Monday, March 9, 2009

Nationalised Banks are not granting loan for purchase of agri land. Which Bank provides for agri land loan?

Do you know which Banks are granting loan for purchase of agri land and its commercial development? If you know specific loan which can provides for agri land loan then pl. inform me by email.

Try NABARD which gives loans for Agriculture, industry etc.

NABARD is set up as an apex Development Bank with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts. It also has the mandate to support all other allied economic activities in rural areas, promote integrated and sustainable rural development and secure prosperity of rural areas. In discharging its role as a facilitator for rural prosperity NABARD is entrusted with

1. Providing refinance to lending institutions in rural areas

2. Bringing about or promoting institutional development and

3. Evaluating, monitoring and inspecting the client banks

Besides this pivotal role, NABARD also:

• Acts as a coordinator in the operations of rural credit institutions

• Extends assistance to the government, the Reserve Bank of India and other organizations in matters relating to rural development

• Offers training and research facilities for banks, cooperatives and organizations working in the field of rural development

• Helps the state governments in reaching their targets of providing assistance to eligible institutions in agriculture and rural development

U may ask NABARD for a loan.

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