Saturday, January 15, 2011

What is the point of sending any money to Haiti?

I sent a thousand dollars to help victims of the 2004 tsunami and I have since heard that none of it or any of the billions made it to help people rebuild. The money landed in Swiss bank accounts of the so called representatives of these bereft nations. What makes me believe it would be any different in Haiti?

What's your source documenting the path your money took? I would suggest that you challenge whoever told you that with the same question. Sometimes people make stuff up just to make themselves feel better for never donating to needy and worthy causes.

Haiti won't be getting much cash. Your donation will be used to buy the supplies and equipment they need. It's really hard to put a front end loader in a Swiss bank account.

If you think your prior donation was to a shady charity, then please launch your own investigation & do not discourage others from helping out with relief efforts.

Your assumption that billions of dollars disappeared into private pockets, smacks of conspiracy theory and has nothing to do with the current problem or your anecdotal experience.

Global aid organisations are asking for monetary donations & governments are doing matching programs for the funds sent by their citizens. If it were a scam, governments would not be pledging donation matching.

There are plenty of registered charities with excellent reputations which are begging to receive much-needed funds to use towards Haiti. Example: Doctors Without Borders, OXFAM, Red Cross.

It costs money to fuel and fly planes, to purchase medicine, body bags, heavy machinery, outfit displacement camps, and the like. I do not understand what is so difficult to grasp about the cost of humanitarian efforts and why money can be helpful to cover expenses for relief workers assisting those in need. It's not an allowance to distribute to the people, or get handed over to the country.

The Salvation Army advised me that they aren't even accepting donations of actual goods, just money (which is liquid and can be used for things as required). The Red Cross advised they were just set up to receive cash donations. It's not being handed over to corrupt officials!

You really should delete your question & stop confusing people.

Your sort of right,

It might not make a major difference sending money, which will probably end up with people who do not need it, but people well send money anyway.

Ways to counter this problem is to send items, perhaps clothes, food or materials of use, but if you feel that is not enough and money is not going to help, then it would be better to actually go over there and help in the reconstruction of the country.....a very tough thing to do.

Until then, what people will do is say a prayer and send money in hope those in need will receive.

In the governments, we trust.

indeed. unfortunately you cant be sure. what haiti needs is a strong economy to handle such problems. dont you think it is rather strange that USA comes up with 100m$ so quickly? They just want to push their reputation around the world, after the earthquake and the victims are forgotten, they will leave haiti alone again

1,000 dollars would be more than the combined gross annual income of 6 villages. This would be of big help.

Make you feel better about yourself.

u know how it goes everyone trys to do something but it will never be the same again.

we got flooded here last year i miss my house my pets and family members damn water :(

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