Monday, December 13, 2010

Do Israel and her leaders really want peace with Palestinians?

If so, why they keep building settlements on Palestinian land in west bank,

That would simply piss off those ppl resulting in more conflict

Israel has humiliated Abbas and other moderates with such acts,

I'm not saying Hammas is an angel, but why Israel contradicts herself?

Let's get this straight because I'm not certain you understand the situation over there...

Hamas and the Palestinians want to kill all Israelis. I honestly don't think they care a fig about the land anymore. If they did, they would have stopped the bloodbath after Israel threw her hands up and said, "here, take it, just shut up and take it!" Do you realize Hamas called a ceasefire (one day after Israel called a ceasefire) and these angry people STILL shot rockets at Israel?

Israel is defending herself from the people that keep attacking. Can you say that you would just sit there and not react while someone beat the crap out of you? You might turn the other cheek for a while, but you would get to the point where you would begin fighting back.

This is how it has been for years over there. This isn't anything new.

Israel seems to want peace with Palestine, but it's hard to want peace when the strongest faction in the region with which you are seeking peace is shooting rockets at you. Israel would like peace in the West Bank, but popular consensus in the country seems to be that this is impossible while Hamas is in power.

Of course it does. It just wants to be left alone to do its thing just as you and I do. But if you and I are seen as possessing wealth that our neighbours feel unfairly deprived of, we are going to be subject to attack.

Absent the God-sent gift of oil, Israel's neighbours are doomed to eternal poverty by their Islamic culture. Their resentment of Israel will increase with each burgeoning generation of frustrated male youth whose wild oats can, by Islamic decree, only be sown by marriage, which they probably can't afford, or by assaulting the infidel.

I see only two options for Israel. One is, ironically, to adopt the policies of Nazi Germany and expand by militarism. The other is to have a second Diaspora and to live much more happily under current circumstances than the first Diaspora did.

israel wants peace. they litterally handed gaza to them and took the settlers out of there homes but the Palestinians destroyed the homes because they did not want to live in homes build by Jews (idiots). they dug there own grave and only dig it deeper with every rocket they fire.

Can you negotiate with an organization that funnels this kind of hatred?

Regardless of what Hamas says in public (and the liberals who take them at their word), the private prayers and political speeches of Hamas have embraced the concept of genocide, religious war and conquest of non-Muslim countries. Fortunately they don't have the arms to commit such deeds.

No isreal is using all of its power to make the life for Palestinians miserable so they finally give up and leave

in which case Israel will start building condos and malls THAT'S FACT

and no I'm not on a side I'm just stating the obvious

Palestinians were dancing on the streets on 9/11...and when Israel was backing out of Gaza their terrorist leaders of Hamas started shooting rockets into Israel...Can't say I really care about the Palestinians at this point...Go Israel!


I'll try to solve your Question.

Visit 4 Solution:

I think it will help you.


You don't get it. The land belongs to Israel. In fact, all the land that you now know as Iran and Iraq belongs to Israel.

They stopped building settlements in Gaza and withdrew every Israeli citizen, Jewish or otherwise. What was the reward?


Building homes (peaceful act) is different than shooting rockets (non-peaceful act). [Although, they stopped settling the West Bank a while ago].

They want peace.

will jews be allowed to live under palestinian country? cause arabs are allowed in israel right now.. or is this peace thing only goes one way?

they want to control all of former palestine including Gaza and West Bank

unlike hamas et al, israel does not call for the elimination of the opposing race.

Not really.. what they want is the very land that Palestine is trying to call their own.

i dont know anymore the whole thing is a fight over land and no one is gonna budge

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