Thursday, June 17, 2010

Someone online claims they will deposit millions of dollars in my bank account. What should I buy first?

I got this email from Angela Tutu in Africa, whose husband died and needs my bank account to deposit his millions of dollars. I am going to be filthy rich!! My hater friend Dave says its a scam, but he's just jealous!! What should I buy first, a future spaceship or a ray gun?

This is the email to prove that its 100% REAL!!!


33 westly street, Johannesburg

South Africa.


With sincerity of purpose I crave your assistance following a satisfactory profile of yours I got, while flipping through your details. I am Mrs. Angela Tutu a fifty-two (52) years oldwife to the late Pedro Tutu who died recently in the on going land dispute In Zimbabwe. Meanwhile, before the death of my husband he had taken me to South Africa to deposit the sum of ($17 Million US Dollar) in a private security company as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe.

You should buy her a ticket to the US so you can kick her butt

first thing to buy?

buy a clue so maybe you'll have one

future spaceship! trust me i like them alot better than the ray guns...the ray guns around here dont work too well

Omigosh! A ray gun for sure. No question!

now wats the word im looking for ummm...

uhhhh.... oh right... SCAM!!!!!

buy food for those in Darfur...

thats funny. i've gotten the EXACT same email and stupid me thought it was a scam. lmao. Just give your bank account number and you should never have any problems again.

The first think you need to buy is a brain. Any one in there right mind knows when reading this that its a SCAM. You can't be that stupid to fall for it. Please tell me your not that stupid??

He has contacted me as well. I thanked him for trusting me, a sranger, with his millions, then I told him to send it in cash, otherwise he could go fly a kite in Africa....never heard from him again!

You r a fool if u give u r bank account and number to them.

They will just take u r bank number and important details and tak e all the money from u r account.I have seen several like cases in my country and we have been warned about them.

Dont do it you will regret it. Its a scam!!!! They take your bank account and drain all your money out of it. This has been a scam thats been going around for awhile now its even been on the news warning people not to do it.

I received a e-mail just like this, I did not do it because it is a scam- don't be silly and give someone you bank account because you will end up with -millions and you are the only one who will have to pay it back. check with your local authorities or a lawyer before you do anything. But again it is a scam.

I got the same e-mail. You are getting scammed, if she wants a bank account why doesn't she just open one herself, I'm sure there plenty of banks that would gladly open her an account to put that nice fat check in.

medical insurance that covers insanity


She wrote me too .2 timing person

If she actually sent money .You would share it with her "fat chance"

If someone was doing this they would find someone they atleast know ..

Scam I seen someone crying the other day after sending them 2,000 dollars

Trust me with your future winfall.

My patented, legally protected, trademarked, copyprotected method is foolproof. You can work from home, your office, the park, wherever! Email all of your friends and recruit them - you're doing them a favor, as soon they too will be rolling in the money. Couldn't grandma and grandpa use some more money in their retirement? Get them involved, they have all the time in the world! The sooner you join the pyramid, the more people you'll have below you, making you lots of $$$.

you will not be able to buy anything because they will clean out your bank account, do you not listen to the news, this is the latest of a number of scams from africa designed to get hold of your bank details and also they will ask for a few grand up front "to be able to transfer the money," you should have deleted this e mail immediately, i know someone who fell for this and was scammed out of get nothing for nothing in this world, you should know that

dont fall into it ! ! ! they only need your accounts ,, lol in one mail i learnt that i won european lottery that i had not attended :) )

Bye yourself a brain, can't you read SCAM all over this, she is wanting you to help her and her family get over to this country, if this is real she has this money she would not need your help she could bye her own way here no problem.

Sorry but your just being sucked right in, I've heard these scams many a times. Good luck, in the end I bet you it costs you money if you go through with this.

Don't say I didn't tell you so.

Man, some people have all the luck. First off-congrats!! Second, I would go out for dinner to celebrate, and over dinner, discuss with your mom things to buy. Maybe you could buy your mom a new leBaron?

Dude, you're so lucky. HIGH FIVE!!! You should like totally use your new found riches to purchase the future spaceship. That would be hella-tight! I'm not really certain what a future spaceship is or how it differs from regular spaceships, but it sounds awesome with a capital 'A'. Don't waste your money on a ray gun. You can get one of those for free by mailing in 3 proofs-of-purchase of Froot Loops.

I got the same e-mail!!!

So we can unite the dollars and buy A CHICKEN!!!

You should buy Yahoo! Answers, then you can be site administrator and ban all the helpful people. Then THE TROLLS WILL RULE!!!! >:D

Dude, a ray gun first! So you can zap those who will try to take your millions.


you let me have it us nerds gota stay together right?

Ooh! This reminded me. I too, have uncounted illegal millions to launder by putting it temporarily into a foreigner's bank account!

Quick, send me all your details and passwords and I'll put my gems into your account. Does.. oh... $4 million sound good to you?

Once I'm done depositing my money, let's buy ourselves a spaceship, pay for someone to develop phasers, and we can totally start the transition of Star Trek from fantasy to reality!

Anyone with me for this revolution can send all their bank account details to me at:

Since neither one of those options exist yet, I would suggest you buy a good Lawyer.

Definitely a future space ship. That doesn't exist right now and you would be able to patent it and rule the Milky Way.

Ray guns have already been developed by the military. And while it would be fun to watch terrorists incinerate, I think owning the galaxy would be more fun.

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