You can find all the history and other facts at this site. There's far too much info to quote here.
Citations in here come from the Wikipedia write-up I cite in the "source" section. Don't count on Wikipedia to be the be-all and end-all truth. But their account, I think, is a good overall summary.
Because the Israelis lay claim to that land as "ordained from God". They claim it is their promised chosen holy land, that their right to settle there comes from God himself.
"According to the Torah, the Land of Israel was promised to the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people, by God, as their homeland;"
Well, what kind of muster does THAT carry if you don't believe in God, or don't believe in THEIR God? And how 'bout the arbitrary assignment of that land to Israel in 1948? Was that really fair? Or just an arbitrary handing-over of land from Palestine to Israel.
Sorry... but if I were an Arab living in that part of the world, I too would be p**sed off that Israel just somehow arbitrarily can lay claim to that land.
Sorry how do you think the Israeli's got there, that is, how do you think they came to be in the land that they now call Israel? Maybe that'll answer why you think Palestinians are made up people.
I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but it is incomplete at best and flat out wrong at worst.
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