Have you not got your birth certificate ? or marriage certificate if married, a utility bill and maybe you can get someone to write a letter of support, if you know a customer of the bank you want to join.
I know when I was looking to change banks I was told I would need at least 2 forms of I.D plus a letter of recommendation from a current customer of the banks. That bank had a black horse in its well known logo and I told them what they could do with their account. Its worse than trying to get into Fort Knox.
If you have had a bank account in the past then you may find another bank is willing to let you open an account with out the I.D. I was lucky had a savings account with one bank and a joint account with another when the divorce went threw I was able to go to my old bank and they dealt with the transfer etc. and gave me a new current account.
yes, i think this is very unfair, i often wonder about id issues if i chose not to have a passport. i dont know why you should HAVE to buy a passport just to provide id to open a bank account. i would pick thebank of your choice and make a big fuss with the management and then maybe the banking ombudsman, failing that you might just have to get one
I opened a basic bank account online the other week, as a second account.
I didnt need ID.
if you know someone who has an account sign on for a joint account with them then after 6 months you are able to open your own account without documentation
Double check that a passport is all they will accept. as well as making a fuss they may accept a birth certificate, or your utility bills or a tenancy agreement etc... make a fuss or check out other banks which may have a more relaxed attitude. PS do you have a drivers licence? or medical card?
drivers licence?
2 utility bills?
Library card?
Birth certificate ? Drivers licence? NHS Card ?
I opened an account recently and they would accept driving license or passport - which I think is a bit strange as a passport doesn't have an address on it. Speak to the bank - there must be provisions for non drivers and people without passports.
I don't have a passport either and I tried a couple of banks till I found one that just required a couple of forms of ID, one of which had to be a utility bill showing my name and address. Not all banks require a passport as ID.
You can't get a passport without ID anyway. The ID you would need to get a passport can be used to open a bank account. If you just flew into the US, how did you clear Customs without an ID? That is not supposed to be possible. I have half a dozen accounts and NO ONE at the bank knows IF I have a passport.
Do you have a photocard-driving licence, banks will usually accept this as id. Utility bills, mortgage/rental agreement, birth certificate.
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