Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do you have any rights on your house, even when it belongs to the bank?

So USA, bought part of Mexico (illegaly), it does not mean that Mexicans do not have any rights on THEIR land and I am talking about Mexicans and not about the Government. If you don't like all our Mexican guest.....You can head back to Europe anytime.

You seem to think that the land that the house sits on belongs to the homeowner. Even with no mortgage and the deed in your hand, it's not so, not even in the USA. Try giving or selling your house to an enemy of the state, Osama bin Laden or Fidel Castro. I'm not sure who Mexico doesn't like, but I expect the principle holds there, too. Someone will appear to tell you you cannot do that. Why not? Because a law greater than your claim of ownership overrides it.

Care to specify what you're hypothesizing?

Wow, you're a really tuff guy behind a computer screen!


Your question should be: After you sell your house do you still have rights to it?

Your question fails on so many levels. I am sorry that I even attempted to answer it.

Here is an equally unsound argument: I owe The Beach Boys millions of dollars. I bought their albums from a garage sale. I then lent them to my neighbor who make a casette copy. They can come to my house and take whatever they want, whenever they want.

A mortgage does not mean the bank owns the house. It means you own the house and the house you own is collateral for the loan you used to purchase it. Those two are different. It is also different to be here legally versus illegally. Although there may still be unsettled land disputes in some persons minds, the US has recognized borders and laws that govern immigration.

Did the bank foreclose on your home and buy it back at a trustee's sale?

If you belive there was a defect in the process that the trustee followed, you may have some rights to the house or other remedies.

I recommend that you contact an attorney.

With respect to whether or not the USA bought part of Mexico illegally, I think that was settled long ago.

Mexicans have plenty of rights - in mexico. I like the way you re-write history - I guess I can declare myself Queen of Denial.

You forget that those who lived here and had been Mexican are now Americans who disagree with you.

Everytime people like you open your month one more joins the rank of people who hate you and you put one more nail in your coffin.

Keep on babbling we love it.

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