Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Are the Palestinians deserving of any of the land in the West Bank?

Yes.. Just like how Jews deserve all of Northern Israel, Southern Israel and the Golan Heights ;)

The land is not granted because some people "deserve" it and is not taken away because some people do not "deserve" it. If someone can take the land and hold it- he "deserves" it.

If arabs can grab the West bank and Israelis eat it- then, arabs deserve the land and Israelis do not.

More so than the Jews.

@avi-then why did we go to war with Iraq when they invaded Kuwait in 1990? Did native Americans and Australian aborigines deserve their land? Do Tibetans deserve theirs? Globally we made a decision 60 years ago that land acquired by force is not legitimate.

This is also not just about land, it is about human dignity, rights guaranteed by the UN charter. I know some countries are also quilty of rights violations, especially other Arab, Asian and African countries. But we condemn them (China for example) we do not offer are unqualified support-and in the case of the USA, protection and even aid money (Israel is the only developed country that receives regular aid (note:AID not LOANS)). Israel claims it is not a military occupation (although it is controlled through the military) okay then why do not Palestinian in the occupied territories enjoy freedom of movement, the right to even dig a well!

Most country's recognize the wrongs they have done to their indigenous populations, and I'm fully aware that if the ratio of Native Americans and Europeans was the same scale as Palestinians and Israelis, things might have turned out differently in North and South America. In other areas where the ratio was different-Rhodesia, India, Viet Nam the European colonists cut there losses and went home (stealing everything that wasn't bolted down). Only in Israel is this different, and only because the USA forces the issue.

Palestinians can not stop Israeli advances let alone recover land taken!

By pondering what Moshe said you will get the answer

" "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. ." Ben Gurion

I really don't know, why don't you go there and ask them.

the bit marked jordan

It is their land! Same as the land that in your language is called israel.

Depends on whether a person adhers to jungle or human laws.

Such an Arab question....

I have never heard Jews advocating to remove Arabs who are not terrorists...

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