Monday, January 24, 2011

Bank certificates? What are these papers I found?

I found papers the size of dollar bills and they say this : Receivable by the state of Florida in payment of all dues and demands...The state of Florida will pay to the bearer of demand twenty-five cents (then it has the signatures of treasurer and governor)...Tallahassee, February 2nd 1863. The public lands of the state pledged, copy.

What are these please? I have more from different states and older ones too.

It seems what you found was currency issued by the state of Florida. States do not issue currency now because, of course, the federal government does. What you found could be worth some money to people who collect that sort of thing. Check out this website:


sounds like state issued money. These may be collector items and valuable. University of Norte Dame did a study on all money issued in the US. See if you can find it and look for that item. You may want to check coins and currency sells on e bay.

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