Friday, July 16, 2010

What would be a good objective to write on a resume to obtain a positionas a bank teller?

I am writing a resume and everything is complete except for something that is needed between my information and work experience. I was think of writing an objective or something to basically sum things up. any suggestions? And any suggestions for landing the job will also be welcomed. Thank you!

Take it from a former teller, mention something about how you want to learn all aspects of banking starting with being a teller. If you have any room in your resume also add a few bullets about your qualities, such as being honest and patient - show off your customer service skills because you will have to handle all types of people. If you are germ freak then tellering is not for you - money is very dirty! Good luck!

Good luck!

Objectives are out-of-date. Not many people use them these days, as one's "objective" is alway to get hired!


Depends on you as a person and what you have experiences in like for me I have used

Objective: I enjoy working with the public. The atmoshere gives gives me a very good feeling. My accuracy in currency while working with the public is very good. I am humorous, very cautious, alert, (basically things about you that you think qualifies to be in that position). Good to you.

You can write just that. Objective: "To become a bank teller at X bank". No one will really question as to why you put that there, as that will be part of the interview.

As a bank teller, you'll have to be comfortable talking to people, dealing with them if they're angry or need money, as well as handling money, which can be a tough job. Do you have experience doing any of those things? Or have you had experience with keeping inventory organized? What experiences do you have with dealing with people?

Why do you want to work for X bank? What is it about them that you like instead of Y bank? Have you had good experiences with X bank?

Find out as much as you can about the bank by going to their website and read up on them.

Don't worry! Relax, be confident, be yourself! Good luck.

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