Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Has anyone else noticed that there is no more West Bank?

The way the borders are now, Palestine is over. Gaza Strip is in ruins. There is nothing there. West Bank has already fallen. All the best land is in Israeli control.They've had settlements there for a good while now. They built and continue to build dividing walls, and a whole bunch of them. The Palestines in the West Bank are all divided by these walls so that there are three main Palestinian camps. And dividing walls within those walls. Palestinians in the West Bank are all separated, they can't even move about. Israel controls who gets to go where. If you look on a map, West Bank is not one land piece. West Bank looks likes a bunch of little island cluster's all scattered about. There is no more West Bank. There is no more Palestine. There's only Israel now.

Palestinians should just accept that they are now Israeli. Israeli's should accept them as their own.

Look up Greater Israel. People should at least know what it is they are supporting when they blather on about peace in the Middle East.

Israel is a Zionist State and has no intentions at all of accepting non jews as full citizens.

Only American Idiots believe that Zionists will be controlled, and that is only so because the USA needs an excuse to be in the Middle East, and can only justify it to themselves by supporting the Israeli invasion occupation and genocide in palestine.

No; they shouldn't.

Israel should not be stupid enough to divide land for peace. Just ask the Indians if this is a good idea.

It's all according to God's Devinne plan and is exactly what the Bible says is going to happen.....Praise God!!!

at least there spirit isn't dead......... they will keep fighting.......

WOW! This has all happened already? I took a sabbatical from all news for a while and now I hear this. Praise be to God!

Nobody is welcome except those that profess orthodox Judaism. This is a rejection of the Lord God Jesus Christ.

There is no freedom of religion in Israel.

Walls are the only sure way to cut down on the amount of humans killing each other. Iraq will probably soon be rampant with walls.

Don't forget that far worse things are going on in places like Iraq and Darfur.

Its a pity about the walls, but they do seem to have reduced the suicide bombings a lot.

It would be wonderful if they could all settle down together and live peacefully - but is that a realistic expectation?

If they give lots of land for peace, it may be the old camel-in-the-tent scenario:

Camel wants a foot inside tent, its so reasonable.

Camel wants a leg.

Surely it makes sense to have both legs in tent?

Shouldnt we both be in there?


ouch, bbrrr, its cold out here

Who are the Palestinians anyway? The descendants of semantic people who moved into the area during the time of the Ottoman Empire? How do they differ in any way from Syrians. Jordanians or Saudis? If an Egyptian girl and a Palestinian girl were standing naked in front of you could tell which nationality they were? Why can't they assimilate into those countries. I can understand objecting to being thrown out of your home but why can't they settle as individuals in other countries and save up to buy homes in their old towns as just a person or family?

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