Thursday, December 30, 2010

What is your opinion (if any) about the Islamic Bank of Britain?

Muslims have their own "fully-regulated and Sharia-compliant bank." Do you think this is indicative of the power and influence they now have in this nominally-Christian land? Should we be afraid? Serious comments.

Brilliant question :)

I think it's very worrying. I remember some time back when tiny news stories began appearing about Muslims in the UK being allowed special mortgages that comply with sharia law. I felt very uneasy then - and I'm more uneasy now.

I would react the same way if any other faith had their own banking system, let me add.

Britain is a Christian country. It is one of the most open and 'tolerant' countries in the world and it is being abused. If Muslims want so badly to live by sharia law - and that is of course their right - then there are plenty of countries where sharia law predominates.

Britain is not one of them. At least, not yet......

There are also areas in Britain that have been described as 'Muslim only' - and where sharia law is being used to settle disputes. In addition, the Muslim Council of Great Britain told Tony Blair, back in the aftermath of the London suicide bombings, that they wanted to see MORE sharia law introduced to the UK!

Britain is appeasing Islam. It won't work. Appeasement never does.

If you haven't read it, I think you might enjoy the book LONDONISTAN, by British journalist Melanie Philips. It is an excellent overview of the way in which Britain allowed London to become a recruiting ground for several radical Islamic groups, such as Hizbut Tahrir.


- well said. I agree with you 100%

Sounds like the UK and Canada are more alike than I realised....

no. you don't have to be afraid.

Islamic banking refers to a system of banking or banking activity that is consistent with Islamic law (Sharia) principles and guided by Islamic economics. In particular, Islamic law prohibits usury, the collection and payment of interest, also commonly called riba in Islamic discourse. In addition, Islamic law prohibits investing in businesses that are considered unlawful, or haraam (such as businesses that sell alcohol or pork, or businesses that produce media such as gossip columns or pornography, which are contrary to Islamic values). In the late 20th century, a number of Islamic banks were created, to cater to this particular banking market.

If any 'regular' bank can provide them these options, thn there would be no need for an islamic bank. THere is nothing to worry about.

I'm from Canada, so I don't have a good handle on the problem, and I use the word "problem" because I'm extremely suspicious of ANY religious-based institution growing too large. But I strongly believe Britons should firmly define what is "racist" and what is simply following the law of the land, and not be apologetic for the latter.

I think people in the U.K. are similar to Canadians in their compulsion toward adherence to politeness and hospitality, (well ... maybe the governments are anyway, because they always have ulterior agendas that clash with the people's wishes) but in Canada, we are allowing certain "groups" to have their own way simply because, if the groups feel discriminated against, all they do is cry, "RACISM!' and the Canadians gasp and cave in like a house of cards.

That should be watched, carefully. We have to stand strong for the sake of our laws, that have worked for us from day one. We cannot allow foreign "interests" to enter the country and start changing the way things have always worked well, just for the sake of their religion. Religion is subjective. Laws are for ALL the people.


Interesting question...

The point of a sharia bank is for the fact that Muslims do not use interest... I wouldn't be fearful of it at all. It is just a bank, Muslims can use, because they are not going to be involved in accumulating or paying interest. The money involved in the bank is also Islamically clean, for example not involved in what our religion considers wrong... the business accounts will not be associated with things like alcohol (bars, liquor stores, dance clubs) or other such activities.

If the average western bank provided this service there wouldn't be a need for it.

Here in the US, all I have available to be is what we call a free checking account. I earn no interest from it. I have to pay for my checks ect. I can not though have just a savings account since all savings accounts here deal with interest. I also can never have a mortgage from a western bank or a loan to by a car. All because they include interest. With an Islamic bank, I would have more options open to me.

Being afraid of an Islamic bank is like being afraid of any religiously associated business. Should someone be afraid of a kosher butcher or a halal one? Should be afraid of Christian bookstore? No, no and no. These are just services that are provided to the people of each religion in a way their religion finds appropriate.

Yes, I think we should be very concern.

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