It has come to my attention that you and not the government of Canada print money and loan it to the Canadian government . This deception has lead to the average Canadian wrongly believing they as a nation are in debt when in truth the Canadian people have been robbed and held hostage to pay interest on the theft
It has come to my attention that you are not an elected official and that by wrongly lending money to the government of Canada and holding hostage the peoples that you have become the owner of the government and by controlling the circulation of money with no oversight or democratic representation
This is clearly in my opinion a charge of treason and interference with many elected governments Provincially and federally I believe there is ample evidence of a bloodless coup
I therefore ask that you surrender yourself to the nearest RCMP detachment and make a full confession available in order to avoid further costs for a trial
Because you are not the government of Canada the money you have printed is counterfeit and not the currency of this land Because you have used these counter fit notes to purchase to the government you should immediately confess to treason interference counterfeiting and holding hostage the peoples of Canada in a racketeering scheme of absolute evil with the purposeful design in mind of enslaving the peoples of this Dominion
What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank
A free beating
A restraining order
A job offer
A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin right away ?
--- Something completely different ?
I think you'll hear the sounds of crickets in the night. Nothing. I think it will get passed up the chain until it reaches the first person who knows what your Central Bank actually is, and then you'll be put on a watch list. I hear there are over 1 million American citizens on the no-fly list (I'm more than likely one of them). I have no info on Canada, but I can look it up.
So Trout, you get the deal with your currency, but you buy right into Climate Change? Why? Don't you realize that they are both being done by the same bunch of Progressive hucksters?
Probably no response. I'm sure your Central Bank probably behaves much like the Federal Reserve does. In America, we have a Ron Paul. In the rest of the world, as far as I know, no prominent politician stands up to the central banksters.
A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin.
A Bush autograph
Does canada not print thier own money?
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