Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why doesn't everyone born on the West Bank get Isreali citizenship?

If I understand correctly, anyone born in the occupied territories can only have the full rights of Israeli citizenship if their parents are of Israeli citizens, regardless of how long their family has lived in the same spot.

However, the right to settle Israelis on the West Bank is demanded - because the West Bank is regarded as part of Israel for settlement.

So what is the Israeli view of the West Bank? Sometimes it is part of Israel, sometimes it is not depending on whether you want to exclude people or steal land?

Israel believes that West Bank belongs to all the Jews in the world. The foundation of Israeli claim is rooted in the Bible only. No country in the world recognizes Israeli annexation of West Bank and East Jerusalem nor the legitimacy of any Israeli construction outside of the UN Partition borders of 1948. Israeli actions in West Bank are illegal and violating the international law.

The problem faced by Israel in its attempt to expand its borders are:

1-How to apply Israeli law to the Jewish settlements while the West Bank is not under Israeli sovereignty.

2-How to avoid applying Israeli law to the Palestinians in the est Bank

3-How to reconcile this unusual legal situation with international law.

To solve the first problem, Israel extended its laws extra-territorially thereby giving Jewish settlements a different legal status. Extra-territoriality was established through regular laws passed by the Knesset and by military orders. Military orders established a separate administration for the settlements, in the form of local councils. These Jewish local councils on the West Bank enjoy, under the law, a far greater measure of autonomy than the Palestinian village councils. The Jewish councils are permitted to elect their own leaders while the mayors of Palestinian villages are appointed by the Israeli military commander. These mayors of Palestinian villages are usually Israeli military reserve officers or carefully selected quislings. Jewish councils have also been empowered to exercise wider functions and have greater latitude to impose taxes than is the case in Palestinian villages. The most significant restriction, which applies solely to Palestinian villages, is the need to request permission from the military authorities to borrow money and accept gifts. Jewish settlements have no such restriction. Jewish councils have also receive state services. The budgetary allocations for these exclusive services is included in the budget of the Israeli ministries.

The means by which Israel avoids applying Israeli law to the Palestinians et still retains judicial control over the West Bank is through a three-tiered judicial systems.

1) The existing local courts. These courts have had most of the jurisdiction stripped away and, furthermore, are in need of improvements concerning court services, inspections and other areas of modernization. Israeli has no interest in improving their efficiency.

2)The military courts and tribunals. This system is highly efficient. The Palestinian offenders before military courts have no absolute right of legal representation. Israel claims that they do have such a right but the relevant order, Military Order 29, says that the right to legal representation is subject to the discretion of the Israeli prison commander. Furthermore, Palestinian offenders are presented with judgments based on confessions or statements written in Hebrew (a langauge that few can understand). Judgments by the military courts are not subject to apeal outside the military judical system.

3) Israeli civilian courts in the West Bank. Thse courts may try Israeli settlers in criminal matters.

All Jews that are born in the West Bank do get Israeli citizenship. As for the none Jews why should they, I live in Gaza City, I never wanted an Israeli citizenship.

I'm not sure of all of the specifics, but Arabs, who are not Jewish, are not wanted by those in power in Israel, or even the USA, which is one with Israel.

Even Arabs who are Jewish, have more difficulties living in Israel than wonderfully WHITE, EUROPEAN based Jews do.

The powers that be in Israel & the USofA, are primarily WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!! ....Is that NAZI???

Arabs, and all non whites in the Middle East & beyond, are spit on by the leadership class of the multi-billionaires. The only non-whites that don't get fu**** by those in power, are ones that have money.

It is a criminal state, set up through criminal means, & fully intent on continuing it's criminal behavior at an ever increasing rate!!!

in my point of view i think they dont want to and in secret Israel doesnt want them to either. Jews see it as a jewish homeland and would rather not want the majority muslim arabs. or else they may have more problems than they have.

the view of the west bank is hotly debated in israel just as heathcare is debated in america. whether jews in the west bank get it or not is irrelevant because any jew can apply for citizenship and be guaranteed it. there have been many times when israel offered citizenship to a number of arabs, those who accepted the offer are full israeli citizens with just as many rights as any jew in the land. besides, why offer citizenship to people who are constantly trying to kill you. would you give osama bin ladin american citizenship?

because it's status is undetermined yet.

this is why it is called OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: the rules there are occupation rules.

temporary rules, until the status is determined.

since 1993, Palestinians vote, pay tax, get elected and enlist to the armed forces of the Palestinian authority, which some day will become the Palestinian state.

this status is different in Jerusalem. any resident of Jerusalem is entitled to an Israeli passport.

however, some Arabs in Jerusalem prefer to continue to hold refugee status - meaning free food, education and healthcare, then becoming Israeli citizens, and "returning" to the place they claim to have come from, ending their refugee status.

between 1967 and 1987, Israel was implementing an integration plan - gradually integrating the west bank and Gaza Arabs into the Israeli society.

it was very similar to the way Israeli Arabs were integrated gradually, until in 1966 when all security measures were considered unneeded and removed.

the exact same thing happened in east Jerusalem - which was integrated into Israel in 1980.

with the west bank and Gaza, there were riots over this plan (Intefada), and people demanded NOT to be integrated into the Israeli society.

since every people have the right of self determination, this meant that Israel couldn't integrate the west bank and Gaza.

Palestinians can't be FORCED to become Israeli

and Israel don't want to give citizenship to SOME, leave, and then be forced to accept those those who got citizenship, which has happened to France in Algeria.

moreover - Israel (as any other country) will never give citizenship to hostile population, since this will only lead to civil war,

which is far worse then the current situation

but some people prefer it - mostly the people who are hostile to Israel.


there are no "Arab Jews". after Jews were deported from Arab countries and their property stolen,

moreover, the only racism Jews coming from Arab suffered, was that they had 0 property - a it was stolen from them by the Arabs, claiming it will be used to resettle the Palestinians.

Arabs told these lies as propaganda to seem less evil.

after all, they have to make some excuse as to why they:

steal property worth billions

create a refugee problem,

and openly call for a genocide

The Jews had it . Jordan took it. Israel took it back If the Arabs would have ever been peaceful there wouldn't be a conflict . The truth is every Arab on that land is an occupier.

Jordan annexed the West Bank in 1948, ALL Arabs living there became Jordanian Citizens. However they tried to overthrow the King of Jordan so when Israel took the land back in 1967, Jordan relinquished all claim to the land and declined to take the trouble making Arabs back, they are Jordanian ex-patriots.

because according to Israeli laws they’re not allowed to vote. and that's putting it mildly

because Israel officially declared that they are for 2-states solutions and

because Israel did not annex all the Judea and Samaria.

Many smart Ay-rabs are talking now about 1-state solution, when they will enjoy Israeli welfare and at the same time will destroy the Jewish State.

It seems your question leeds to this.

It’s simple Grant in the occupied territories people live in classes first, second etc you see Arabs are sixth class citizen fifth class citizens are for example (amebas, Paramecium, ticks , flees) first they have to give those creatures the right to vote then they will conceder giving Arabs the right to vote.

are you kidding? palestinians dont recognise israel, why would they want israeli citizenship?

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