Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why was the wall in the West Bank built in a curved form?

Why not building it in a way to prevent the terrorist attacks and at the same time to minimize the land loss for the Palestinians? Why does it have to annex so much land?

to make life intolerable for palestinians. just like zionit posters say. they want them to go away. but even hitler couldn't make all the jews leave.

ethnic cleansing

At present, no country has sovereignty over the West Bank, although Israel has the moral right to such sovereignty.

So the building of a barrier (not a "wall") has saved thousands of Israeli lives from Arab terrorists, and is entirely legal. Its path is designed to minimize the discomfort to Jews and Arabs alike.

I did not notice that the asker has wondered about the legality of Muslim terrorists firing rockets and mortars at Israeli women and children.


No land has been annexed yet. In 1948 there were supposed to be two new states formed in what had been Palestine, This is in addition to Jordan, which was made up of nearly 80 percent of Palestine and was split off by Britain.

The part of Palestine that was designated to become a Jewish state became the Jewish state of Israel. The portion of Palestine that was to become an Arab state never became an individual state. Rather, Jordan and Egypt conquered parts. However, Jordan and Egypt did not have sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

Until this day, no country has sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The barrier thus follows the natural population townships.

For this reason, Israel is not occupying any sovereign territory, and there is no country to give it back to, because no country (since Turkey) had ever been sovereign there.

The time has come to halt all the false claims of Israeli occupation.

The time has come to grant the Palestinian Arabs Jordanian citizenship, and move the Gazans from the crowded Gaza strip to the nearly empty Sinai. Let them have whatever citizenship they choose: Egyptian, Palestinian or Jordanian.

Only then, can there be peace between the Arabs and the Jews.


To answer you, the fence was built, along much of the frontier separating Israel from the West Bank, It was built to minimize as much land loss as possible, but other more important factors where taken into account theree are either no barriers of any kind, or easily avoidable ones.The land used in building the security fence is seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures are already in place to allow every owner to file an objection to the seizure of their land. Moreover, property owners are offered compensation for the use of their land and for any damage to their trees. Contractors are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far, more than 60,000 olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure. In response to dozens of suicide bombings, and daily terrorist attacks against its civilians, Israel decided to construct a security fence near the “Green Line” to prevent Palestinian terrorists from infiltrating into Israel.Israel did not want to build a fence, and resisted doing so for more than 35 years. If anyone is to blame for the construction, it is Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other Palestinian terrorists. Now a large majority of Israelis support the construction of the security fence; in fact, both Jews and Arabs living along the Green Line favor the barrier to prevent penetration by thieves and vandals as well as terrorists. The fence has also caused a revolution in the daily life of some Israeli Arab towns because it has brought quiet, which has allowed a significant upsurge in economic activity.The security fence does create some inconvenience to Palestinians, but it also saves lives. The deaths of Israelis caused by terror are permanent and irreversible whereas the hardships faced by the Palestinians are temporary and reversible.It is not unreasonable or unusual to build a fence for security purposes. Many other nations have fences to protect their borders (the United States is building one now to keep out illegal Mexican immigrants), and Israel already has fences along the frontiers with Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, so building a barrier to separate Israel from the Palestinian Authority is not revolutionary.

It is curved only when viewed from above. When viewed from in front or behind, it is quite straight.

But I sense a bit of unpleasantness towards the Israelis, based perhaps on a lack of knowledge of the extent of terrorist incursions from the West Bank into Israel proper before the barrier was constructed.

And even now, before the barrier has been completed, the terrorists make a long detour before they can intrude though the areas where there is no barrier.

Hundreds of Israeli lives have been saved by this barrier.


I wonder what the asker would say about the advisability of Muslim terror attacks on Israel. Perhaps he could include that in a future question.

We find that certain Arab groups, with a clear self-interest, oppose the security barrier, which was erected to prevent terrorist incursions into Israel. But they have never expressed any opinion on whether that barrier is straight or curved.

Ramadan Shalah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader, has publicly admitted that Israel's security fence is an important obstacle to the terrorist organizations, and that if it weren't there, the situation would be entirely different. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has carried out the greatest number of suicide bombing attacks during the past few years.

So wouldn't the best advice to Israel be that they should complete this security barrier?

Snakes concave irregularly.

I must smile at the audacity of a Buzzer, who blames the security barrier on Israel's alleged desire "to make life intolerable for palestinians [sic]."

Actually, it is because of the Palestinian terrorists that Israel has had to invest so much in building this barrier. The land used in building the security barrier has been seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Legal procedures are already in place to allow every owner to file an objection to the seizure of their land. Moreover, property owners are offered compensation for the use of their land and for any damage to their trees. Contractors are responsible for carefully uprooting and replanting the trees. So far, more than 60,000 olive trees have been relocated in accordance with this procedure.

Moreover, when Buzzer refers to the barrier as a "wall," he is either showing his ignorance or intentionally lying. About six percent of the barrier is actually a wall, and the rest is fencing.

Every effort is being made to exclude Palestinian villages from the area within the barrier and NO TERRITORIES ARE BEING ANNEXED, contrary to the asker’s false claim. The land used in building the security barrier is seized for military purposes, not confiscated, and it remains the property of the owner. Israel is providing agricultural passageways to allow farmers to continue to cultivate their lands, and crossing points to allow the movement of people and the transfer of goods.

The United States is building a barrier along part of its border with Mexico -- merely to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country, not terrorists who seek to murder American citizens. Ironically, the UN, which passed a resolution condemning Israel’s barrier, is building its own barrier to improve security around its New York headquarters.

Israel is correct and has the right to protect itself from terrorism and murder of its citizens.

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