Friday, November 26, 2010

Can you fit 3 million Arabs in 2, 500 miles of the West Bank & Gaza?

In the West Bank and Gaza, no water or sewer system. No production, constantly looking at beautiful Israel and hating, looking at Israel lands and saying, look, we want that. No "two-state" solution here. I think the Arabs should just move.

The majority of those who call themselves "Palestinians" aren't any more entitled to the name than most Jews living in Israel because when this whole mess started the majority of their parents and grand parents had just recently migrated there to get jobs from the Jews that they couldn't get in their own countries.

When Jordan was carved out of the Palestinian Territory it was understood that all the Arabs living in Samaria would embrace Jordan as their new Palestinian State because that's where their families had come from. It was also understood that Gaza was to be annexed by Egypt as the majority of those residing there had recently migrated there from Egypt. Of course the annexation of both areas to their appropriate states was short lived because the two groups demanded another state just for them and wanted the whole of Israel to be theirs. In actuality they weren't entitled to another square inch of the territory and fewer of them would have lost their homes than the 850,000 Jews that were cleansed out of the Arab countries at the time. No one ever hears about them having to leave their homes, property and businesses behind though. It's always about the poor pitiful Pallies and how they are so displaced. I find that rich coming from people whose ancestors just two generations ago were nothing but nomads or gypsies.

When the Six Day War broke out though most of those people had no qualms about fleeing across the borders into their home countries so they could be safe while giving Egypt, Jordan, and Syria the use of Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza as staging grounds in their attempt to pound the daylights out of Israel. Contrary to Arab propaganda very few were driven out and quite a few chose to stay and make Israel their home. Those who fled hoped that if their Muslim brothers were successful they'd be able to waltz back in and take over Israel, making it another Islamic country.

When Israel won the war in 6 short days and and captured those two pieces of land these Arabs tried to return and act like nothing had happened, but Israel said no deal. Ever since then, Israel has been made out to be the oppressor and they're supposed to be the innocent victims. But after all these years, they're still doing their level best to destroy Israel when they should in fact have been told long ago to go back where they came from to begin with; Jordan and Egypt. They have their so-called Palestinian State; it's called Jordan and they need to pack up their slums and go there.

I think you need to start using your brain.

"I think the arabs should just move"

Move from the land that is rightfully theres. The Arabs fought alongside the British and the Allies during WWI and were royally F'd over thereafter. The only reason the Israelis have a state is because of the British and the help of the United States.

How would you like it if the Native Americans came back and were given 3/4 of the United States land with most Americans living in poverty. Would you just move or would you become a freedom fighter aka terrorist.

Youre using Jordan as an example of Arab prosperity. Jordan is 4th on the list of countries that recieve money from the US government. If it wasnt for our tax payer money Jordan would still be in the dark ages. Take a good guess as to who is number 1 on that list by a W I D E margin.

No other Muslim country will allow them to immigrate except Jordan! They had water, but ruined the water table Israel turned over to them.

PLO & Arafat aren't from the area, it was Algeria I think. Most of the Arabs moved in AFTER the Jews. Israel would be happy to help them build as wonderful a life if they were interested. During Olso there were all sorts of projects started.

Where were you when the Pals tried to kill their legal ruler and take Jordan. That's where they were suppose to be.

The King built the refugee camps of the west bank to keep them out. Forcing Israel to deal with them.

Israel gives them Gaza and from day one they have been destroying it.

Hamas has plenty of support in the west bank . Let them all move there and then the Gaza problem will be settled.

Gaza would make a heck of a good national farm.

Patrick D

You must (in your mind) first separate west bank from Gaza, not the same people, didn't start off from the same countries, Gaza was egyptian, west bank was Jordanian, after 1967 started of with the same population + -. the west bank today light years ahead of the Gaza, why, you figure it out.

The Israelies turned the dessert into an oasis with hard work.... the arabs had the same opportunity but instead they turned all their energy in destroying Israel..... And what is sad is that with peace the Israelies would work shoulder to shoulder with the Arabs to make their lands just as good.

They are doing it with Jordan...

As the people of Israel are here to stay, so are the Palestinians. There is nothing to be done on either side of the issue. We must accept each other as viable political entities and live together as brothers, helping each other and raising our humanitarian values, not our warlike ones.

Oh, you're a fundamentel Christian. No point is there...


Teresa is a liar and a racist. Hates Palestenians and black people.

Since the Israelies are bombing the hell out of Gaza I wouls argue that there is more like 2000 miles. Furteremore, whwere should the Arabs move to?An

Its there land, they were there before the zionest jews and they will stay and grow stronger and stronger.

and where do you think they should move? when they come to america seeking a better life they just get even more discrimination?

Why not? They fit 350,000,000 in all of America. More keep coming, bet you feel like a sardine. Cheers!

Can you fit 12 clowns in a Volkswagen?

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