Thursday, March 19, 2009

Should Israel surrender more land -the West Bank and East Jerusalem - in an attempt to appease the Arab world?

Sinai and the settlements that were vacated in Gaza and Judea last summer did not appease the Arab world.

I don't believe that any more land will do.

And when THAT does not appease the Arab world, what more can Israel offer to give to those who have sworn to obliterate them?

you just took a needle and stuck it into the epicenter of a virtual nationalistic sore! ohhhhh the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only think the would appease the Arab world would be the complete surrender of Israel. I only wish all the Jews would have chosen Alaska as there holy land. It sure would be the most peaceful country in the world. If Israel was not in the middle east the arabs would be fighting each other..... oh wait they are.

No,the land belongs to Israel...they have a divine landlord.

Read your Bible and you could answer this question yourself.

God Bless

No. I hate to say it, but I have yet to see "the Arab world" appeased and I don't think giving land to a group that does not even recognize your right to exist as a good idea.

The Arab leadership has made it quite clear that they will never be 'appeased' until Israel has been thoroughly and utterly destroyed.

And they're quite happy to keep the Palestinian Arabs in refugee camps until they do. The Egyptians had the first camps in the Gaza Strip, after all, some twenty years before Israel captured it.

As for Jerusalem, it is Judaism's ONLY holy city. It ranks third for Islam, behind Medina and Mecca. Moreover, it is important to Islam because it is important to Judaism -- they would deny Jewish rights to the city regardless of where it was.

Surrender land, and the Arab leadership will consider it a sign of weakness and proceed from there. It's a risky business, and far from guaranteed to succeed.

Nothing will appease the Arab world, give em' an inch...

The Arab world would never be happy. No Israel should fight for what is truly theirs, for what was giving to them. If they can only truly wake up, and have faith.

no .. imo then the arabs would just want more ... and i think they would never be satisfied until Israel was gone ...

No, God gave them that land, its the Holy Land. Why should they please man, we're supposed to please God.

The arabs will not be appeased by that foolish gesture. They want it all. Never try to appease a bully. NO

To appease, absolutely not.

For long term peace, Yes (but I still want to see the conditions)

For a nation to be in almost a constant state of war for 60 years is a terrible thing.

Its easy to talk about principals and rights, but in the end people are willing to concede in order to finally be at rest.

Maybe this Arab plan in some form will bring that rest, but I would not hold my breath.

They've given away land before, and all it did was encourage the terrorists that terrorism gets you what you want.

As long as they trade land for peace, they will gain neither.

In truth, they have no choice to have lasting peace without doing so.

Israel is not the victim here. and the arab world is not the issue. The issue is that the palestinians are extremely poor and are oppressed. I'm not blind, they have some fault also but everyone is so biased against muslims that they fail to realize that it is not just the Palestinians. I'm not suggesting Israel "surrender" more land to the Palestinians but some sort of treaty has to occur or the violence will not stop and this tug of war between who has more right over Israel will keep continuing. Please dont be so biased there's enough hate and war in this world...we need some peace now

ummm dont say appese. if the jews wernt dumped into palestine after they got killed in the holocaust, we wouldnt have a problem. they came in 1948, started there settlements, and killed tens of thousands of palestinians (children also), and called it "israel". they dont have a right to exist or defend themselves. they should give it all up and go back to germany

Yes. There are also humanitarian issues happening in Palestine. Palestinian children are being tortured, homes are being collapsed, and water is being denied.

Nope. Won't work. It never has.

Arabs will not be appeased until they return to Jerusalem and that probably wont happen!

Nothing will as you say "appease" the Arab's or the Palestine's. Israel is tiny, this is a Spiritual battle as well as physical so surrender according to G-d's Word is not the option.

Maybe they should just surrender it because it doesn't belong to them. Better reason than any.

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