And for the record, I am interested in a just peace for all in Israel and Palestine.
It's not their land. Imagine if we started building subdivisions in Baghdad for only Americans to live in and walled off large areas and did not let Iraqis travel freely in their own land. Nobody would stand for that. This is what Israel has done do the Palestinians land, making it an archipelago separated by huge walls (built not on Israeli but Palestinian land) checkpoints, fences, freeways only Israelis may travel on, all on a very narrow strip of land with limited water and fertile ground.
Where's MY NPP: What is your point. They have more a claim to that land than you do to America. Would you be willing to leave if some Native Americans kicked you out? Do you think you could go to whatever piece of Europe your ancestors came from and claim land there, just because it used to be yours and you've been gone for a while?
Islam and Judaism are religions. The people of Palestine who are Muslim have been living there just as long as the Jews. But they converted to Islam. Genetic tests show almost no detectable difference between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. That doesn't negate their right to their land.
They need to stop building settlements in Palestinian land if they ever want peace.
It would be great if they could co-exist. I was always pro-Israel. But, I have heard some stories from good friends who have spent some time in Palestine, and how Palestinians are treated by Israelis.
Since the Muslim religion didn't exist for 600 years while the Jews were in Israel I don't see how any Muslim claim can be taken seriously they should be purged from the area.
They should honor past agreements and stop expanding their settlements.
We gee, we got illegal Mexicans coming into the USA. Some buy land and build homes and we do nothing about that. So what is any different about Israelis going into the West Bank and building homes?. If you are going to tolerate one kid of illegal act, why not another?
"Living Space". We've heard that term before, albeit in another language.
I think separation of peoples is the only plausible solution. Gaza needs to be emptied and annexed into Israel. The entire West Bank should be a homeland under a military governor supplied by the UN for the so-called Palestinians. A kill zone of 1000 yards should separate the West Bank from Israel as re-fashioned. That zone should have high fences on each side, and be patrolled by a UN security force.
The Palestinian Homeland Area should not be considered a sovereign state. It should have no authority to manage its own trade, immigration, or military matters. All those decisions should be made by the military governor, who also exercises all matters of High Justice (capital cases).
Within that framework, the so called Palestinians should have autonomy for local self-governance if they are capable of it. They should have adequate water rights to cultivate their fields and orchards. They should have their own schools not amounting to Madrassas training youths to become weapons of war or suicide bombers.
All non-jews should be expelled from the area of Israel. Israel should contain 100% jews, apart from a few ambassadors and their wives and staff, who under no circumstances should be moslem or islamic (they could be atheists, or Christians, or B'hai, or Hindoos, or Taoists).
All holy sites in Israel should be deconstructed as places for visitation. All holy objects that are holy to moslems should be taken to the West Bank Palestinian Homeland area. They could be placed in a museum or visitation site there. The UN would not guarantee their security, that would be a matter for the local government within it's area of autonomy. The local governors would be appointed by the UN military Governor, that way it can be assured that they are not from terrorists organizations. If the so called Palestinians are allowed to elect their own local leaders, they will surely be members of Hamas, Hezbolla, or the Kuds force, so that's not on. But the local leadership council should be given wide authority and deference and respect by the military Governor as long as the council does not seek to de-stabilize the situation and commit homicide, randomly or against innocents. Launching rockets into Israel would be a no-no -- the local leadership council would not be allowed to organize that sort of thing. Also blowing up the military Governor's office would be out -- just not acceptable conduct.
If there are peaceful so-called Palestinians, and "moderate moslems" they could live quite well in the West Bank. The separation of people's concept is not the ideal solution. It's just the only one that would actually be a solution. If Israel is to be wiped off the map, then Saudi Arabia (founded by the Brits in 1932) should go too, and Iraq, and Kuwait, and Qatar. Maybe the whole area could be an empty zone -- a wildlife preserve -- assuming the birds and the gazelles could manage to live there without killing each other every day. That would be peace, of a sort. But, the best practical solution would be a separation of the peoples along the lines described above. The so-called Palestinians wouldn't be happy with it, but they are not happy with anything, ever. And jews love to Kvetch, so there would be bigtime Kvetching on the jewish side. For the record, you are a moslem, right?
It is incredible that Israelis cannot enclose a porch now for at least 10 months.
But Arabs can build as much as they want to, with no restrictions.
The Israelis demonstrating today are 100 percent right.
And one more thing, the asker refers to people living in Palestine. Palestine ceased existence in 1948, when Israel took part of what had been called Palestine, while Jordan and Egypt divided up the remainder.
This is how "religion" name is used to occupy and steal a country. There will no be peace until the Jewish, Muslims and Christian will accept and respect each other believes. Stealing the property and/or land to a person and then justify the act by saying he/she is a Jew or a Muslim or Christian do not make the act right.
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