If you look at the history of the conflict surely Israel simply attacked and then annexed parts of it neighbors countries like Jordan, Syrian and Egypt didn'tg the 1967 war didnt it?
I mean what can be more clear cut then? Its like an example if America invading Mexico and building American homes on their terrority?
So do you think that what Israel is doing is illegal the way it is keep on expanding itself in the West bank?
What will Israel do if the West bank gets full? Will it take over another part of an Arab countries land and start builisn't their?
Surearen'tder stand the Arabs did try to attack Israel, but surely the land is the West bank is illegal isnt it?
so why arent their any sanctions against them over this? I'm sure if another country done that the reaction would have been different?
Well one would think the good Palestinian people would build up to them to establish a respectable border.
Although it seems they have crude tunel systems of weapon smugglers, fighters and criminals shooting rockets randomly at houses daily right there to represent them.
It's a wonder to me why they allow this. It's no way to invite peace.
No they aren't right to do this. I think that according to international law what israel is doing in the west bank regarding expansion is illegal and they should be dealt with accordingly. That will never happen though.
Israel has numerous sanctions against them by the UN, they ignore them all. ALL.
Bibigirl - You completely deluded. Under International Law Israel has no claim to the West Bank East Jerusalem or Gaza.
Israel always goes on about how its not recognised by neighbhouring states, in its 60 year history can you name me 1 Israeli leader that has recognised Palestine.
Israel is just a colonialist experiment
Just because a party occupies a territory does not mean they own it (the Palestinians). I could set up camp in your backyard and call it home, that doesn't mean it's mine. Palestine is not a recognized state. The land belongs to Israel and always will.
Israel never started any attacks- it was always the Palestinians starting it, and Israel did give them land before and they promised peace - but didn't do it! They just want it all- and won't stop causing trouble ever unless they get it.
Did you ever hear of the Alamo? America took the South West from Mexico...Texas...New Mexico...Arizona.
Israel took back the land that it once owned. Whos to sanction them or tell them they cant build settlements on their own land?
I don't really care...maybe they should all blow themselves up over there and be done with it.
Israel HAS ALWAYS been the ATTACKER- the Arabs defend THEIR land,water, lives EVEN THEIR ORGANS(NO, not the Swedish article(was right on the nose)- the ARREST,TRIED, CONVICTED(including JEWISH witnesses), and JAILED Rabbi Levy Rosenbaum and his Rabbinical organ theft ring:
Israel has NO right to build on the occupied West Bank and Gaza strips. Hitler ATTACKED Europe like Israel attacked her Arab neighbors in 1967. Same thing- the land DID NOT BELONG TO THEM- in 1967, Israel, UNPROVOKED, launched her whole air fleet in a very cowardly sneak attack on the Egyptian's Air Force while they were on the ground, peacefully eating breakfast.Israel destroyed and killed all. Jordan and Syria, not expecting such a cowardly attack on their ally, Egypt, rushed to Egypt's aid,outnumbered with outdated equipment, and unprepared for battle. They were wiped out.Israel, attacks and steals, the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank and Gaza from Jordan, the Sinai from Egypt(Egypt, after fruitless years of peacefully negotiating with cowardly Israel, attacked in 1973(every other war has been STARTED by Israel) and took back her Sinai), and, the Shebaa farms from Lebanon. Israel proudly proclaims this cowardly act in the 1967 Six Day War as a PREEMPTIVE(fancy word for STARTED IT) strike. To this day, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan want their land back-just think if, Hitler was overthrown because he refused to give Europe back, why should Israel be any different- think of the West Bank and Gaza strips as the largest Nazi Style camps around.
NOTE: Pre 1948 Arab Palestine (Population 93 %, less than 5% Middle Eastern, NO EUROPEAN, Jews).
Myth: Arab armies attacked Israel in 1948 and Israel miraculously won against odds.
Fact: This attack is a myth that is spread by the Israeli propaganda and unfortunately does not get challenged enough by the pro-Palestinian side. "Attack" implies an act of aggression. The one who attacked were the Zionists who started attacking Arab towns and villages nearly 5 months before Arab armies arrived. The Arab armies only intervened to defend the part of Palestine which was allocated to the Arab state by the UN partition plan, and they had explicit orders of not attempting to attack any land beyond that allocated to the Arab state. By the time Arab armies (20,000 in total) arrived, the Zionist forces (which outnumbered the Arab armies 3 to 1) had already occupied 1/3 of the land allocated to the Arab state. By the time the war was over, Israel occupied more than 50% of the land allocated to the Arab State by the UN. So Israel was the aggressor and the Arabs were just defending their land from Israeli occupation. Had the Arab armies not arrived (though too late), all of Palestine would have fallen to the Zionists in 1948.
"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.
Few realize NO WHERE in the Bible/Torah does God actually tell the Jews, they have ownership of the Arabian, NOT, Jewish Peninsula(Israel and Iran a part of)/Canaan/God's promised land, and, they were to kill Arabs to get it-NO WHERE.FACT-prove me wrong.
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