Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
When a land lord is undergoing a loan mod. on a rental and not paying the bank can he collect rent?
Yes you must keep paying him. on a side note a lot of mortgage have a clause that would require the landlord to pass the rent onto the bank. Still has nothing to do with you so keep paying or he can kick you out!
Yes. Your obligation to pay rent is not contingent on him fulfilling his obligations with the bank. As long as he owns the house, your contract and obligations are 100% valid and enforceable.
Yes. Your contract with your landlord has absolutely nothing to do with his contract with his lender.
good luck!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
When a land lord is undergoing a loan mod. on a rental and not paying the bank can he collect rent?
The contract between the tenant and the landlord is still VERY valid.
In addition, if the landlord loses the property to foreclosure, the tenant needs to be in good standing for the tenant rights laws to be effective.
What your landlord is doing has nothing whatsoever to do with your lease. Your still required to pay rent.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How does the re-introduction of native plant species along river banks help to prevent land erosion?
When there are more plants on the riverbanks (im sorry if i dont know some scientific names, i only know them in french) the roots of the plants help to absorb water and to hold the soil in place. It would be like sand because there is nothing holding sand together the waves cary away the sediments and the sand. When there is a riverbank with trees and plants the roots help to keep the soil in place. sorry i couldnt be more specific.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Should Israel just tell everyone to Go to He!!, take back the land they gave up in the west bank?
Being the model of restraint and acquiescing to 99.9% of Palestinian "demands" over the years has done nothing to change the opinion of most of the world regarding Israel. I think you're on to something. If the rest of the world is bound and determined to b*tch and moan about Israel no matter what, the Israelis might as well give them something to actually complain about.
Or maybe the Israelis should stop treating the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews, give back the land they took from the Palestinians and other neighbors in the 6 day war, and allow the Palistinians their right to a homeland. Hmmm sounds a bit more logical doesn't it?
WOW! You are a great strategist! You should be commissioned as a General! What a genius!
What would be served by telling everyone to Go to America?
No. Id rather watch a Republican get slapped in the face.
Yep, good idea. War is gooooooood stuff!!!!
Bank loan in india for acquiring land and starting up a amount upto 30-40 lakhs indian rupee.?
You will need collateral of at least 12 million to obtain that kind of loan from bank.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Why is it that Israel is building Land in the West Bank?
According to the CIA Factbook
The West Bank is not Israeli territory, so why does Israel continue to build settlements their and knock down Palestinian homes.
I hate it when ignorant people come on here and think that all palestinians are rocket firing terrorists.
The little so called "palestinian land" is controlled by Israel, They control what goes in and out.
When will the world ever open their eyes and condemn Israel for what they are doing?
Though many legal sources claim that Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal, the fact remains that the right of Jewish settlement in those lands was guaranteed by the Mandate for Palestine of the League of Nations. This territory was never part of any other sovereign state and its final legal status is subject to negotiations that must be concluded between the competing parties. Until such time as there is a peace accord which gives one side or the other sovereignty in this territory, it is inaccurate to refer to this land as belonging to one side or another.
Twice before, Israel has shown a willingness to uproot Jewish communities for the sake of peace: in the Sinai (given back to Egypt in the 1979 Peace Treaty) and in Gaza (from which Israel withdrew unilaterally in 2005). The existence of settlements in these areas is no bar to a peace deal under which they might be withdrawn.
Very good question Micheal.
There is nothing called Judea and Samaria. those are the names of "prehistoric" areas that are now west bank. it is like saying andalusia in spain is arabic. it doesn't make any sense.
Israelis are occupying the land and annexing it to israel, just like they did to the golan heights, illegally. The palestinians are negotiating peacefully to create their own state, but to no avail with the israeli terrorists.
I heard news that palestinians will ask the UN to recognize a palestinian state within the 1967 borders, unilaterally. This will be extremely interesting as Israel will not be able anymore to claim that there is nothing called "palestine"... let's wait and see...
Why.....many reasons,but the most important thing that is Israel DOES NOT think that the Pals has not any Right what so ever in their lands,houses,lives and eventually their own country that they stolen,Israel was existed by the UN,but now Israel wont recognize A Palestine called by the UN,and the Israeli environment minister threatened to join the settlements lands to Israel in case the UN called for an Independence Palestine.
Such hypocrisy,they think rules go on everyone but Israel.
>Israel is truly wrong here, and treats palestinians like s**t.
First of all we need to ask ourselves ''WHO'' are the palestinians since there never existed a arab palestinian nation. Palestinian is a new term for arabs originating from many arab countries (egypt,syria,lebanon, jordan, iraq, gulf states, turks,bedouins etc). ''Palestinans'' have all the potential to live very comfortable and nice lives, just a single request: BE PEACEFUL and stick to the realitiy that the land has jewish roots hence jews are the original inhabitans.
Is this not the same as China's control of Tibet? And China's mass importation of ethnic Han into Tibet?
If the world accepts China's actions in regard to Tibet, then it accepts all similar examples.
To do anything else is to be the worst of all evils... to be a hypocrite.
Because Israel is too shy to tell the world the truth.
That the West Bank is part of the Land that God gave them as stated in the Bible.
Whoever says the West Bank doesn't belong to Jews is fighting against what God said in the Bible.
Because, the Pals there are finally being peaceful and follow the rules, and this is how Israel rewards them.
the Arabs lost the West Bank in 1967. When they attacked Israel and lost the West Bank. Get over it
Lol! Look at chinacat sunflower PRC answer XD
You are disfavoring Zionists with such talk, you must focus on Iran!
Israel is its own country so it can make its own choices.
"palestine" is no country I ever heard of...thus they don't get a say in anything.
Just what we would expect from god's-chosen hooked-nosed beasts.
Oh, Michael, silly's because "god" GAVE that land to the Jews!
Heh, heh, okay, fun's over. I just wanted the Pro-Izzie-West-Bank-Occupiers to see how ridiculous they sound. If "god" gave the West Bank to the Jews, show me the land deed.
Equally ridiculous are those like Dandyl who state that "Jews have lived in those areas since ancient times." .....Aaaaaaand? We Native Americans once occupied the ENTIRITY of North America, and in the not-so-distant past, to boot. But the lands that NAs now call "theirs" are piecemeal reservations scattered here and there, often consisting of lands so crappy that the European "settlers" didn't even want them.
And the old adage about "land won in war" doesn't cut it, either. Otherwise, the Polish, French, and several other ethnicities would all be Germans at this time.
Just goes to show you that people will employ any old argument, no matter how moronic, to justify their own self-serving interests. But, Michael, you're incorrect in one single respect---the majority of the world DOES condemn Israel for what it's doing. When the majority of those financing Israel---the American people---start demanding respect for the Palestinians, only then will it cease. And the happy news is that Americans are awakening and seeing the truth about our so-called "ally" in the Middle East.
The West Bank has been an occupied territory of Israel since 1967. Most of the development occurs in already developed cities that are adding houses, paving roads, etc. It's definitely wrong to assume all Palestinians are terrorists. But the fact that an entire sect of their government is terrorist doesn't help much. Israel gave Gaza back, in full, to Palestine, and all that's happened is that the de facto government is diverting its infrastructure money to pay for bombs and guns. The problem is corruption, severe corruption, in Hamas. If Hamas can be stopped, perhaps then the Palestinians can continue living in peace without being ruled by a terrorist government, establish a solid infrastructure, and reach full statehood.
The land belongs to Palestinian people and not Israel.
* "Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development [... and] have been established in breach of international law."
International Court of Justice Ruling, July 9, 2004
No country in the world recognizes that annexation nor the legitimacy of any Israeli construction outside of its 1948 borders including the apartheid wall.
Myth: Israel took the land in "defensive" wars and now it belongs to Jews,
Conquest gives military jurisdiction over land. It does not give ownership of the land. The government does not own the land. The last country to claim that was Nazi Germany. Governments do not gain ownership by conquest. In fact Nazi Germany claimed it was regaining ownership of the land. If they had said redeeming the land would it have been permitted?
Israel's settlement policy was declared a hanging offense at Nuremberg.
Israel abjured the acquisition of land by conquest when it joined the UN and subjected itself to war crime charges thereby.
Israel is occupying Palestinian lands, and they are responsible for providing decent life and good treatment to the Palestinian people even if they are not Jews, until the establishment of Palestinian state!
Israel is a country built on occupied land, they took the land in war by Force and they continue to ruthlessly abuse this land And it's people the Palestinians who stuck around and continue to live under the occupation, Israel also denies the rights of millions of Palestinian Refugees who were driven out of their homes from Palestine during the Wars and these Refugees still live in camps scattered in many surrounding countries of their home land.
When you see these Refugees going home,and when you don't see Soldiers with automatic machine guns checking ID's of civilians in the occupied territories, and when you don't see the Israeli government demolishing homes of Palestinians because they built these homes without a "License to Build" knowing that they charge these Palestinians Huge amounts of dollars per permit which usually takes many years to be issued that is if it ever issued! where an Israeli never has to worry about such issues but is pampered and built and given homes built by the government with international disagreement! , and when you see Islamic Holly buildings that have been Standing for more than 1400 years stop being threatened and attacked and claimed that it must be destroyed to build a Jewish Holly building which allegedly stood in the same spot more than 2000 years ago...
Only then will there be true peace in the region and a settlement of two states living side by side,giving compromises to each other to exist and prosper for future generations of this blood shed region.
Israel is building on its own land. What you call "West Bank" is Judea. To say that the Jews have no right to build what they want in Judea is the same as to say that French have no right to build what they want in France and have to seek the permissiion and approval of Arabs who live there, Germans have to ask the Turks the permission to build somewhat they consider necessary in Germany, and Brits must ask the permission of the Pakistanis.
Very simple.
because name of the land is JUDEA, not Arabea.
Open any map before 1948 and you will not see any 'WEST BANK"...
To answer you, Israel does not control the West bank.Secondly,Jews have lived in Judea and Samaria â" the West Bank â" since ancient times. The only time Jews have been prohibited from living in the territories in recent decades was during Jordan's rule from 1948 to 1967. This prohibition was contrary to the Mandate for Palestine adopted by the League of Nations, which provided for the establishment of a Jewish state, and specifically encouraged âœclose settlement by Jews on the land.â
Numerous legal authorities dispute the charge that settlements are âœillegal.â Stephen Schwebel, formerly President of the International Court of Justice, notes that a country acting in self-defense may seize and occupy territory when necessary to protect itself. Schwebel also observes that a state may require, as a condition for its withdrawal, security measures designed to ensure its citizens are not menaced again from that territory.
According to Eugene Rostow, a former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson Administration, Resolution 242 gives Israel a legal right to be in the West Bank. The resolution. Rostow noted, "allows Israel to administer the territories" it won in 1967 "until 'a just and lasting peace in the Middle East' is achieved," Rostow wrote
Also settlements have never been an obstacle to peace.
* From 1949-67, when Jews were forbidden to live on the West Bank, the Arabs refused to make peace with Israel.
* From 1967-77, the Labor Party established only a few strategic settlements in the territories, yet the Arabs were unwilling to negotiate peace with Israel.
* In 1977, months after a Likud government committed to greater settlement activity took power, Egyptian President Sadat went to Jerusalem and later signed a peace treaty with Israel. Incidentally, Israeli settlements existed in the Sinai and those were removed as part of the agreement with Egypt.
* One year later, Israel froze settlement building for three months, hoping the gesture would entice other Arabs to join the Camp David peace process. But none would.
* In 1994, Jordan signed a peace agreement with Israel and settlements were not an issue. If anything, the number of Jews living in the territories was growing.
* Between June 1992 and June 1996, under Labor-led governments, the Jewish population in the territories grew by approximately 50 percent. This rapid growth did not prevent the Palestinians from signing the Oslo accords in September 1993 or the Oslo 2 agreement in September 1995.
* In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to dismantle dozens of settlement, but the Palestinians still would not agree to end the conflict.Many Israelis nevertheless have concerns about the expansion of settlements. Some consider them provocative, others worry that the settlers are particularly vulnerable, and have been targets of repeated Palestinian terrorist attacks. To defend them, large numbers of soldiers are deployed who would otherwise be training and preparing for a possible future conflict with an Arab army. Some Israelis also object to the amount of money that goes to communities beyond the Green Line, and special subsidies that have been provided to make housing there more affordable. Still others feel the settlers are providing a first line of defense and developing land that rightfully belongs to Israel.The disposition of settlements is a matter for the final status negotiations. The question of where the final border will be between Israel and a Palestinian entity will likely be influenced by the distribution of these Jewish towns. Israel wants to incorporate as many settlers as possible within its borders while the Palestinians want to expel all Jews from the territory they control.
If Israel withdraws toward the 1967 border unilaterally, or as part of a political settlement, many settlers will face one or more options: remain in the territories, expulsion from their homes, or voluntary resettlement in Israel. The impediment to peace is not the existence of those settlements, it is the Palestinians' unwillingness to accept a state next to Israel instead of one replacing Israel.
Yet you fail to address a basic question.
You fail to address precisely what is meant by "Palestinian land" your reference to the CIA Factbook notwithstanding.
So here are the two possibilities:
- It is public land (i.e. it belongs to a specific sovereign state)
- It is private land (i.e. it is private land owned by a specific person)
Now, since there was never a Palestinian state, it is obviously not the former.
As to the later, I welcome you to try to prove that the specific land in question is privately owned by someone.
Also, as is the case, you make the false accusation that Palestinian homes are destroyed and taken away to make room for Jewish homes when you say "Even if it means destroying land and homes that are not Theirs?" This, BTW, is false. All current construction that is going on does not displace a single Arab.
Basically, what is boils down to is this? Are members of a specific group (i.e. Jews) allowed to build homes in the West Bank and under what precise circumstances are they allowed to?
Just like you hate it when people think that ALL Palestinians are rocket firing terrorists I also hate it when people post questions like this AND NEVER bother to back up what they CLAIM.
And for the record, I have challenged many on this and other issues... guess how often I get a response? Not very often.
You wrote: "So what are the Palestinians supposed to do? "
What is ISRAEL supposed to do? Israel wants to have peace but there are some basic impediments such as the fact that terrorist groups are in change of the Palestinians (and that includes Fatah, BTW).
If Israel stopped building or if Israel displaced the tens of thousands of its own settlers by uprooting them like they did in Gaza, that will not bring a peaceful solution by one iota.
In short, the settlements issue is merely a distraction from the more serious pressing issues.
So, now we have that out of the way let me try and address some of your concerns.
The "West Bank" is not Israeli territory nor is is Palestinian. It is disputed territory which through negotiations needs to be distributed fairly to Palestinians and Israelis. It is a bonehead assumption to think that all of this land will become Palestine or Israel. The solution is a fair and equitable compromise involving land swaps and some removal of Israeli settlements.
Palestinians are absolutely not all rock throwing terrorists. There are however enough of them to make Israel take serious security precautions. Having said that in the last six months tens of roadblocks have been removed and the lives of Palestinians have been slowly getting better. This is an exciting trend that can only be reversed by Palestinian violence. Assuming there is none things are going well.
Remember my friend, the second intifada. The one where thousands of Israelis were blown apart in busses and restaurants came at the end of the Oslo peace accords. Israel was ready for final status agreements but the Palestinians resorted to extreme violence that put their cause back 20 years. Can you answer the question....Why???
@ All of you!
This is such an exchange of ignorance!
Most of you do not have a flaming clue what you are talking about.
To those who think Israel wants the entire West Bank. You are just WRONG!@! Israel has been trying to get rid of most of the WB since 1990. The Pals. Have been violent and killed many for nothing. But life in the WB is getting better. This is a fact!!!
I cannot stand the ignorance here !!! It is a real shame !
Monday, November 23, 2009
Should any land in the West Bank and Gaza be considered Palestinian, or should it all be considered Israeli?
"Palestinians and Britain denounced the plan, but reaction from the US was especially sharp."
Israel are nothing but land grabbing bullies.
They fooled you lot when they gave the Palestinians Gaza, they cemented up the borders to create the worlds largest concentration camp (and then blame the Palestinians for launching rockets) and at the same time took the equivalent land in the West Bank.
If America is really so keen to let the Jews have a homeland, they should give them some of their own land.
Open the borders in Gaza, let the economy grow, and move all Israelis in the WB into Israel and then maybe the Palestinians will be happy. However Israel wouldn't be so it will never happen, and Israel will continue to build 900 settlements over and over until there are no Palestinians left.
And if you believe they should "fight over it" stop taking sides and give both sides the same amount of weapons and stop giving Israel the latest weaponry and leave the Palestinians to build rockets from scrap metal and washing up liquid.
Funnily enough they hadn't been fighting for thousands of years as some people believe. There was no fighting at all for thousands of years until Zionist Europeans like the Irgun pillaged defenseless Palestinian villages. Before that Jews lived in Palestine with Christians and Muslims peacefully.
What is the solution? Remove the Zionists.
Look in the real world.
Decode this lyrics " You'll see "
"Wonderful world"
"Hurting each other"
"Give me peace on earth"
Who go to school?
Who did not go to school?
Did both go to school?
Then what did Father tell us about it in time?
Luke 21.30-36
Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
1 Timothy 6.7
Luke 8.5-8,10-17
Luke 4.4
Genesis 11.1,3-9
Revelation 16.14
Luke 9.27
Exodus 20.5
Luke 3.7-9
Exodus 1.5
Matt 7.15-27
Matt 27.29,37
Luke 24.44-45,47-48
Luke 11.33-36,46-52
Leviticus 4.13,22
Luke 5.36-39
Matt 22.17-21,32
Exodus 20.12
Exodus 6.3-5
Exodus 20.1-18
Revelation 5.2-5
Exodus 23,24,32
What do you think?
Israel seems to want a war. The problem is America gave them all their stupid airplanes and weapons. Again, America getting their nose in things that are not its business. Now we have a real problem and another war about to erupt in the middle east. I wonder where we are going to find the troops to fix this one.
Israel needs to wisen up or it will be taken out. No wonder Iran hates them. They just dont stop and I am pro Israel, I just think they need to humanize the palestinians and both parties need to really get a reality check and live side by side in peace. BUT RELIGION, now that is the leading cause of wars will propel them into another outbreak of war.
Thanks god.
P,S. I used the lower case on god as to get my point across without offending anyone of any faith for I believe in GOD.
I wish I could give you a sensible answer, but I am afraid I do not know enough of the history of the conflict to know what would be best. IF however, Israel is thinking about making a pact with the Palestinians (like Nyetanyahu said he was, I don't understand why they would continue to build.
The US should replace the torch on the Statue of Liberty with a middle finger and point it toward Israel & the Palestinians = end of conflict
Israel gave them Gaza already- GEEZE! That Hama's is evil.
Honestly, I could care less.
Israel took that land during the six day war. They fought for it and they deserve it.
Israel will not be happy until it has taken over ALL of the land.
How can anyone say Israel is playing fair?
Those people have been at each others throats for thousands of years. I doubt that they can ever live in peace.
Let them fight over it.
i dont thnik its right to bomb a country and kill thousands of kids for just a small bit of land
Sunday, November 22, 2009
If a person is behind on mortgage payments on there house would the bank make them sell there other land first?
Many people wonder about the "safety" of their other assets or properties when they are facing foreclosure.
There are many cases where saving a property by using equity in other assets would make a lot of sense. However, this is a decision for the homeowner to make. The lender/bank/servicer has no authority over these assets, unless they were used as collateral.
After a foreclosure, if a deficiency judgment is allowed, the court may place a lien against other assets, but even this is highly unlikely.
If you are behind on payments, you best option is usually to request a loan modification. This can lower your payment and allow you to get the payments back on track.
Good luck with everything and let us know if we can answer any more questions!
No the charge is against the house so that is the asset the bank holds against the loan.It is not your house until the loan is repaid.If you put the land up as collateral for the loans then they may sell them to recover arrears .Out of interest why don't you sell the land to make your mortgage up to date
As long as the other piece was mortgage separately, the lender for the mortgage on the house can not make you do anything with other property. A bankruptcy judge could make you sell it.
Only thing the bank has any control over is the property pledged as security on the mortgage. Untill that is sold, they have no right to lien anything else you own.,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Can I sell the land which I bought by taking a loan from bank?
I am Rev, Famous James, a Legitimate, Reputable money Lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest on business. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan.
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Hope to see your response via this mail address,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Bought a piece of land, how do change the name on the deed? taxes?
You get an attorney to draw up a General Warranty Deed and his aunt must sign it, granting the land to him.
You CANNOT use a quit-claim deed...the bank won't accept that because it is not the proper legal instrument to transfer property and title insurance companies will not insure it.
An attorney should not charge you anymore than $100 to draw it up and file it.
PS: If the aunt died, your friend is screwed.
Real estate transactions only count when they are in writing. Your friend needs to go back to his aunt, and get this properly documented with the county records division. Until he has paperwork, no court or any other legal entity will recognize him as the owner. Banks won't lend to him because he does not have the legal authority to authorize the bank to put a lien on the property to secure their loan, therefore any loan would basically be unsecured.
The aunt needs to sign the deed over to your friend. This is why it's always good to use a real estate lawyer when transferring property. They know what forms need to be filled out and filed. Your state may charge tax on the sale of the land. I wonder if anyone has paid that? Get the aunt to sign the deed and take it to the county courthouse. You might also have her write up a bill of sale to take, just in case. Or call the courthouse first and ask what you need.
how did he buy it? did he do a title search and everything? you can't just give someone a check and say teh land is yours.
take the bill of sale and go to teh county courthouse, I guess
you better make sure you get all your building permits and everything too
Friend's aunt needs to do a deed to your friend. Call to tax office will confirm what local means are needed to swap the taxes; should be automatic in most places when the deed is filed
For any transaction to be complete, it must be legal. He needs to talk to the aunt to give him all the paperwork used and also produce any receipt to show how money was transfered from his account to her aunt. If he ever wrote anything down concerning the purchase of land will also be enough proof
his aunt has to issue him a general warranty deed. that deed is then registered with the county. only then does he own the land.
the aunt is still owner and could sell property again. your friend is at big time risk here until he has her issue a deed.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Can anyone suggest any bank who does not require PRIOR DEED of the land as security for educational loan?
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Saturday, October 31, 2009
Home loan for purchasing land and constructing house?
If yes how much will be the amount and what is the procedure?
You will be better off purchasing the land first in cash, and then have a large amount for downpayment on the construction. You will qualify for a construction loan which is a receive the monies as the builder requires. It is held in trust with a lawyer..usually 3 or 4 payments from start to finish. You can get a mortgage for the whole thing, but you will need a large amount for downpayment...just go to your bank and ask..they will give you all the details you need to get started and the directions you need to go. It may not be so difficult where you are, but banks here do not like to give out money for bare land..even if you want to build on it...I think they have had too many problems in the past.
The would only grant a percentage of the value of the building and land combined. They normally require the borrower to have a substantial downpayment (usually the value of the land) and then they only release the money on the building as work progresses to minimise their risk
Hi I am Tony Walker I graduated three month ago from the university before I graduate it was very hard for me to pay my fees as my parents was not able so I have no choice other than to apply for a loan online and a friend introduce me to Harry White who is the managing director of harry white loan firm and I was give a loan today I am grateful to this man who made me who I am,so if you are looking for a loan online and dont want to be scam I will advise you to contact him via email
With today's economy you better have good credit #'s. Then go to the bank you use . Start there first.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How did states and the federal govt encourage business expansion through tariffs, banking, land grants, etc?
Tariff- make it more expensive for foreign companies to cmpete
Banking - make cost of capital cheaper
Land grants- provide subsidies on land
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Can I put a house on land not deeded to me?
Lease the land from your parents to accomplish this. But note that it will be VERY, VERY, VERY difficult to ever sell that doublewide on a mortgage loan someday.
Construction on leased land is common. There's no law that requires a homeowner to own the land upon which the house is built.
as long as you don't finance your land with the bank, you should be fine.
Sure, but you'll be paying out the wazoo in interest without land to secure the trailer.
You cannot use the land as collateral without risking losing it. That is why they call it "collateral".
There isn't any way around it...either you pay a high interest rate to buy the trailer or your parents have to give you the land to use as collateral.
There is no "option C".
The bank will NOT get the land if they take back your double wide. The double wide is the ONLY security for your loan.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I need loan for purchasing land in devolving area for reselling.can i get loan from bank or private finance?
I am Mr. John Clarke, a Reputable, Legitimate, Certified, Reliable & an accredited money Lender. I loan money out to individuals and corporate bodies in need of financial assistance. Do you have a bad credit or are you in need of money to pay bills? I want to use this medium to inform you that i render reliable beneficiary assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan at 2% interest flat rate. What did your bank say concerning having a loan from them???? Don't feel disappointed if they refuse granting you a loan. I hate what the banks do when customers/consumers are willing to lend money even with collateral and valid documents. I look forward permitting me to be of service to you. Send me an- E-mail me by replying to my email and I'll do my best to help you out in your bad finances situation.
Mr. John Clarke.
presuming we are talking about the US; why not?
if you qualify
Sunday, October 4, 2009
How can i use my land to commercial to make a building & give it to national bank. but i had no money.?
My name is Ashish. And i m from nurpur (it is a small city in himachal pardesh).Sir i have a land which is main market in our city market. I use it as a commercial to make a building. and give this building to the any national bank as a monthly rent.But i have no such a money to make a building.Then but can i do for it ?
if the bank requires that place, then you can approach them and they will fund you for construction. the repayments will be from the proposed rentals.
Approach the Banks regional offices with details.
If your land is within city area,no NA permission is required,otherwise,get NA permission from DistrictCollector,prepare plan for building through Archetect and
get it sanction from Corporation/town planning department,approach any banker,along with no encumberance certificate from advocate and valuation done by Bank approved valuer,for loan,on sanction of loan
you can construct the building yourself or by contractors.And offer on rent to anybody.
make a contract with a reputed real estate developer on 50-50 percent basis.
The developer will make say 10 flats and he will give you 5 flats and rest he will sell to buyers at a profit.
this is the only way to make a building without investing any money or looking after the construction.
EDIT: you will have to give a "power of attorney" to the developer. Better to find a good lawyer among your relatives to give you legal advice
I be live the land is worth money so the bank should lend money to build. I have heard of that before being done.
I have 8 acres of raw land. How can I make money off of it, beside simply selling it?
Since we carry no loan on the property, how can we develop it commercially and be able to get financing from a bank for doing so? Instead of selling it, we want to develop it into some sort of storefront, strip mall, or something. How can we secure the funding for this? I just heard in the same neighborhood that Starbucks pays $95,000 (and a profit %) per year for 20 years to the site owner - how can we score that?
lumber is very lucrative. if you have good forestation, consider contacting a lumber yard for harvesting some of the wood. they do all the work, and you get the check. get a couple offers and make sure to mark off what trees can go, and which will stay.
Contact Starbucks and see if they would be interested in the site.
mini golf course.
So you have 8 acres of commercial land I'm assuming. Financing shouldn't be a problem because you could use the property for collateral for a construction loan. You'll first need to go see a local civil engineer to develop a plan (this isn't free of course) to see what you can develop to maximize the site and abide by the local regulations. A leasable strip mall is always profitable no matter where it is, but you will need to advertise early so you can have some commitments to lease so you can as they say "Build to Suit". Another option would be to get a partner, one who already has money so you would be putting up the land and the other would be fronting the money, therefore you have no financial risk, but only gain, although now your gain would be less since you are splitting profits. Hope this is helpful.
Raw Land Loans are an agreement in which a lender (usually a bank) gives money to a business who is performing a Raw Land Development Project. The business agrees to repay the money with interest, at some future point in time. Raw Land Loans are very flexible and comes in a variety of terms to meet your specific needs. Money issued for Raw Land Loans are usually distributed in increments as the Raw Land Development Project meets certain milestones.
A qualified high volume/high traffic retail or foodservice operation can own and operate a Starbucks licensed store. Examples include: hotels and resorts, healthcare, college and university campus environments and business and industry.
Open up a bordello!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I have a friend who wants to start his own church and wants to buy land or an existing building for the church?
Just: I might be missing something here, but it seems like your friend is putting the cart before the horse, so to speak.
The idea is to build a congregation first, then as it grows comes the consideration for a larger meeting place.
Your friend's organization through which he was ordained should have the proper procedure for obtaining the legal 501(c)3 non-profit designation. If not, try your state's licensing division for help.
I know of no government grants or special financing from a bank being offered to non-profit church start-ups. One more bit of advice: tell him to watch it when it comes to the use of his personal credit card for church purchases. It's an easy trap to fall in to....and it's been the downfall of many. Enough said!
Best wishes, and I hope this helps you....
I hope not since the churchs pay nothing into the govt' programs. Banks may buy into this but he just needs to go to his local banks, sit down and ask the questions based on his personal financial situation at this point in time.
Which indin bank/private bank gives loan againest land?
ICICI BANK (it's called loan against property)
CITIBANK (not advisable)
YES BANK (not advisable)
ING VYSYA BANK (may have the best interest rates... usually undercut anyone else)
hope this helps... depends on the place of the property and your record with the bank.and proof of your repayment source and capacity
India's major activity is agriculture, because of large number of villages. Government of India has made a policy to encourage agriculture for the development of the country.Accordingly Reserve Bank of India has drawn guidelines and instructed all the banks to finance under agriculture sector. Agriculture comes under priority sector. You may approach any bank for agricultural finance. Your loan will be sanctioned subject to the fulfilment of procedure laid down by the individual banks.
All the banks Indian or Private gives loan against property.
Friday, October 2, 2009
What happened after the dwarves nd bilbo landed on the river bank wiff the barrels?
They landed in the city of Laketown on the Long Lake, befriended the lakemen (and their leader Bron?). They went to Eberor, the Lonely Mountain, to find the door revealed by the Thrush knocking upon it. Bilbo entered, many things led Smaug to go to Esgaroth, Laketown, Bron shot Smaug with his arrow in his weakspot. Smaug died. Bron became king. The forest elves went to take the treasure, so did the lakemen and the Goblins/orcs. Battle of Five Armies ensued. Thorin died even after the Eagles (5th army) came. Bilbo returned to Bag End, Under the Hill, Hobbiton, West Farthing, The Shire, with two bags filled with his treasured. "The road goes ever on and on, back to the door where it began, and I must follow, if I can."-Gandalf
Hope this helps! -fatmanseargeant'sson
if u r tri'n tu bee-cuom an auther tri tipi'n betr!
They get shot
Can anyone explain the process of bank nationalization?
The government is secretly planning a scheme to control
us and this is one of their ways of doing so. This what i found out
money is debtâ
Listen to what I have found out.
Money is created out of debt through loans based on banks reserves.
The government needs money and asks the federal reserves for money the fed reserves say yes sure but we need a promisary note to show that you will pay it back
The government makes up a bond which is just paper with monetary value stamped on it in dollar amounts added up to the amount borrowed. But how can the goverment pay something back if they borrowed the money becaue they did not have it to begin with. How can they pay it back??
Money does not exist!!!
Wowâ¦its all about control and manipulation. Did you haer of the Federal REserves "Modern Money Mechanic"
Look it up
Bank nationalization is generally considered a bad thing, because they are then subject to government regulation, and thus gaining market value is difficult. It also subjects a significant portion of the nation's economy to the federal government's will...people don't like that either. And it's somewhat socialist in concept - people don't like the idea of Socialism.
If a bank really needs it, however, then they should be taken over to save the money its customers have invested.
It is a horrible, anti-American idea. If the government took over a bank, stock holders would lose their investment. The stock would become worthless. Government is the problem not the solution. Banks have bad loans because the government and special interest groups forced them to lend to people who could not pay.
The US government is incapable of fixing any mess. Look at Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. These messes were created by our government.
My personal view is that it's a bad idea because it leaves the government in control of the banks. That's bad when you look at how "well" the government runs anything. How many government programs are actually efficient at utilizing taxpayer money? Government likes to often force the square peg into the round hole by saying "make it so" as though there are no consequences.
"Owners of capital will stimulate working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more
and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be
nationalized, and State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism."
Karl Marx, 1867
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Is BMW land cash prise promotion Legitimate ?
300 pound for bank transaction (electronic transfer) why do I
have to pay anything is this seal or a scam? Please help.
Yes, it's a scam, don't give them a penny.
Type the promo name into a search engine and see if a scam comes up. No legit promo will ask for cash up front. Does the return address sound funky? My advice is to open full headers at the bottom of the email, hit the arrow next to forward, then click on "as in line text" and send to: to report the scam.
Don't send as an attachment, yahoo can't use the info in that form.
It is legitimate. If you send me £500 I will show you how you can win this competition**.
** Note : I am taking the piss!
Why are you so gullible?!
Did you enter a competition to win a BMW ?
Its a scam
BMW Land ? Is that just over Porsche Hill and across Mercedes River
/ Here is the website detailing it as a scam...
This is a con. It is nothing to do with BMW. Since when did prize winners get charged to collect their win?
These conmen send out thousands of emails in the hope that a few mugs will send off £300.
oh pleeease...what do u think..someone will send u a car for 300 pounds...come on...stop it
Quran had forbid loan interest, buying land or other investment tools are better than make bank deposit?
The bible forbid Jews from charging interest also
but that was based on an agrarian economy not a system built on capitalism.
I'm not sure it still applies
Qur'an has forbideen intrests among muslims.
As for the bank, you can take a loan, its part of the contract.
You can invest, you can buy land, you can deposit, you can withdraw.
YOu can do whatever you want. Its your choice.
You can invest, even in the stock market, thats bussiness.
Misinterpretation leads to misguidance.
If you interpreted the law yourself, i recommend you get help from a muslim scholar.
This isnt a question, it's some type of lecture about 6th century islamic banking practices. WHO FRIGGIN CARES what the cavemen do?
The Quran is contexual and was true in its time. try not to look at the situation of Islam today... Interest rate then was beyong monetary values, people used to put their wives and daughters as a colatoral. Interest in Islam is not kosher because then there were loan sharks and used to rip off people and turn them into slaves ... so the Quran came to structure the financial institution at the time. It created what we call today the Stock Market. Insead of depositing your money you put it to work. Either you win or lose. That makes the broker as someone who is responsible where the money goes. So some people would invest in moderate stock while others used to get more aggressive and invest in foriegn trade that was quite lucrative but risky as ships and caravans could get mugged by pirates and take all your investment.
Pretty much Islam has set the foundation of the stock market as we know it today. All muslim countries today have banks just like the one in the US. Islamic banks only represent less than 3% in the amount of money saved in the Muslim world.
you obviously care about God and what He thinks. God is God and knows us and what we do. if we seek Him surely He will not fosake us. please ask Jesus into your life and be born again by the power of the Gospel (which is a real event in your real life) i know cause it has happened to me! God whoever He is will look kindly on us if we want to seek and follow Him and is so awsome He would not care if we seek in the wrong place, surely. Jesus is mentioned as a prophet in the quran so if you are wrong to seek Him as Gods son you would think God will forgive you for trying because a man advised you to as he did taht and it actually happened. i was not even someone who beleived in God before i prayed to Jesus. God will answer yoou!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What are the 4 differnt types of credit that I need to establish before purchasing a piece of land?
Lets say, I have a credit score of 780 i'm 22 years old with $15,000.00 in the bank. I'm trying to purchase land for $55,000.00.....
But right now I'm actually 19 years old > with two credit cards open. I've paid the balances of both cards in "full" or Paid more than the min balance each month...
"WHAT are the four different types of credit that I need the bank to look back on when I purchase property?
Like a "Auto loan"-what?>
So what type of loan should I take out to build more credit if I don't need a car?...
any ideas would be appreciated!!!
Some interesting answers here. However, your credit score is based on several factors. So doing one specific thing will not give you(or take away) a set amount of points.
One factor in all types of credit is that you need to make sure you make payments on-time everytime. Every 30,60,90 day late will lower your score.
As for types of credit, it is good to have a mix. However, usually a few credit cards and installment loans will be good. As long as you show good credit management. Do not expect to be at a 780 by the time you are 22. It takes years to build a great history, but only a few bad marks to create a bad history.
For credit cards the major factor is your credit utilization. The best scores will be when you are at 30% or lower utilization. That is your total credit used compared to your total limits. So if you have $2,000 in total credit you should not have used more than $600. The farther you go above the 30% the more it will start to harm your score. The best way to do this is to use them every month(up to the 30%) on purchases you would pay cash for anyways. Then at the end of the month just pay off the balance. This will also show activity which helps your score.
For installment loans, a car or house loan is the most common types. However, you can also go for a personal loan from your bank. Here you put money into a savings account and then take a loan against it. Deposit the loan money into another bank to earn interest. You then use that money to pay back the loan. If you do this a few times in the next few years it will look very good.
You can read a lot on how scores are calculated by going to . This is the company that does the FICO Score which is the most widly used scoring system today.
There is no magical number of items of credit that you need to have to obtain a loan on this land in a few years. Ideally you want to have a good mixture of credit such as 2 credit cards, 1 auto loan and 1 mortgage loan. However, if you only have 2 credit cards that is still very good. Most lenders do want to see 3 different tradelines on your credit report so you may want to get one more. Anything that you do for your 3rd tradeline will be fine, whether it is a personal loan, another credit card, a student loan, etc... Just make sure you keep your payments all on time, never borrow over 50% of your credit card limits, don't go out and get 10 credit cards and no other credit, and keep the number of inquiries to a minimum.
u go through the realtor ... if u have the downpayment and u make enough at ur job u shouldnt have a problem .... i bought my first house with NO credit actually ..
more credit cards are the answer.the longer established credit you have the better your chances are in getting money from the banks. i am a mortgage broker and also specialize in vacant land sales.since you only have 2 credit cards you nedd to get a few more but dont over do it.Visit and i would suggest in applying for a chase freedom card.It is one of the easier cards to get.After that you should apply once every 6 months for another card.Trust me i was in your shoes once and i remember what i had to go through to establish credit.i am 31 now and have over 28 credit cards with over 200000 in credit lines.
Hers is the real deal, some of thos quacks dont have a clue except for the one guy, he was decent. Now to the meat of thing. Each time you make a payment on your credit card you get points each month right? RIGHT. Now if you pay off your cards and dont use them, your not getting any point to increase your credit score, RIGHT? Like the guy said, use you card card but keep you balances below 50%. If you have $500 limit only use $250 and under. Here is a secret, if you have your balance over 50% and you pay on time every month, you get 20 points added to your score every quarter but if you keep your balance below 50% you get 30 points added to your score every quarter ok. Well go away kid your bothering me :)
Can you purchase land and use it as collatoral for the loan?
A loan is taken from a bank for one purpose only. Say for your business you can take loan (or) to buy a plot you can take a loan (or) to buy an apartment you can take a loan. You can't take a loan to buy a property and by pledging this property you can't take a new loan! For every loan you need collateral security or to prove your financial capability to repay PLUS two guarantors to support you in signing the bank documents to pay back the loan if you get defaulted!
Added, after you purchase the house on a plot with the bank loan, you have to hand over the complete documents of the property to the bank and after your complete repayment of the loan with interest amount only the title of the property namely the house will be transferred to you, legally!
So, you can't buy a property by a bank loan to take a re-loan on same for your business! Hope this is clear to you!
The amount of loan you can get will be based on the value of the property on the land. Most bank do not give loans based on land value. The business loan can be tied to how much collateral you have in the property, however it does not make much sense to buy a property to take a business loan out on it because you would obviously need to have cash to buy the property and that cash is worth as much in collateral as the property and does not have any additional liability attached to it such as property taxes.
This very practice is what has led to the housing crisis across the country. Banks are now tightening up and not making anymore 100% True Cash Value Loans.
You might be able to find a private lender, like a family trust to loan 100% loan if the land appraises for more than the sales price.
If you go to a private broker, do not pay a finders fee until they have found the loan for you. Lot of crooks out there that will take the fee up front and then never find the loan for you.
You can't use something that you have no equity collateral.
Like Ranger said!
Ha ha ha, if only we could!
No way Pedro!
I am an NRI, I need to apply for loan to purchase a plot/plot including home.Which bank is best? Pls help?
ICICI should have local branch in Dubai and you should be able file the paper work through them, loans have and need some documentation to go you will have to bear that.
As far as the rate, all banks give competitive rates - Check with Citibank India - again you should be able to talk to a local resource in Citibank Dubai and they should be help you with this too.
Hope this helps and good luck!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Co-op owner here..we are in a horrible land lease. we have reached a point where no bank will give a mortgage.?
Yes probably. Fate is bad, be strong.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Why do the Israelis keep building new housing developments in the West Bank?
I don't understand it my self,
How will there be a Palestinian state made up of West Bank and Gaza strip when they are not connected?
The Palestinians have a nation they can live in peace in, and thats the nation composed of people genetically and culturally the same..the so called "Jordanians". Now it's funny that this is concerning Gaza and West Bank. Whic don't even belong to Israel.
The Area you refer to as palestine was once joined with the area today known as Jordan.
British Mandate of Palestine.
In othe words Jordan and Israel were refered to as Palestine, hence all people in the mandate were called Palesintian. In 1923 britian recognized transdjordan as a state and slowly reliquinshed power to the government, people were upset because this reduced the amount of land that could be used for a jewish state.
The creation of the state of Transjordan and Israel was after the war of 1948. The palestinians in Transjordan refered to themselves as Jordinians, they embracedd a new name, mind you being jordan carried all the same as being Palestinian.
Israel is hurrying to complete the closing of the gap while bush is still in office.
How do we govern Alaska and Hawaii?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
In the game Monopoly, you land on Income Tax, is that tax on your total net worth or just cash in the bank?
It is the total value that you have.
After three rounds, your net worth should be around $2100. At this point, pay the $200 and forget about until you start selling or mortgaging property.
Depending on how technical you want to get, you can count your net worth a variety of ways. Unless you are in a tournament, you can play it as you see fit.
You should go the the parker brothers web site to get the official ruling.
total, even propertyand houses/hotels, usually just easier to pay the $75.00
Total net worth. It's pretty easy to estimate quickly, and as another noted, a few trips around the board will bump you to the $200 threshold.
Cash in hand, to determine your total net worth would take too long and slow down game play.
EDIT: well that's how we play at home anyway.. some people are way too monopoly hardcore...
it's ALL your cash + property put together. A friend and myself, we just pay $75 unless we only have a few properties. On computer, of course u let the game decide for u since it calculates it for u.
you try and total up all your earnings * say 1,000 and then you put in 10% into the caclulator and then that is what you pay ..
or else just make up your own .. say put $100 dollars in the free car parking instead whenever someone lands on it. Just remember it's a game so it's meant to be fun. Personally I hate Monopoly because whenever my brother played it he became obsessed with it.
It is your TOTAL net worth. Cash on hand, face value of properties, cost of houses and hotels (5 houses). Interestingly, Darrow's boards simply said pay $300 and early Parker Brothers games said pay 10% or $300. This was qiuckly changed to the $200 we know now. the Parker games with 10% or $300 were only made for a few months in 1935 and are extemely valuable today.
Sorry for the history lesson, but hope this answers your question.
Why don't Palestinians just submit to God and leave the West Bank and Gaza, as God clearly gave that land?
The above question is just one of many examples of the perception that religion is harmful.
K, so I'm Jewish and you're kind of thinking is exactly what's causing the conflict there. Palestinians only have two areas in Israel, that's it, what needs to happen IMHO, is a two state solution and less discrimination. Treat each other like you would any other person, don't treat them as second-class citizens or they will fight you.
If a two-state solution doesnt work, then they should start to leave, but in no way is it necessary
Why should they leave? They should just acknowledge that it belongs to Israel. They don't realize this would be submission to God because their prophet apparently wasn't informed that the Jews would be coming back to their land as was Ezekiel.
Why don't all white, black, Latino and Asian people leave America? Clearly God gave it to Native Indians?
Because it is wonderful to have someone to hate, and right now it is the israelis.
I didn't realize God worked for Century 21
I don't think anyone can prove that an imaginary deity gave any land to anybody. Where are you getting this?
"I assume, you believe that Jerusalem
won't ever come under nuclear attack."
Ishmael-Esau-and Mohamed and their Descendants will not accept ;what You have stated;
so do you want to give america back to the native americans?
nope didn't think so
That was tried once, but no other Muslim country would take them.
We all know you're not Jewish.
Isn't it time for your medication?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Is there a good way of finding someone to do a land contract that is selling a house?
Signs in yards like "for sale by owner", is that a slight indication?
Usually...The sign is an indication that they are not going through a real estate company. They are selling it themselves. Unless you have all the money upfront and make the sell with a receipt (the house is completely paid for by previous owners), I have never heard of someone having a mortgage without a bank. It is risky business for the person selling. If this is possible, then look for older people, moving people, etc. They tend to be more desperate.
Ask around. See if you get any interested sellers. It's worth a try!
Good luck!
Don't buy using a land contract, AKA contract for deed, AKA "no bank qualifying", AKA "non-qualifying assumption". There are sellers out there who will do it, and Realtors who know where they are. If you really want one, there are Realtors who will do this to you. I'm not one, and I won't give you the names of any.
"For Sale By Owner" means that the owner is marketing the property instead of a Realtor. It does not mean that the payments will be made to the owner. However, someone who is not represented by an ethical Realtor (a For Sale By Owner) may be ignorant enough about the risks involved so they might be a good target to trick into a land contract. The risks are not only for the buyer, but for the seller also.
I list foreclosures for a bank here in San Antonio, and I sell some of the HUD houses too. In tracking the history of foreclosures, many were "sold" using the contract for deed scheme a few years prior to the foreclosure.
The signs may not be a good indicator as they may not be willing to go land contract.
I'd put an advert in the paper. Say "Looking to do a land contract on a house in the ____ area" and say how many bedrooms you need, your price range, etc.
That and word of mouth are the two best ways.
realitors have info on homes in the area where you live regarding land contract.
Why did Jackson oppose the National Bank?
A:The bank would not make loans for land.
B:He felt it did not favor the common man.
C:The money in the bank was not backed by gold or silver.
B. He felt it did not favor the common man
trust me we did this last week in my school
I think it was C and that he knew the method being provided was flawed...kind of like our Federal reserve...which isn't even federal...
Friday, September 25, 2009
I a malaysian guy planning to migrate to NZ.Is it easy to apply for a credit card from any bank in NZ?
You probably need to get a bank account first and you can only get a bank account in NZ if you have residency, a work visa or a student visa.
Selamat petang and welcome to NZ. This country is very free of unnecessary bureaucratic complexity. You'll find it much easier to get a credit card here when you've got a job, a fixed address and a residence permit. I suggest you wait until you've got these before you apply. Otherwise, if you get turned down it makes it look bad next time you apply. In my experience the best financial institutions here are the Southland Credit Union, Kiwibank and SBS.
Well, from my past experience, you would probably have to be have an account (cheque or savings) for a period of 6 months with the bank, proving that you are legally employed as well as steady income inflow. They would need you to verify that you have been living in a permanent address-eg: income statements which will be sent to you monthly. Hope this help, I could be wrong on the latter part, been away for a luck and welcome to good ol'NZ!!!
Hi Ram,
The above answer by Sebcue ^^^ Is a totally one eyed version of what New Zealand is like, filled with bad grammar, made up statistics and mass generalizations. New Zealand is a wonderful place to live, salaries are low but are offset by the life style. New Zealand is a reasonably safe country to live compared to other countries around the world which is what makes it so attractive to overseas immigrants.
The only problems I see New Zealanders having with immigrants in New Zealand, and please note that this is my OPINION and a an OBSERVATION on my behalf, is when immigrants come to New Zealand and live in a shell of their own culture without trying to adapt to the 'kiwi way' at all. I personally don't have a problem with immigrants living according to how their culture lives, but some Kiwis do.
I know that doesn't answer your question, but I thought I better clear up some of the lies that sebcue has spread around.
With regards to the credit card situation, you will need to have a permanent place of residence ad at least six months of proven income before the finance companies will even look at you, sorry but that's how it works here.
I wish you good luck on your endeavours to move to NZ...
Hope this helps.
I hope not for the public's sake.
To acquire a mortgage for a new building, does the title for the land it will sit on be free and clear?
You will have to subdivide it. The bank won't be able to perform the subdivision, but they shouldn't have any problems with you improving the land. If you don't want them to have the ability to take this portion of the property if you ever default on the loan, you should ask them to release that portion from the collateral. Most banks will oblige on this as long as the LTV (loan to value) does not exceed 80%. Since you are a third of the way through the mortgage, that shouldn't be a problem. It would probably be best to talk to someone in the mortgage department at your bank and explain to them what you want to do. I'm sure an acceptable agreement can be reached.
I would ck to see what the value is for both portions of land . If the value of the larger lot was enough to pay off the original loan. I would refinance the larger lot and have the smaller lot free and clear to do as I please with.
I work with Real Estate Loans /Refi's /Sales /Purchases etc.
Your bank will do anything you want, because if they don't you can go to another bank & get another mortgage to take theirs out. They will probably be happy to give you a new loan on the 10 acres themselves & you can save some costs because they already have the title work done & have lien priority. The new loan can be subordinate to the first, or they can release the 10 acre parcel & have a new first. Most likely they'll suggest just modifying the existing mortgage to increase it cover a new note for the sum you'll need. (This is called an advance) Your old note probably has a very low interest rate & the bank may suggest replacing it with a combined new note at a new higher rate. Tell them you want to keep the old rate & just have the new rate on the new funds. Depending on how tough a negotiator they are & how tough you are, they may back down, or you may back down or you may "blend" a compromise rate. If you are a good borrower (ie, never late) & are planning to a start a new business on land in which they have a secure loan, they are not going let you walk over to their competitor's office without doing everything they can to keep you. You will always be able to sell the business & 10 acres separately when the time comes -- the new buyer will take care of that. Right now you want the best deal for yourself.
You can't get a clear title on the 10 acres until you have paid off the original loan. You need to talk to your lender and tell them you want to build a building on the property and apply for a loan to have it built.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Can my husband avail home loan when i own the land?
I am married and own a piece of land in my name. We wish to build our own house but only when we avail a bank loan. I am employed in a small private concern which does not have a strong background But my husband works for an MNC and eligible for getting loan. Will we be able to avail loan or should i change the property to the name of my husband to get the home loan? Need help.
Absolutely your husband can avail loan making you as joint owner. IT benefits also can be availed by both depending up on your salaries and IT payabale.
Of course your husband can avail a home loan without transferring the property in his name. For the sake of loan, do not even think of property transfer as it involves stamp duty and registration costs.
You need to understand two terms, co-applicant & co-owner.
In your case, your husband can be an applicant without being a co-owner and you will have to join him as co-applicant.
Know more about joint home loans at
Home loans are now available to many people for whom they would have been out of the question just a few years ago. Youâ™d be in much better shape to bargain for better interest rates if you had a more impressive credit history, but if the house you want is the deal you believe it to be, a bad credit home loan can still work to your advantage.Your best bet in assuming a bad credit home loan is to pay as much cash up front as possible, and see if by doing so you can negotiate a lower interest rate.
Youâ™ll save enough money over the term of the loan to compensate for the sacrifices you had to make in handing over the down payment.
The bad credit home loan can be a win-win proposition for both lenders and borrowers; the lenders, thanks to the higher interest rates, get bigger returns on the money loaned, and the borrowers get a homes in which to build equity, and chances to restore their credit records so that the first bad credit home loans they take will also be the last!
yes certainly your husband can avail housing loan for construction on the piece of land owned by you.
no need to transfer it to your husband name. you will be co-applicant for the housing loan.
i have come acroos several such cases in the past twenty years.
all banks and HFCs are giving. don't worry. Good luck!
To get a bank loan for building a house, the piece of land should be on the borrower's name or atleast it should be co-owned by the borrower. Otherwise, they won't give loan.
Your husband can avail the loan and you have to be a co applicant or co borrower. There is no need to transfer the property in his name.
Ya, ur husband can definitely get the loan amount while u are owner of the land. To get to know more details on this topic, refer to the following website:-
yes dear , your husband can avail loan making you as joint owner which will benifit both of you .
Can someone tell me what you have to do to get a section of land?
most banks don't lend on land alone, I would call a broker they might know of an investment company or some like that. good luck
Some banks do offer a "Land Loan" it is usally on terms similar to investment property. With atleast 80% down. I have never heard of LAND insurance. What would you need insurance for? Is it waterfront or farm land?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My house is going into Foreclosure and I have a Vacant Land will that get taken away too?
no cause it's not tied in,
after they auction your house they can put a lien on it for whatever the difference between what they sold it for and what they recieved
Unless the lot is tied to the mortgage, no they can't foreclose on it at the same time.
HOWEVER, if you foreclose on the house, YOU WILL OWE the difference and the IRS will tax you. YOU CAN"T JUST WALK AWAY.
The real estate guy's answer is better and more knowledgeable.
yep, they wil take all of your assets to supplement your house loan.
Looking for best financing options for recreational land loans?
Lenders who specialize in land loans, or are members of the Farm Credit System, often have better deals than run-of-the-mill banks. See one of each in the following links. Good luck.
there are also options which allow you to leverage your primary residence. That would give you a better interest rate.
log onto
or email me at
Bank of America hands down has the best land loans I have seen. The down payments are low and the rates are fairly good. I have been selling vacant land for several years and the easiest and cleanest deals are when the client uses BOA! I doubt that you will need to use your entire 20% on a land loan at BOA. I have seen them do 5% down on $175,000 land deal.
Call Countrywide.Good luck
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How can you tell if your land lord is going through forcloser?
If the home was being foreclosed on, usually the bank is required to inform both the owner and the tenants.
Without word from your LL you didn't have to let some one in. Without advance notice you don't have to let some one in. Most likely your LL is refinancing, and if they were prudent, they would give you notice, as required by your lease and to make the best impression.
He is probably refinancing, the banks do not inspect for foreclosures. That person was there to appraise the house.
If a senior citizen sells his ancestral agricultural land and get Rs. 30 lakh. Does he need to pay income tax
Senior Citizen or not, Ancestral or self earned land - It is exempt from tax if the land satisfy the following condition:
The agricultural land must be 8 kms away from a municipal or a cantonment or a Major Panchayat (of more than 10,000 population as per last senses) limits. Then it dose not come under tax.
If the land is within the above said limits, then you have to pay long term capital gains.
Regarding depositing 30 lakhs in a bank. To deposit more than 50 thousands in a bank, they will ask for PAN number. There are so many things which I should not answer in a public web site. Before selling the land and before depositing the amount in a bank or before investing the money in any other place, please consult a Income Tax auditor (Tax consultant / C.A)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Is it necessary to deposit returns on selling land in capital gains till I buy residential house 4 tax benefit?
Yes in order to acquire the Tax exemption on capital gains you need to reinvest that amount in any other immovable property with in 2 years of gaining it.
Until that time that amount must be deposited in a 'Capital Gains Deposit Scheme Account' in any of the public sector banks and should be shown in the IT returns.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I was looking at foreclosed lands at a bank in the Philippines. I saw one, and paid the reservation fee.?
Should I pursue the land? Or should I look for others and avoid this potential court case?
Sounds a bit complicated to me ... I would avoid.
You shouldn't buy anything in the P.I.. I was scammed out of $20,000 U.S.. Which has left alot of people angry and hurt.
Be very careful.
I m a agriculturist at ludhiana. i m going sell a piece of that land .shall i deposit the money in bank.will t?
If you have the property in your IT return and if you sell all for white money, you have to pay capital gain tax: it all depends on the value .consult an auditor i your area: or write to us with full details
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Can someone explain why Muslims or Arabs consider the West Bank area their land?
You can find all the history and other facts at this site. There's far too much info to quote here.
Citations in here come from the Wikipedia write-up I cite in the "source" section. Don't count on Wikipedia to be the be-all and end-all truth. But their account, I think, is a good overall summary.
Because the Israelis lay claim to that land as "ordained from God". They claim it is their promised chosen holy land, that their right to settle there comes from God himself.
"According to the Torah, the Land of Israel was promised to the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people, by God, as their homeland;"
Well, what kind of muster does THAT carry if you don't believe in God, or don't believe in THEIR God? And how 'bout the arbitrary assignment of that land to Israel in 1948? Was that really fair? Or just an arbitrary handing-over of land from Palestine to Israel.
Sorry... but if I were an Arab living in that part of the world, I too would be p**sed off that Israel just somehow arbitrarily can lay claim to that land.
Sorry how do you think the Israeli's got there, that is, how do you think they came to be in the land that they now call Israel? Maybe that'll answer why you think Palestinians are made up people.
I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but it is incomplete at best and flat out wrong at worst.
Friday, September 18, 2009
How hard is it to get a mortgage on vacant land?
No There were some companies like Miles Homes that offered some raw land financing as part of what is essentially construction financing, which is usually only available to licensed contractors, or home builders with a track record of successfully building homes that receive "C of O's" in a timely fashion. That was when there was lot's of loan money around probably not now. You could check into it though.
Some will and some will not. Start calling,and if you find one that will you must have excellent credit and the land must be appraised at or above the asking price and they will,in most cases, want 10-20% down.
Your interest rate will not be the same as it would be on a home, and you will have to put down a larger down payment.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
When will Israel back off & reduce its land and power in the middle East.?
i would in broad terms agree with some of what you are saying
israel is the more affluent 'player' if you like, it can afford to give both land and money in the long term ideal of producing a stable two state solution and i hope that it make real strides towards doing so.
But I do think that a lot of people see the situation as 'rich' israel being the abuser and exploiter of 'poor' palestinians - and i for one cannot really fault the actions of Israelis who have been the brunt of aggression against them for so long, so it really has two be a two way process where both groups are seen to compromise.
The palestinian people have been badly let down by the people who are supposed to represent them - Arafat, PLO, Fatah, Hamas and probably a load of other splinter groups all broadly dedicated to aggression towards Israel. Once these groups start to soften their stance then there will be a chance of peace - like Fatah and the West Bank, Just like the Jordanians and Egyptians have some form of lasting negotiated peace with Israel.
Simply asking Israel to make concessions without appropriate reciprocation is unreasonable, because as we have seen with Gaza which was handed back to the palestinian authorities, gaza has now become governed by a bunch of extremists who will happily kill both Jew and Arab if they get in the way of their ideology
Israel is a tiny part of the middle east. And prosperity there isn't coming from the land, it's coming from the people. Israelis are willing to work towards bettering their future.. Palestinians want to genocide their neighbors. The difference in attitudes is the major factor in the difference in the quality of life.
israel back off? unlikely
"Last week (July 22), Israeli leaders, including former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, celebrated the 60th anniversary of one of Zionism's worst terrorist attacks, on the King David Hotel, the headquarters of the British representative in the region."
these are the sorts of people who control israel. israel will never back off while its politically expedient for the US to prop up their tin-pot terrorist state
because of the terrorist attacks israel has veered to the right, meaning that a more right wing government is going to take control of israel, i doubt it
last time netanahu right wing was prime minister the same thing happened
And here I am, wondering when Israel is going to be increasing its land and power in the Middle East?
Since the Arabs control far more land, why don't you ask them when they will give some up?
When pigs fly
What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank?
It has come to my attention that you and not the government of Canada print money and loan it to the Canadian government . This deception has lead to the average Canadian wrongly believing they as a nation are in debt when in truth the Canadian people have been robbed and held hostage to pay interest on the theft
It has come to my attention that you are not an elected official and that by wrongly lending money to the government of Canada and holding hostage the peoples that you have become the owner of the government and by controlling the circulation of money with no oversight or democratic representation
This is clearly in my opinion a charge of treason and interference with many elected governments Provincially and federally I believe there is ample evidence of a bloodless coup
I therefore ask that you surrender yourself to the nearest RCMP detachment and make a full confession available in order to avoid further costs for a trial
Because you are not the government of Canada the money you have printed is counterfeit and not the currency of this land Because you have used these counter fit notes to purchase to the government you should immediately confess to treason interference counterfeiting and holding hostage the peoples of Canada in a racketeering scheme of absolute evil with the purposeful design in mind of enslaving the peoples of this Dominion
What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank
A free beating
A restraining order
A job offer
A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin right away ?
--- Something completely different ?
I think you'll hear the sounds of crickets in the night. Nothing. I think it will get passed up the chain until it reaches the first person who knows what your Central Bank actually is, and then you'll be put on a watch list. I hear there are over 1 million American citizens on the no-fly list (I'm more than likely one of them). I have no info on Canada, but I can look it up.
So Trout, you get the deal with your currency, but you buy right into Climate Change? Why? Don't you realize that they are both being done by the same bunch of Progressive hucksters?
Probably no response. I'm sure your Central Bank probably behaves much like the Federal Reserve does. In America, we have a Ron Paul. In the rest of the world, as far as I know, no prominent politician stands up to the central banksters.
A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin.
A Bush autograph
Does canada not print thier own money?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Anybody know how much you have to put down on raw land?
what is the seller asking for?
there is no specific %
for many years(before the creative mortgage surge) one had to have 10% down for a home and their payments could not exceed 25% of their income
this might give you some guideline but you are not talking a residence
In recent times, about 30% is typical.
Ask a lender.
Could be 25% of sales price or higher in these hard-to-get-a-loan days.
Could even be 30% - 50%.
If the seller will finance it for you, could be ZERO. They might accept payments. This is the difference between institutionalized financing and seller financing. Good luck.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
If my land owner has bankruptcy, and my apartment building goes into foreclosure. Can the bank take my things?
YOU ARE SAFE.....however I was in a similar situation....the land owner lost the property...our leases were no longer valid and I had to take the old landlord to court to get my deposit back. The landlord knew he was losing the property and collelcted the sept rent, and then the new owners wanted the september rent as they had not gotten it. all of us had to pay the rents for september and then take the previous landlord to court to get our monies back..he filed bankruptcy so each one of us tenats was out 2,400. for the rent and the deposit x 10 tenants......and we could do nothing about it. the new owners brought us leases to sign where the rent was higher and they wanted a deposit from all of us...I did not sign the new lease and an atty about where to send your rents since the property is in forclosure. the bank may want the money sent to them and placed in an escrow account. contact an atty so that you are not skrewed like all of us were
The bank cannot take your personal property, but they can order your eviction.
Your things are yours.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What is the difference between a land title and land parcel?
A Transfer Certificate of Title issued by the Registry of Deeds, which is under the Land Registration Authority of the Philippine government, (not by anyone or anybody else)is the best form of land ownership. It is document that can be sold, exchanged, mortgaged or pawned.
As to the parcels document, maybe you are referring to a Tax Declaration,which is issued by the municipality. You can't mortgage it in the bank. For you to get a land title(if the land is not yet titled), get in touch with the local assessor of your municipality or to the register of deeds in your area, so they can advise you what steps to follow, Bring with you the evidences that you and your family paid the taxes in the past years.
You need to be clear on what is ownership of real property and what is not.
A"Deed of Absolute Sale" is the Official document proving ownership of a parcel of land.
A "Tax Declaration" form is NOT a certificate of ownership. It merely allows you to occupy the land at the convenience of the Government.
Sounds like you are trying to use a Tax Declation Form as collateral for a bank loan. You cannot borrow against property that is not yours.
You may not use the land parcel as collateral to the bank instead the bank requires that you present the lender with the Land Title Certificate.
Metes and bounds is a traditional method of land surveying in which the boundaries of land parcel are recorded in terms of relative directions and distance. The land parcel is also known as the legal boundary of demarcation of two units or more of land/s.
Certificates of Title are documents that may be used to establish the current owner of a piece of property. Along with identifying the current owner, a Certificate of Title will also provide other valuable information about the status of the property, including any existing easements or encumbrances on the land and buildings located on the property. Full disclosure of the status of the property on the Certificate of Title can help lenders and potential buyers to be fully apprised of the current situation of the asset, and thus make a decision about whether to move forward with the proposed transaction.
Along with providing adequate details about the nature of the property, the Certificate of Title will also provide essential information about the current owner of the property. This will include the name of the registered owner and some sort of identifying information that helps to establish the identity of the person named as the owner on the property title. Depending on the provisions required by local law, there may be other identifying information regarding the owner required as part of the body of the document.
The final key section of a Certificate of Title will detail any and all current claims that are in force against the property. These may include mortgages currently in force, loans that have been taken out by the owner and which utilize the property as collateral for the loan, and encumbrances such as a tax lien. Generally, the entity that is holding the encumbrance on the property will also be named in the Certificate of Title, making it relatively easy to verify the current status of the obligation.
A land title is a piece of paper, while a parcel of land is the physical object referred to by the said document.
Going to the Bank with a dump truck containing aggregates from this parcel of land would not be construed by the said commercial concern as "collateral". They always prefer the document, or the title of the land, usually insisting that there are no encumbrances thereto.
A land title is a piece of paper, while a parcel of land is the physical object referred to by the said document.
Going to the Bank with a dump truck containing aggregates from this parcel of land would not be construed by the said commercial concern as "collateral". They always prefer the document, or the title of the land, usually insisting that there are no encumbrances thereto.