Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How can you tell if your land lord is going through forcloser?

I rent a home in orlando fl and my land lord does not call are nothing. I got a call from a inspecter today and she said she needs to inspect the house I asked her for what ans she said she can not say. And I told her then you can not come in the house. Then she said all I can say its between the bank and the owner of the house.

If the home was being foreclosed on, usually the bank is required to inform both the owner and the tenants.

Without word from your LL you didn't have to let some one in. Without advance notice you don't have to let some one in. Most likely your LL is refinancing, and if they were prudent, they would give you notice, as required by your lease and to make the best impression.

He is probably refinancing, the banks do not inspect for foreclosures. That person was there to appraise the house.

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