Why Palestinians a name derived from the the Roman "Palaestina". Jews were ther when the Romans moved in and they called the land Israel.
In a sense, it is a concession to the fact that they are not part of any nation. The resident Jews, before 1948, were also "Palestinians" -- named after the region as they had no country. The Arabs who fled and those who don't have any Israeli citizenship (and who were not absorbed by other nations) only have that old geographical marker, and no nationality to replace it.
Hi U made me do it,
It is because they need an identity that links them to the past. There is nothing else for them to hold on to.
Ms. Miche ; })
Because....that's what they are? And also all the world countries recognize them as so...all but one country anyway. No need to make things so trivial. An identity not only links us to the past but also to the future and of course the present. Cheers!
because that is palestine, therefore, they should be called palestinians
Son, I would be proud to be called a Palestinian.
Once these people get their country back, I'll on the first plane to be part of their celebrations and that's a fact.
Whether we like it or not Palestine and Palestinians are a fact of life. Denying them makes us look stupid and fools no more, no less. Those who deny them are denying the Torah.
Even before Judaism, Palestinians occupied the coastal strip from Gaza to Haifa with a depth of 50 miles. They were originally Europeans.
The mention of Palestine( Philistines, the name it is known of in the Middle East till now) in the Torah means that Palestine was there even before Judaism. Why are we fooling ourselves?
Israelis were called in the old times Hebrews or Habiru ( a nomadic people mentioned in Assyro-Babylonian literature: possibly the early Hebrews.) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/habiru came from Babel and settled in the land of Canan West of the Dead Sea.
Habirus were nomadic people and they moved to Egypt where they settled for 430 years and then returned back after hiding in Sinai for 40 years escaping from Pharaoh who drove them out of Egypt to south Sinai as North Sinai, Palestine and the land of Canan were part of the Egyptian Empire at that time.
As soon as Pharaoh died, they moved to Canan again till the Romans drove them out of the land.
Both nations were enemies and had severe fights between them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ark_of_the_Covenant#Captured_by_the_Philistines
So actually I see Israelis had been always vistors to the land, they come and go every now and then. The true owners of the land are the Palestinians.
They chose the name of our main biblical enemy that is why.
What's funny is the original Palestinians(Philistines) were not even Arabs, but ethnic Greeks. And besides the ones that converted to Judaism, almost all of them were pagans. The original Philistines disappeared sometimes during the Babylonian rule of Israel. When the Jews were allowed to go back they found only a few elderly Philistines left. Some believe that the Philistines fled to Egypt but no one knows for sure.
Keep in mind the Philistines only ruled Gaza, they never ruled the West Bank or East Jerusalem. Imagine the Irish were kicked out of Ireland, Indians moved in and called themselves English? That is how much sense it makes for "Palestinians" to refer to themselves as such. Considering the land was only called Palestine by the Romans to as you mentioned, offend the Jews since the Philistines were Israels longest enemy.
ive heard so many different accounts of the palestine/israel area and who was who and what belongs to who that i dont even know what to believe anymore.
i do, however, know for sure that im lebanese... or am i?? :::dramatic music:::
Because the own and live in Palestine.
My 2 cents.
If you know why do Brits call themselves Brits?and Why Indians call themselves Indians?
Then you will know why Palestinians call themselves Palestinians !.
Fair and square!
You're right, they should call themselves Israelis (esp the Palestinians living in the West Bank since they're living under Israeli control), that way Israel won't get a free pass on apartheid anymore.
When the British mandate of Palestine existed until 1948, all residents of the area were Palestinians. There were Palestinian Jews, Arabs, Druze, Christians, Bedouins and other ethnic groups. After the division of Palestine, Jordan and Israel were established, hence the people became Jordanian or Israeli. During the 1960-s the infamous terrorist leader Shukeiri invented the Palestinian people. They should be the inhabitants of the never existed fantasy state Palestine. A Kingdom of Palestine never existed, Palestinian people never existed, hence those names are just propaganda slogans. Israel should make peace with the Arab states and people who call themselves Palestinian should live in the Palestinian Arab state, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. That is fair to both Jews and Arabs.
Because that is what everyone was called in Palestine before the zionists unilaterally declared the independence of the state of Israel. Hence, they have every right to do so.
the jewish people that lived on that zone during all this thousands of years was called palestinians, coz, there was always a lot of jewish people living there, there has not been a day withouht a jew on israel since really long ago. as u can see by the literature books, synagogues, etc.
so, after israel was created and growing 60 years ago, a lot of muslim and people that had no money or nothing try to become friendly and move to israel, ones were really friendly and want it to really help, some others just saw a oportunity for money and moved there. And then there muslim friends on the other countries begin calling them palestinian as an offense for betraying them and going to live with the jews.
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