Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why do mexican illegals want to live in a land that they cant comprehend?

They think dirt floors are fine, money comes in the mailbox, schools are for baby sitting thier children, have children when they cant afford them and then have another. Drive without a license, insurance or tags, come in the country without permission, stay when we ask them to leave. It seems that the mindset is if you stop me ill just find another way around it. Screw the law or what Americans think. Remember bank robbers only want a better life.

they are just like every other human. they comprehend the only thing that matters... $$$

anyone in their right mind would want to come live here.. or at least work here and send the money home. it's a great deal.

i'm set, but if i ever had to worry about money and got off my lazy butt i'd probably truck it up to canada if i could find a nice city up there :P it's human nature to try and get best you can.. i can't say we want them here, but it's obvious why they are coming here.. you answered your own questions with great answers!!!

i say, the more the merrier!!

i friggin' love you, man

didn't stop the first pioneers!

Illegals want to live here because not ONLY do we do what you've already mentions, but we make it a point to speak their language and keep cops from asking for their papers.

There's less of a chance of them getting arrested here than there is in Mexico. No wonder they want to live here.

I just wish that my tax dollars were going to AMERICAN CITIZENS, NOT "undocumented" workers.

They are savages who are also leeches at the same time. They are certainly not here for an education, hard work or culture.

Do you know there are 10 of me and you white people( I take u are) to not even one of them? And we are supposed to be.... That thing they call educated. Did you ever hear that word? Because seeing your question I don't think u have.


If I made blatant overgeneralizations about groups of people like you do, then I would assume that all white people are ignorant elitist racists from what I read in this category from despicable people like you. Of course, I'm not so stupid as to do something so immature and irresponsible.

So you think that illegals come here without permission? Its easy for someone who just wants to spread hate to forget that it was Americans who invited them to come in droves. American business owners said we have jobs! Come here and work, because we'll hire you, and we'll pay you more than you would make working over there! If these business owners didn't hire them, they wouldn't have come!

And OF COURSE they've come here because they want a better life! Why else would would the possibly come? (Bank robbers? Give me a break!) You can't really blame ANYONE for wanting a better life for their families. But unfortunately, people like you do. And then you just resort to the oldest tools in the toolbox of the ignorant: hate and racism. You're pathetic.

You think illegals are destroying this country? America is destroying the rest of the world.... How about Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Guatemala, Venezuela. In fact, it is largely due to America that these countries have such poor economies despite having some of the most rich lands as far as natural resources and so many people have to emigrate. This is exactly what the government wants and they have succeeded- keep the American people ignorant so that they will not question us and our foreign policy. Keep them preoccupied with being racist, paranoid, and radical so that we can be left to our own devices. Such as yourself.....You will never get it....

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