots of crying in here come Dec!!

You forgot PEAVY!! The right hander just announced he would consider a trade to the yankees!!!!!

We'll sign 'em all!!! Long Live the Bronx Bombers!!!

Mwwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah....Hah hah hah hah hah hah HAAAAA!

They won't get Manny unless they are changing their appearance policies, unless they can entice Manny to stop being Manny.

Nah, if anything the payroll will get smaller. I see us making a play for AJ Burnett or maybe CC, but that will be about it.

like they always do :) It's been nice seeing teams win the world series without breaking the bank

They aren't getting all 3, I doubt they even get 2.

ofcourse they will. not making the playoffs is a huge failure.

yes and we will be the best ever but we do need more pitching

yes they are. dont hold it against us

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Im a broker looking for more FHA wholesale lenders doing Manufactured home loans. Land home packages.?

We know about TBW, Flagstar Bank, but we would like more.

Try United Wholesale Mortgage and Peoples Home Equity

Try Equifirst in Charlotte, NC....

Do Banks charge a higher interest rate for land only loans?

Yes, higher risk loans require a higher interest rate.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What banks etc loan money purchase land ? Not ready to build another home but great deal on acres of land,?

i do not know of even one. your best bet is to enter into a contract with the seller to put x dollars down and then to pay the mortgage to the seller. you need to learn from your real estate attorney what the differences are between "contract for deed" and "articles of agreement." the more you put down, the more likely you will receive a deed sooner. without the deed, you probably will not be able to obtain a building loan.

My old bank was acquired by Wachovia who promptly did away with lot loans.

Some banks do it on the commercial side. If you own a business you may be able to purchase it via a business loan.

First try the bank where you do most of your banking. If they're not interested, try the smallest bank that's closest to the location of the property. Let them know that you might be interested in discussing construction financing with them in a year or two.

Can 2 of 3 beneficiaries of a will sell land without the express permission and signature if the 3rd ?

my uncle and aunt have sold land left to them and my mum without her permission.

I guessed they would need the signatures of all the children since it was left to all of them.

they approached my mum some years ago, but she wanted to hold onto the land as other family lived there.

Also if the sale has/ has not gone through what action can I take from England (the land is in jamaica) to stop the sale or to clarify the amount of sale and the persons authorising /

i think this may have been helped by a dodgy cousin working at a bank there.

if any one has any knowledge of the way things work there it would really help.

No,2 beneficiaries of a will can not sell land that was left to them in that will if there is also a 3rd beneficiarie!

It shouldn't be possible. You will need to get a Solicitor so they can make the right legal applications.

I'm no expert on Jamaica, but no, they can't legally sell it without her consent. I would contact them and let them know you're on to them. If they are trying to scam your mum out of what is hers, it is a criminal act. Call a lawyer in the area and ask for their opinion. If they have already done it, you can file criminal charges, as well as a civil suit. The criminal charges are easy enough from England, but you have to have representation for the civil case (in person, or retain an attorney). So much for family... Sorry and good luck!

had the same thing. my two sisters tried to sell my mum and dads house that had been left to 3 of us.

after legal advise i discovered that all 3 signatures were needed.

the only way round it is to offer a cash settlement before you try to sell to the 3rd party. then the land will be split between the 2 remaining beneficiaries

No, they can NOT do that. Something is wrong. You need to contact a legal worker/lawyer and stop this.

You (your mother) needs to contact a lawyer with experience in estate law and overseas (Jamaican) law ASAP! Everything is "dodgy" when dealing with overseas transactions like this and especially in the Carribean countries, where they tend to "conveiently forget" certain laws (especially if "greased"). Move quickly, or you and your mother will lose out.

No they can't.If the Land was left to all of them,then they all needed to sign a letter.Was this left to them in a will? Who was the main person named,normally the eldest child/living relative.If your mum didn't want to sell,they couldn't do it without her concent,as she would have to agree in writing.I would suggest checking with a solicitor,on where you stand.

My nan passed away this year,and she had a couple of insurance policies,my mum had to get written permission of my aunts and uncles to go ahead with claiming the policies,as it was easier for only one person to sort out the paper work.

So whatever happened,your mum would've had to sign a release of some sort.

Hi Purple,

This is interesting because it depends on a lot of things.

In UK law normally all three signatures are required unless there are very exceptional circumstances. How the law in Jamaica works I don't know but if anything goes to appeal it is heard in the UK courts in the Privy Council.

You need to contact a solicitor in Jamaica to find out how the law there works. If they use UK law and Uk jurisdiction.

If this is the case and they sell the property without consent then the transaction is illegal.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Do we have to pay again for the new passport for second time in local hdfc bank?please help me ?

Somebody stole my passport and greencard in bangalroe airport yesterday when I landed here in bangalore.I have applied for passport today it might come on jan 2nd 2009 ,do i have to pay money to hdfc again for this new passpot which i am getting it for the second time?

Yes, you do have to pay.

How can land be mine?

My partner wants to buy a small block of land for me.

Land has to be purchased using a loan/mortgage from the bank which will be in their name only, as they are paying for it.

So, if that's the case how can the land legally be mine?

This is a relatively straightforward thing to do - despite other answers and irrelevant comments from Americans.

Your partner can buy the land in their own name, and take out a mortgage in their own name. This will make them the legal owner of the land.

You are right that for you to also be a legal owner of the land would require your name to be on the mortgage, which would make you jointly responsible to pay it off.

However, your partner can "give" the land to you without this being necessary. They simply declare a trust, stating that they are holding the land for your benefit. This makes your partner the trustee and you the beneficiary. Once the mortgage is paid off you can take full legal ownership, and if the land is sold at any time it is you that is entitled to the proceeds - of at least for them to be held and invested in your behalf.

However, there may be tax consequences of doing this - inheritance tax (yes!) has to be paid immediately on property paid into most trusts.

Your partner can put your name on the deed so that it is co-owned by the two of you. Once the mortgage is paid off, your partner can transfer their half of the land to you so you would own it completely. The lender is not going to let your partner remove their name from the deed until the mortgage is paid off as that would remove the collateral from the mortgage.

YOUR name would have to be the deed to have any claim to it

the loan on the loan doesn't matter

and until it is actually PAID OFF, it's kind of meaningless. You probably won't be able to build on it until the loan is paid

Once you complete with the legal formalities then you can be a part of that land as your partner has mentioned the name in that but until and unless you will completely get off to the loan the lad cannot be completely yours.

Me and my wife owned a lad and it was on the name of her but when i am done with the formalities of loan then only I would was able to have that land completely named on her.

I have never heard of a lender requiring someone to be on the mortgage if they are on the deed. I suppose it is possible, lenders are changing how they do business often. But if you are indeed on the mortgage, make sure you are on title (deed) as well.

I would not be part of this as it may leave you with a mortgage you don't want.To buy land with a mortgage? What is this land to be used for?All sounds a bit iffy to me but I don't know your partner or the circumstances so maybe I am being a bit cynical.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Should Israel invade West Bank and Gaza?

I think they should just invade that land and end the madnesss. A century ago they would easily get away with it. What do you think?

I am not sure that it would mean end of the madness.

It is not difficult to invade gaza and occupy it and it is not difficult to subdue the West Bank ; what the "heroic mujaheddins" are worth in combat we have recently seen in Gaza .

But what to do with them after that?

To make 3 millions of hostile arabs the citizens of Israel? It is impossible.

To hold them as the occupied popuation? It means to provide them with anything they want: from cheap school- books to German cars , Japanese computers and Israeli medical equipment. And all this- without getting a cent from them , because they are "occupied","poor" and "innocent victims".

I do not say that this second variant is impossible; Israel is strong enough economically to maintain another 3 millions of arabs loafers ,in addition to almost 2 millions she has been maintaining for the last 60 years, but I do say that it would be simply silly.

The best solution, of course, would be to just throw them all out of Gaza and West Bank, paying them the compensation and offering a good stimulus package to any country which would agree to accept them. The first and most evident candidate is Jordan 80% of whose population are the palestinian arabs. But Jordan becomes hysterical at the simple mentioning of the perspective that these 3 millions of arabs from West Bank and Gaza would move to Jordan. It scares Jordan much more than the open war with Israel although they know full well that they will be defeated in a week, because the jordanians also know very well that the Israelis will come - and go , while 3 millions of palestinian arabs guided by the bandits of Hamas, Fatah and Jihad Islamica will come- and stay. But Israel must continuosly probe this variant with different arab countries, and as soon as one of them agrees - throw this plague called "the palestinian arabs" out of Israel without any hesitation.

Second variant is just declare the unilateral separation from the West Bank , announcing officially that Israel since this day considers her borders passing...where Israel considers best for her,without taking in the least consideration the screams of the "International Community (if this "Community" swallowed Iranian nukes, it will also swallow this, and all will end in "protests" and "activists landing in Gaza") , and that she will defend these borders from any attacks with all means at her disposal. After that arabs can create their "state" whenever they want and take for this all the time they need (such as I see the situation, it will take them some 200 - 300 years) .

No, they just gave them back in 2005. And the backlash they'll suffer from the global community would be a lot worse then anything they'd gain.

What would be the justification for that? You know there are real live PEOPLE living there. I know Israel would like us to believe the Palestinians are sub-human animals, but that is not the case. What is wrong with people these days?

No, more invasion means more blood of civilians.

no one is thirsty for blood.

No I think they should Invade your house.

In your dreams.

why israel do this?brothers hamas and on fath do thir best and more than that israel can do,,,,as wee see and hear about fighting and killing between our beloved brothers

Israel already occupies 85% of the West Bank. There's not much left to invade.

Israel's problems stem from the fact that it is always invading, killing, and occupying. As long as Israel continues to do this it will suffer the consequences.

A big cure for this problem would be the end of all US aid to Israel.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal (צ×""ל), are Israel's military forces, comprising the ground forces, air force and navy. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel. The IDF is headed by its Chief of General Staff, the Ramatkal, subordinate to the Defense Minister of Israel; the current Chief of Staff, since 2007, is Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi.

At the order of Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion on May 26, 1948, the Israel Defense Forces were officially formed as a conscript army out of the paramilitary group Haganah, incorporating the militant groups Irgun and Lehi. It served as Israel's armed forces in all the country's warsâ€"the 1948 Arabâ€"Israeli War, the 1956 Sinai War, the 1967 Six-Day War, the War of Attrition, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the 1982 Lebanon War, and the 2006 Lebanon War. While originally the IDF was operational on three frontsâ€"against Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan and Iraq in the east, and Egypt in the southâ€"after the 1979 Egyptianâ€"Israeli Peace Treaty, its activities have mainly been concentrated in southern Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, including the First and Second Intifada.

The Israel Defense Forces differs from most armed forces in the world in many ways, including the conscription of women, and the structure, with close relations between the ground forces, air force and navy. Since its founding, the IDF has striven to be a unique army fitting Israel's specific requirements. The IDF uses several technologies developed in Israel, many of them made specifically to match the IDF's needs, such as the Merkava main battle tank, advanced Hi-Tech weapons systems, Uzi submachine gun, the Desert Eagle and the Galil and Tavor assault rifles. It also has close military relations with the United States, including development cooperation, such as on the F-15I jet, THEL laser defense system, and the Arrow missile defense system.

I'm ashamed to say that I used to feel this way. I felt like how dare Israel compromise and give away the Holy land that G-d has given them. Well you know what? If you truly believe that G-d has given Israel the land, then you must know that He will bring it to pass that every bit of the land that He has given them will revert back to His people. And Biblical Israel is three times the size of the land that is now called Israel. So the battle for the land is far from over. Israel however does not have to fight, or fret, cry or moan, complain or kvetch. Suck it up Israel. The promises of G-d are yea and amen. Or dont you believe Him?

A century ago is 100 years ago. And 100 years ago the Holy land was called the British Mandate of Palestine. And although the British were negotiating with the Zionists (even before the Holocaust happened) for a Jewish state in the Holy land do you think that the British would let them invade it right away without any further reason (the Holocaust and anti-semitism in Europe was the only reason for them to have Palestine!). I also think that it should be the Europeans that should pay for their atrocious holocaust and centuries of anti-semitism (even in the most religious enviornements, aka RCC) and not put the burden of it on Arabs who were not anti-semetic and allowed Jews, as well as Christians to practice their religion freely in their own communities known as "Millets" in the Ottoman Empire. And invading the West Bank and Gaza won't end the "madness" you describe, it would only cause more madness. Because when a power occupies your country, kills women and children and innocent men, destroys and demolishes homes people tend to get upset. It is such a shame you don't realize that.


is this b'itch for real? b'itch, are you for real?

yeah man! more war!,

what a wonderful idea.

no...i think the IDF girls should invade my house and interrogate me while we're all in the hottub together.

A century ago they were all over Europe, even longer some of them were not even of the Je wish faith. News flash, they already invading the the West Bank, and Gaza. The West Bank / Gaza was for Jordan and Egypt prior to 1948. Why don't you take a history class.

West Bank? What is it?

South France id North Bank, not The West Bank.

No, if a century ago people could get away with theft, murder, evading taxes, doesn't mean there is not a higher moral absolute.

Rural land pond house cattle chickens ducks sheep birds husband?

Is there any Banks out that doe's rural land loans. I'm In Houston TX. My house is payed for. I have my 90 year old Mom at home. This is hard to say but she will not be with me very much longer and I need to start looking for another house when shes gone. When you lose your 92 year old Dad here and your Mom too.It's really hard to stay here. All my Family has left Houston but me and after 54 years I think it's time. I could sell the house and then buy another after shes gone but that means I would have to stay longer............................... .

Check with your local Farm Service Agency (FSA), they have programs for beginning farmers and loan the money through their office. Most banks will give loans on almost any home, the interest is much higher than going through the FSA. Good luck

I could marry you if all else fails!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If Banks received a huge bailout to buy bad loans-why cant the people keep their homes? the banks get both?

With Banks receiveing 850 billion and now I see they are looking for another 800 billion-why is it that the people who bailed them out (taxpayers) are losing their homes? Was the bailout not ment to buy up the bad mortgage debt? why does the bank get the land, the payments from the people who were trying to pay their mortgage and over a trillion dollars that you poor hardworking americans will never see again.

because the banks can pay back these loans.

The people that put $0 down, and got a rate a 1% hoping their house would go up in value so they could afford their loans, cannot

it isn't fair to paying Americans that did not over spend on a home and were prudent in their finances

Because those people who are losing their homes didn't pay their mortgages. The bailout was to bailout the bank...not the People. Those people shouldnt have gotten the loans to begin with since they couldn't afford them.