Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why dont the Jews just get out of the West Bank?

the jews were lucky that the west gave thenm israel after ww2....why do they think they have the right to take over land owned by other people?

caliguy_30's answer reads like a fairly typical bit of propaganda. I think I can give a better example. Let's say you live in a house that has been in your family for millenia, then one day a new heavily armed neighbour backed by the biggest mobster in town invades your land, occupies your house and garden, and gives you a tiny scrap of land to live on. Then he builds a wall around you and refuses to let you leave, even to go to work. He then lets other family members of his build their own houses on your land, and frequently has his security men shoot your family members for fun-especially when your kids throw rocks at him in frustration and anger. He also cuts the power/water/gas/food supplies on regular occasions, leaving you freezing & starving. When you manage to smuggle in some rockets and launch them at him, he responds by invading your little scrap of garden and massacring your family with weapons he got from the big mobster, all the while saying he just wants to live in peace but you won't stop attacking him.

Israel doesn't want peace, it wants the total destruction of Palestine.

They don't, they've lived there for decades, some for their whole lives.

they don't yet have the "road map to peace" and don't know the way...soon they will have the easy fold up version for the glove box

Why don't you leave your house ? Because it's yours right ? Same thing with the Jews, that land belongs to them. If anyone should leave it should be the Palestinians. If their Arab neighbors are so concerned about them, let them take them in. God bless.

what other people are you talking about fatty?

In case you forgot, the Middle East declared war on Israel in the 60's and Israel massacred their entire army in 6 days. The West Bank was taken by Israel during the fighting. Israel has every right to West Bank.

They don't get out because the people who are asking them to leave are people who don't think Israel has any right to exist at all, and who also have this little habit of blowing themselves up on buses and in grocery store. is that the type of person you would be willing to give land next door to?

The west? Try the U.N., genius, in which YOUR country participates.

That's called not taking over land belonging to other people. It's called following a world organization's wishes.

Get real. Your ignorance is actually giving off a smell right now.

Boy, nice revisionist BS here.

Israel wasn't 'given' the West Bank by the west.

They took it over during the six day war in 1967. You know, the one where the Arabs got their asses handed to them even though they attacked first?

The same reason you're not giving up your land to any Native American that comes knocking on your door saying it was his at one time.

If you buy a house next door to mine where i have lived for 30 years ... and I start harassing you because i simply don't like you being there, i'd rather have a friend or a guy with the same political view or religion as mine live there. If I start trashing your place and even attacking you secretly. Lets say you have more power than i do and you are stronger than i am ... wouldn't you take control of some of my yard? for example the part of my yard where i hide all my weapons? or the one where i launch all my attacks against you from?

Well Friend Israel / palestine is the exact same thing.

The same way you want to live in peace and prevent me from disturbing you ... Israel does the same. until palestinians guarantee total peace and non aggression against Israel and accept Israel as neighbor... it will not change.

The Same Reason That The Europeans Will Not Leave The US

Well, this is the same person who thinks the BNP aren't racist, so what sort of ignorance did you expect?

Why don't the Palastinians stop sending kids with bombs in their packpacks into Israel?

Why don't the Palestinians just get a clue that the Israelis are not going anywhere, and concentrate on using all that foreign aid they've been given (mostly by the West) to make better lives for themselves and their children, instead of investing it in rockets to kill Israelis? If the situation were reversed, the Israelis would have taken that money and invested it in hard work and commerce, and by now they'd own half the area anyhow.

Because they want the land there for living space. Why else?

International law states that land won in a defensive war belongs to the conqueror. In 1967 Israel was attacked by 5 neighboring arab countries. Israel fought them off and won even more land. It is legally theirs.

The other thing to keep in mind is that In 2005 as a good will gesture in order to win peace, Israel returned a portion of it's 1967 winnings to the Arabs. It is called Gaza, and since the week after Israel withdrew, the arabs have been firing thousands of rockets from the very land that Israel handed them. So explain why Jews should get out of the west bank.

The West Bank was won in a military victory.

Ever hear of the United States? How do you think we got our land?

Jews for Jesus - YAY!

Because America is behind the Jews .

Zinoist rule this world.

Why do you think we hate the Mid-East?

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