The refugees' Right Of Return/Israeli-settlements in the west bank
Borders/land/the fence
There can be no peace between Israel and Palestine until the Palestinians learn to love their children more than they hate the Israelis or one side kills everyone on the other. Borders are defined by the aggressive use of force. There is no change in them that would change anything in the middle east. You can never have peace as long as your neighbor only wants to kill you. A peace plan under these conditions is nothing more than a wisp of smoke to be blown away by the breeze.
Dissolve the borders, and make the Palestinians and Israelis citizens of the same country. Limit citizenship to the people who actually live there -- none of this granting citizenship to any Jew anywhere in the world who wants it. Institute proportional representation. We don't need exclusively Jewish states any more than we need Muslim states or Christian states. Right of return for every refugee, maybe even reparations. Tear down the fence. End apartheid. Allow Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and allow Palestinian settlements in Israel. Open the gates to the refugee camps/ghettos and let the Palestinians free.
Give Jerusalem to the UN, and make it their new headquarters.
It´s clear that Jews and Arabs can not live in the same state;they will simply cut eash other´s throats.Too much hatred there is between these two peoples.
Neither Israelis,not Palestinian Arabs are interested in the two-state solution.If they were,the "alestinian state" would have already been created.
So,if the Internatinal Community really wants to solve this conflict,then it´s very simple.Arab statistic says that more than 40% of arabs living in Palestine would be happy to emigrate,but they have no money.Instead of paying the astronomical sums to aid "gazans","palestinians" and other mythical ethnic groups,let the International Community spend much less money in subsidies to every arab family which wants to leave Eretz Israel - and let the Western countries open their borders for those palestinian arabs who want to leave.There are only some 2 million arab in Palestine,it´s only 400 thousand femilies,for the Western countries it´s nothing.Let´s suppose that we pay 20000 $ to every arab family which wants to emigrate from Palestine.It means 8 billion dollars.It seems much to you?Only USA,fo example, spent on direct and indirect aid 39 billion dollars in 2004.And the lion´s share of this help went to Muslim world.Now,add the aid going from the European Community,UNRWA,various non-governmental organizations and funds...Maybe after that the sum will not seem to you so big.
The solution is very simple,if only the International Community is REALLY interested in solving the conflict.
But if the Western countries do not want to open its borders for palestinian arabs-they have not the moral right to demand of Israel to do this.
Israel will have to put out the Palestinians from Gaza
As for possible solutions, the Palestinians are willing to accept a 2-state solution, where they establish their state over 100% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (all lands militarily occupied by Israel in 1967 including East Jerusalem), and that state to be 100% sovereign over its borders and resources. They also want the right of return and compensation for the refugees who were forced out of their homes in 1948 war. That is a huge concession considering that the West bank and Gaza make less than half of what was allocated to them in the 1947 UN Partition Plan. This is also the offer from King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia.
The Israeli offer on a 2-state solution differs hugely from the Palestinians' expectation. Israelis offer:
1) Only parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
2) No East Jerusalem
3) No borders with the outside world
4) Majority of illegal settlements in West Bank to be annexed to Israel
5) No return for refugees
6) Water resources in the West Bank to be shared with Israel (currently Israel took over 83% of the water resources in the West Bank to the settlers who make 12% of the population of the West Bank)
Even if the two sides agree on a 2-state solution, it will be a matter of time before Israel violates this treaty and cause conflict to start again, as Israel still has to deal with its progressively increasing Arab population, which is expected to become a majority in 2048.
I think the best and fairest solution that can achieve a lasting peace is a one-state solution (including Israel, West Bank and Gaza Strip), where people of all religions have equal rights with no special privileges to any faith. The Zionists will also disagree with this option as it means that there will be no more Jewish majority in Palestine/Israel.
The Arabs have enough land between them all. They should leave Israel alone, including Gaza, the West Bank, and Golan Heights! It is all the "promised land" of Abraham and his legitimate heir through Sarah, his wife. Isaac is the father of the Jewish people, and Ishmael is father to the Arabs. They are both Abraham's descendants and are blessed because of that, but God said the promise would be carried down Isaac's lineage.
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